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Messages - Darkgrave

Quote from: Vellos on June 11, 2011, 05:20:05 PM5. Why does sex create babies?

Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
June 08, 2011, 05:28:40 PM
You and all your lovely gold....  ;)
Background / Re: Slavery in Medieval Europe
June 06, 2011, 02:57:29 PM
Quote from: Shizzle on June 06, 2011, 02:54:17 PM
Haha, I do like Madina :) I considered hopping over even!

What I meant was that slave trading fits into the whole piracy concept :)

Feel free! We could use the nobles!  ;)

Take offence at that language... We're privateers! :P
Background / Re: Slavery in Medieval Europe
June 06, 2011, 02:49:45 PM
Quote from: Shizzle on June 06, 2011, 11:24:28 AM
Well, it's not because slavery would be allowed by the game mechanics, that all realms would do so. A gracious balance of benefits and disadvantages might just create a realistic setting, where a minority of realms maintains a slave population.

Madina, for example :)

You really don't like us do you?  :(
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
June 06, 2011, 02:42:54 PM
Quote from: Shizzle on June 06, 2011, 02:38:44 PM
Strike sinkingly? Madina goes submarine, ftw :P

*Music from jaws plays*  :D
Quote from: Gustav Kuriga on June 06, 2011, 01:49:50 PM
This. Unless you have suddenly become the embodiment of Tom, and know his innermost thoughts and feelings, then please stop acting like you know what he will do.

Let them have their fun. They're not hurting anyone and it makes a nice change to the normal "SA rules." "No it doesn't" "Yes it does" crap.  :)
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
June 06, 2011, 02:30:26 PM
Quote from: Galvez on June 06, 2011, 12:59:29 PM
You should not promote people to join a sinking ship.  :D

Who said anything about sinking... We're just biding our time waiting for the right moment to strike.  ;D
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
June 06, 2011, 11:33:39 AM
Quote from: Shizzle on June 06, 2011, 11:20:14 AM
Yes. I feel like me and Shane 'Shin' Shenron are the only active players in Fissoa. And some adventurers.

You can alway join Madina...  ;)
Feature Requests / Re: Navies?
June 06, 2011, 11:28:43 AM
Quote from: Bedwyr on June 05, 2011, 11:03:50 PM
Sea combat and navies are Frequently Asked, Frequently Rejected features, if for no other reason than coding it would be an absolute nightmare.

It might be worth putting this on the relivent pages on the wiki and such like then as there was no evidence of it ever having been suggested before when I checked.
Feature Requests / Navies?
June 05, 2011, 11:00:40 PM
Sorry if this is in the wrong place feel free to move it. I have looked high and low on the wiki for any evidence of this ever being discussed and have found none so will post it here and see what the reaction is.
The idea of a navy for BM came to me this morning in the shower, oddly enough. I play in Madina on Dwilight, great realm for the record, and much of the roleplaying done as well as the theme behind the realm is based around the idea of pirates. Now I did some thinking about the idea of a navy as an idea and I believe it has some merit. Idea as follows:

1.   It would allow realms based off of islands, such as Madina and D'hara on Dwilight and the Obsidian Islands on the East Continent, to play a bigger part in the conflicts that occur across the continent from them.
2.   It would add a new dimension to conflicts and to trade.  The ability to transport food right across a continent or to embargo said trade of food would allow for different trade routes to develop and this could affect diplomacy as having a powerful ally provide you with food would mean that your realm no longer has to support the closer realms which provided you with food.
3.   Would allow for amphibious landings on enemy shores which would change the way campaigns would be planned and could affect wars by offering smaller nations a way to strike larger nations right where it hurts.

As far as the ship unit itself would work I based the rough idea I had off the existing units used in combat. Follows a rough outline of how I think it could work:

Crew – The number of men serving on a ship. Could have an upper limit depending on the size of a ship and a minimum needed to crew it. This could be expanded upon so that the crew could be made up to have all the normal characteristics of a fairly weak unit (infantry?) who could then be used as a landing party and act as a normal unit but only land in regions attached to the "sea" where their ship was based. Would allow looting and the like.
Hull strength – The level of damage that the ship has sustained. Similar to weapon damage but with a handful of obvious differences, like the fact if it was at 100% the ship would sink. Would suffer each turn from attrition and from battles.
Offensive weapon power (name?) – Like the number of cannons (or equivalent) on a ship or something? Would affect the damage it could cause to other ships. Could be, for cannons, the number and the calibre.
Sails – Would affect the speed the ship could move or something. Also would have a strength, like the hull strength, which would increase over time and could be damaged in battle. 100% damage could lead to being "dead in the water"

These are just some ideas I came up with off the top of my head and expanded on a bit while writing this. No idea as too classes of ship or how easy/hard this would be to code. Splitting the islands surrounding waters into "regions" or "seas" would also have to happen. No idea if this would work but thought I'd throw it out there anyway. Feel free to comment/criticise ect.  :)
My Dream is that Madina will get it acts together and end up defeating Aurvandil and reclaiming its lands. I'd also quite like to have the Grand Duchy of Fissoa incorparated into the realm too. A sorta massivly powerful southern state.

And as a new player with no respect for tradition the first thing to go with be that bloody constitution....
Dwilight / Re: Madina needs YOU!
June 03, 2011, 09:28:16 PM
Just joined Madina after seeing this thread. What, if any, are the plans for Madinas future? And what about its very public war on SA?
Slight glitch with my sister being mad and using the same password, which she knows, for everything means I'm now playing as the Darkgrave Family rather than the *now deleted* von Ironkreigs.  :( Ah well. I get to be in Madina now where there is lots of fun to be had....  ;D