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Messages - Brian2103

BM General Discussion / Re: Famous Old Characters
December 18, 2015, 07:43:17 AM
Pretty good list. A few left out, but I can't remember their names anymore. (God I'm old.) I would say there should probably be a Zog or two on there.
BM General Discussion / Re: Character limit changes
October 30, 2015, 01:17:50 AM
This is a poorly conceived idea. The mass exodus of nobles will cause some realms to collapse entirely, and I'm fairly sure there will be no mass influx of nobles to compensate. I know I will not be among any such influx, as I have no desire to play on the other continents for various reasons. However, I do like playing the number of characters I do at the moment. Unfortunately for me, I will be finding the game far less enjoyable due to this exercise of ignoring player feedback. If you want to stop players from having two characters in a realm to artificially support themselves, create a one character per realm rule rather than this overbearing and unnecessary restriction.

For adventurers, if you have a noble on the continent as well, what's the point of playing an adventurer and getting them to noble status? Just so they can emigrate from the continent they just supported for their entire career? And for a roleplaying game, where is the concern for the arbitrary violation of many player's long RP lines for the sake of this no-improvement change?

We come down to the fact that there is no background set of guidelines governing the direction of the game. What is the priority? Are the devs here to make the game fun... support the roleplaying element rather than using it merely as a tagline... keep the game running long-term... create a player first atmosphere... inspire a social community of tolerance and equality... treat their players with dignity and respect... I don't know honestly, because this decision stands out as being in stark contrast to everything I just listed. 13 years of playing this game mostly uninterrupted, and this is the first decision I've seen that's made we want to make it my last.
BM General Discussion / Re: Coming home to this
October 18, 2014, 01:10:40 AM
That sucks.
BM General Discussion / Re: Being A Ruler
October 18, 2014, 01:09:40 AM
Quote from: Chamberlain on September 21, 2014, 09:48:54 PM
Defo - lol - couldn't imagine the stress of being a Tezokian and running half the known world

True that.