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Messages - Leroux

Roleplaying / [CRP] Along our Journey
August 19, 2020, 10:58:24 PM
“I give up, what's the point they won't listen, let's go Lucia.” The council meeting had gone as well as she expected, Poorly. She sensed the anger simmering within her It left a bitter taste in her mouth to think she wasted an hour’s of her time arguing back and forth for a simple right that's all Nobles had, part of her wondered if it was because she was a  born adventurer  and not a noble by birth.

Lucia stood in front of her arms crossed her armour reflecting the dim sunlight coming through the stained windows,  her own  knight in shining  Armour. “ You're the lady Regent, how can you live without an income, you are you meant to beg for gold,  it's disgusting“ Delilah offered Lucia a half-hearted shrug as she brushed past her. Maybe it was her own naivete at the idea that honesty would prevail in any argument and yet here she was  as lady Regent to do her Duty the sword Fell. “I know you mean well Lucia but this is a republic not a tyranny and what the people say hey we're in this case the council is to be  honoured” As she walked down the hallways of the Castle she sighed quietly and took a few deep breaths to soothe the anger that simmered within her at the injustice  that she perceived.

Lucia quickly caught up with Delilah, she walked a few paces behind Delilah and glared at any cleric that got too close to them. Delilah couldn't help but smile at Lucia's  devotion,   ever since Delilah had been bitten by monsters that had gotten past their defence stance, Lucia had become zealous in her protection,  Delilah wondered if maybe she felt guilty for the scars that run up  her Arms. she's the opposite of My Father  Delilah thought,  but she could admire her for that.   They kept walking  until her thoughts simply melted away,   her eyes would catch random glimpses of odd brickwork or the Look of an anxious cleric holding too many scrolls in his arms,  eventually her thoughts fell onto  the senate House itself to,  it hadn't been used in  it a long time  and barely anyone walked it's corridors apart from a few  clerics and cleaners.

Delilah stopped and looked out of a window the sun was slowly setting, a golden Horizon orange clouds painted around it call to her.  she smiled faintly as the memories being knee-deep in mud setting up a tent and watching as the sunset came back to her.

“Come on ,let's get out of here Lucia I need some fresh air”

((ooc: ((Sorry for the strange format but the letter e EE isn't working on my keyboard so I'm using the voice to type and sometimes it just doesn't understand me I hope you enjoy this first post on the story of the  Delilah))
Development / Re: Adventurer Subclasses/New abilities
October 16, 2019, 05:30:42 PM
What about subclasses that affect the chance of finding sages/wizards etc (So those that repair, sell scrolls etc)


Proffessional Hunter - Requirement - A % of adventuring skill and gear - This subclass offers a reduction in time spent to hunt, so usually the time required to hunt goes up. This is reduced and you have a reduced chance of being 'wounded' and instead will be lightly wounded. However it reduces your chance of finding common and boring items when 'searching' for them.

Trinket Collector- Requirement - % of adv gear - This subclass offers you a better chance of finding itesm when searching for them, militia and wasting time is reduced in occurance and you have a higher chance of finding unique items. When clearing monster/undead lairs you have a chance of finding the buried treasures (on top of what you find), however you spend more time hunting.

Lone Wanderer - Requirement % of skill and gear - This subclass offers you the ability to travel quicker, (reduced travel time) you are able to mix into the masses and avoid paying tax (reduced chance of paying taxes, selling items , travel fee etc) Being a lone wanderer however you travel lightly (higher chance of being lightly wounded).

(Each subclass could have a drawback, like a critical failure e.i the collector while seasrching for items could be caught by militia and thrown into jail for wondering into a restricted area. The Hunter could get lost while travelling or spend longer travelling because they got lost., The wanderer could get taxed extra if they sneak into town.)

I dunno just some ideas that relate back to adventureus

Perhaps one that can keep low % unique items from deteritaing past a %
Helpline / Re: imprisonment to other realm
July 21, 2017, 06:46:42 PM
I see. So in short even if said noble is alone with no unit he/she will always have the guards.

I thought as it ws within gorans realm hed be sent to thst prison. Not shipped off to the other one.
Oki many thanks for quick answer
Helpline / imprisonment to other realm
July 21, 2017, 06:32:20 PM
So I have a question. My char Goran went after another infiltrator in gorans realm. It failed. He was captured, even though the enemy noble had no guards he was sent to the enemy prison instead of his own. Is this normal if so.. howdoes such work ... id undetstamd the enemy noble having a unit such could capture... but alone and in gorams own realm.

Helpline / Re: Switching allegiance of a capital
April 16, 2017, 12:47:39 PM
I just noticed the newbie sub forum xD I think this should be there :P
Helpline / Switching allegiance of a capital
April 16, 2017, 12:40:20 PM
Quick question, is it possible to switch the allegiance of a single state realm, so its the capital  Or is that not possible ?
East Island / Re: First Oligarch, ending or not?
April 07, 2017, 07:37:14 PM
Yeah wish me luck in that one, leading anything isn't particularly my strong point xD But yeah, gotta play the character so don't have much of a choice, any advice ?
East Island / Re: First Oligarch, ending or not?
March 27, 2017, 12:50:40 PM
Why hello there people, that would be me ! Goran *chuckles*

I suppose I should keep an eye out here ? Seeing as somehow Iv'e been dumped with responsibilities :P