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Messages - Schancke

Development / Re: Archer targeting
October 13, 2018, 09:30:30 AM
I am still annoyed by this issue. It leads to obviously unnatural behaviour in battle.

The aim of the implementation on new archer targeting was to cancel out the tactic applied in EC war with putting a single cannon fodder at front to preserve the rest, resulting in an overkill on that unit.

Now, front unit will only we dealt 10-20% damage before the archers pick targets further back. Archers will even advance and break the ranks to hit units further back, than to hold ground and attack enemies within range.

Also, if a small unit is deployed furthest down at the back of the enemies line, it will receive a massive overkill.  In this way, the changes implemented corrected one wrong by adding several.

If the aim of this targeting was to annul the tactics in EC war, I suggest the algorithm is revisited to reduce the unwanted effects.
If I am mistaken, and the aim was to reduce archers efficiency in general, a more generak nerf e.g. on damage dealt would be preferred by me.

Development / Re: Archer targeting
August 10, 2018, 11:04:04 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 10, 2018, 07:25:05 AM
Maybe it's his way of saying time to grab infantry.

It should be done in a RP-event.
Like "All archer RCs on the Beluaterra are suffering from a contagious variant of Parkinsons disease"   :D

Not objecting against adjusting efficiency of archers, but I think we should try to keep as much realistic begaviour in battle as possible.
Development / Re: Archer targeting
August 10, 2018, 07:20:08 AM
Quote from: Zakky on August 07, 2018, 11:22:27 PM
They need to be nerfed and that's it. They should be worse against both humans and rogues. Being worse against rogues will help both BT and Dwi to shed some realms.

They are already !@#$ vs rogues:

- Don't fire on enemies within range the first turn
- Sprays missiles among available targets on the row furthest back.

Hell, this morning they did not even bother to fight the rogues, but let the monsters kill peasants, the undead hurt production and damage the fortifications. I assume that is a bug, though.

@Anaris: If the recent update was about increasing the ratio of units to target the enemy on the front line before moving on to targets further back, I do not notice much difference.
In the most recent battle, the front line unit suffered only about 15 % casualties the first round...quite far from an overkill.
Development / Re: Archer targeting
August 06, 2018, 09:52:10 PM
Quote from: Medron Pryde on July 31, 2018, 10:08:08 PM
Would it be possible to make militia archers go scattergories when it comes to targeting enemies while noble-led archers are more accurate and focused?  I don't know how the code handles them, so don't know if they can be separated in that way, but if they can that may be a good idea.

For the case for my character currently in Ete City, that would not be fitting. The city gets hit by between 2 - 15 k CS of rogues every turn. Every soldier is a veteran by any measure.
Both militia and noble commended units just keep wasting their arrows on enemies in the back lines (at very reduced efficiency)- allowing the front units to advance and climb the walls.
Why would they do that?

To top it off, archer militia often can't find targets within their range the first turn

EDIT:  Did not read about the recent changes - I am eagerly anticipating tomorrow mornings battle!
Development / Archer targeting
July 22, 2018, 09:05:10 PM
Among the April changes were the altering of the archer targeting algorithm.

I assume this was a response to tactics in the stalemate war on East Continent.
It appears that archers now distribute randomly amont available targets, and I believe the game would benefit from further tweaking of this algorithm.
As a Lord of a heavily battered city on Beluaterra I daily see stupid and irrational archer behavior due to this change.

- Archers not shooting at units within range.
- Archers ignoring the huge enemy unit at the gates, and rather aiming for weak units further back - with the added the cost of reduced efficiency.

Is it worth considering making the archer targeting a little more intelligent?
Quote from: Zakky on November 25, 2016, 10:35:13 AM
Inactivity kills even the largest realms...

But how do such a mighty realm full of active players become inactive in such a short time?
You were stomping your might feet all over Xavax just a few months ago?
Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
November 11, 2016, 09:59:18 AM
Quote from: Zakky on November 10, 2016, 08:24:27 PM
I am sorry to say your observation is wrong. Eidulb has been getting hit with monsters almost every day. It didn't get attacked like for one day over the past month. The size varies however. Mostly monsters attack in 8~9k CS. When there are more, they do hit the city with 20k CS occasionally.

I am relieved, too swamped in domestic monster battles to even notice the ones in Eidbuld. Ignorant of me..
Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
November 10, 2016, 07:46:57 PM
Quote from: Anaris on September 12, 2016, 08:14:23 PM
No extra aggression has been added, nor has the number or strength of monsters being spawned been increased. The recent change in code was a straight-up nerf to the monsters, with most of the effect being on the ones in the East.

It is quite interesting.
At the turning from summer to autumn, we have about 70 k CS of rogues in our lands.
I can't remember this amount seen in summers earlier, and I wonder how it will be come winter.

Although it's hard to compare our slaying rate, It's not like we've been sitting back and letting the monsters take over, and my char fights in at average one battle every second turn, with many characters at the same level.

The monster groups seems less intent to travel eastwards through Eidulb or Yggdramir than before.
All monsters leaving a region does not stop takeovers, as new monsters arrive from other regions at turn change.

Could recent code changes explain my observations?
Beluaterra / Re: Battle of Heen
October 31, 2016, 11:11:08 AM
It did go horribly bad.

One infantry unit kept our ranged SF and several archer units from participating in both melee (too crowded) and ranged combat for two turns.
Will it always work that way?

East Island / Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
October 19, 2016, 04:24:31 PM
Quote from: Constantine on October 19, 2016, 04:07:33 PM
Well, I really think that if Caligus didn't want to withdraw from that war they wouldn't have. It's kinda naive to believe people wage wars on the grounds of morality and compassion.

...but then there are those strange, quirky characters that doesn't wage war solely on the single, strict criteria; that no realm should aspire to control more than two cities. 
Madness :D
East Island / Re: Sages and Wizards
October 13, 2016, 01:47:52 PM
Usually three sages roaming around in Westgard lands:

Shyasmos, Tiniysa and a third one.

Are sages rare on the east part of the continent?
East Island / Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
October 03, 2016, 03:11:43 PM
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 28, 2016, 10:37:48 PM

Selenia: I want to do the thing.
Kinsey: You must not do the thing.
Sayuki: General Selenia, what are your orders? Hail, Xerarch Kinsey! Wait, who is what?
Godric: For glory we MUST do the unreasonable thing!
Aramon: Perhaps we should do the more reasonable thing.
Kin: This is somehow the Wine Trader's fault...
Iuz: We must not do the thing.
Selenia: I still want to do the thing.
Sayuki: You are all wrong, and if I'd been at the reins, we'd defeated Perdan, Caligus AND Oligarch within the week that has passed since my return.

Dwilight / Re: Astrum vs Westgard
October 02, 2016, 12:04:34 AM
Well then, game on  8)

But I have a question and a remark,
Is it customary  to announce a war in the forums before it happens IG? Sort of ruins the surprise and has many players react in character to information they don't actually possess IG.

I am one of those that probably won't go play on the east side of Dwilight. I've spent time and energy on the very basic tasks of figthing monsters. Although progress is nigh, it's where my history on Dwilight lies, and it's quite different from my two other characters. Not sure if I have the interest/time to restart in an environment much more alike EC and Beluaterra.
Dwilight / Re: Astrum vs Westgard
September 30, 2016, 09:28:23 AM
As a player in Westgard, I'm a little surprised to learn this at the forums.
My characters mind is obviously elsewhere, fighting monsters in his sleep.
East Island / Re: Greater Xavax Imperium
September 10, 2016, 10:11:34 AM
Quote from: Zakky on September 10, 2016, 12:26:25 AM
Talk to them often. Give them powerful positions, make them think they are important.

*goes searching for 15 powerful positions.