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Messages - Chamberlain

Okay.... so I have a question.

Having been the Ruler of Oligarch during one of the most ridiculous gang situations ever I fully get the idea of trying to restrict this sort of thing happening again.

I get how alliance restrictions work and how secret sects and societies shouldn't be used as defacto alliances. However how does that wash with religions. Particularly active religions can be somewhat aggressive in their pursuit of their religious adversaries, this easily could be a strong reason for a war of annihilation and incorporate many not necessarily allied states who share that dogma... eg. Tnink of the twelfth century crusades, Italian principalities who had fought one another, English, Germanic states, Austria, French, Spanish, all natural enemies at the time unite in the name of the church.
Development / Re: Pets for adventurers
May 09, 2020, 02:32:27 AM
My advise woulda been happy riding a goat...
East Island / Re: Kudos to Dodger
February 23, 2017, 11:37:21 AM
Lol generally speaking if you know nothing I will know less
East Island / Kudos to Dodger
February 23, 2017, 05:08:19 AM
Its taken some doing but finally someone has thrown a tiger in the pigeons never mind a cat!!

The mess of alliances has to start to unravel one way or another and that can all only be good for the continent.

Well done... you look like succeeding where so many have failed... unless Qu'Ardan comes back again and you are dethroned lol
Would it be feasible to archive them on the Wiki? -  it already accesses. Some info from realm data for example.
Feature Requests / Re: Bulk buy adventure gear
January 05, 2017, 07:41:56 PM
The Advie is still limited by skill.

25% skill is still 25% regardless of whether your gear is 26% or 96%.

Advies would still need to train and adventure... it just means they would have more useful hours to do so.
BM General Discussion / Re: war island rant
January 05, 2017, 07:20:15 PM
I don't know if you are being deliberately inflammatory Victor but I must assume you aren't.  I know very well what BM is and have played long enough to know about little things like strategy.

I was not angry. I am not angry but your words are pushing my buttons now.

The game is a game and it is what it is. But this incarnation if war island has been a mess because it has been overly policed we need to learn from that.

Your words about noble count and gold availability are also completely moot. We had 5 regions a piece to start with that is ample to give 25 nobles an income. As to ongoing gold with more nobles your potential to take over regions more quickly is higher too.

Refrain from telling me what you think and how I feel because you really are off the mark and don't know.  Answer my points if you want to but I would appreciate you keeping your answers to what is said rather than what you have decided to infer.
Feature Requests / Bulk buy adventure gear
January 05, 2017, 06:43:20 PM

This may have been suggested before but if not...

Like the title says. Allow adventurers to bulk buy improvements to combat/adventure gear. Perhaps offer bundles of 5% or 10%

Currently Advies spend an hour haggling over an item that is 1% better then another hour haggling over another 1%.... I may be misunderstanding things but surely it would be more realistic for said advie to go in and say I have 20 gold can I get a 5% upgrade which I will haggle over for an hour instead of spending 5 hours over each 1% upgrade to achieve the same thing.

PRO's - saves advie hours for more interesting things such as hunting and sleeping lol.

EXPLOITS - I guess an advie might sell an item to a 'friendly' noble for over the odds and be gifted more money than they should be allowing them to progress their gear faster than is appropriate... however this should even out over time regardless... they'd still need to train.
BM General Discussion / Re: war island rant
January 05, 2017, 06:22:34 PM
Don't be silly, sarcasm is unnecessary.

The way an island develops is organic. The way it starts is controlled.  The start should be even with regard to factors that can be controlled. Noble count is the most important factor and should have been even.
BM General Discussion / Re: war island rant
January 05, 2017, 06:08:08 PM
Quote from: Vita on January 05, 2017, 03:37:56 PM
And there are 31 new players (not counting the 3 new characters of ex-sandalak players) who joined Ikalak, of their own free choice, compared to the 20 who started in Ikalak as victors of the previous round. There were more characters started of their own free choice than were randomly distributed victors.

We strove to balance the realms as best as possible with various measurements and if it wasn't noble count being complained about, someone would complain about some other metric not being exactly equal between realms. No matter how the victors are redistributed, we won't be able to achieve 100% equality between each realm.

Have to disagree Vita. Noble count is the single most important factor in any realm. And Ikalak started with 25. It was the other two who were 21 and 20 respectively. Most other concerns would have been way less obvious as a distinction  to other players - gold would have balanced within a couple of tax days... I don't know what the issue was for you with gold. 

Think of it this way. If nobody else had come to play the war island other than those reallocated from the first. Which realm had the best options of victory...? anybody can see the realm with the most nobles has the highest chance of winning.

If you were concerned about gold surely the sensible option was to give everyone - say 500 gold to start and leave it at that.

And of the new I would be unsurprised if the majority were not the same families that JeVondair has managed to get playing in Xavax... He's a a tour de force on recruitment recently and good on him for that.  But regardless the tilt was wrong from the start and if you are truly honest with yourself you know that.

BM General Discussion / Re: war island rant
January 05, 2017, 05:51:59 PM
Quote from: Zakky on January 05, 2017, 12:48:48 PM
The problem is, your current character Jane Fletcher survived the last war island as a reward. You won the island so you were allowed to keep your character. Unfortunately, Taselakians were allowed to keep their characters as well. That is why this new rule appeared to prevent the situation repeating itself.

For this island, only the people who bring victory to their original realm will get to keep their characters. Think of it this way. Upon your defeat, Ikalakians are on the hunt to kill all remaining nobility of Sandalak. Nobody is stopping anyone from creating a new character. The issue is, people wanting to keep their old character despite losing.

Yes, it is frustrating for losers to lose their characters but how is it fair to players of previous iteration who lost their characters for losing? It is just happening in the middle instead at the end for this iteration. Wish this was made more clear at the beginning since it seems people take it as a slap in the face but that will be the rule going forward.

It doesn't bother me a jot Taselak nobles were carried forward from last island. It wouldn't have bothered me if ikalak nobles went forward from the last island too. ( Except Nuumbarra lol) were there complaints about that -  if there were I didn't clock them.

As to the reward system the devs made clear in their list who was original and who were new additions etc also.

I'd sooner have seen everyone die in the volcano than the mess that there is now with good players leaving the game completely because they feel so aggrieved.

And you're right there is a lot of stuff should have been made  a lot more clear at the start .
BM General Discussion / Re: war island rant
January 05, 2017, 06:17:02 AM
Quote from: Zakky on January 05, 2017, 01:01:56 AM
You can still join other realms by deleting your current character and creating a new one.

Why? Because only winners get to keep their characters. Once your realm dies you are considered a loser.

It is a way to limit the number of characters that will enjoy the benefit of winners for the next round.

It's complete semantics - delete your character and make a new one in the realm that you aren't allowed to join your old character to? - how ridiculous is that?

- There is some concern that people will just join what they see as the likely winning side... this may be true but isn't changed by draconian rule making - if people want to join the proposed winning side they will with a different character - or worse still a respawned same character name...

This version of war Island has been overly ruled from day one - its a game which is supposed to be fun not a police state lol - too many rules and too much interference from outside the actual playing of the game is what leads to dis-satisfaction and this type of thread and the whole idea that there is an alternative agenda to what has been happening.

Day one should have dawned with either no carry forwards at all or people distributed evenly based on numbers... it will always be a bugbear that Ikalak started out with 20% more nobles than the other 2 - noble count is always going to be the biggest influencing factor of all and please don't pretend you don't know that.

East Island / Re: Magic On EC
December 29, 2016, 04:56:50 AM
I'm not sure you can fully argue against magic on EC based on the low fantasy aspects of the game, though I am with you that magic is becoming way too common.  Rogue groups have always been monsters or undead... this is kind of the stuff of fantasy anyway.... it could have been something tribal or bandits/pirates but the devs from day one chose the fantastical

I think it is more the range of different scrolls suddenly available.

A couple of years back I recall only really seeing summoning scrolls, now there are scrolls with numerous different powers that maybe beef up the advy game, but when it has direct effect on nobles I'm not really sure its a good thing.

I'd sooner see scrolls that effect regions... eg. poison crops to lower production... alternatively boost crops.  damage morale or increase morale... these would fit more with low fantasy as they could essentially be recipes for fertilisers or LSD in the well... I'd also prefer to see magic only used by certain classes... eg. priest and infiltrators to beef up that side of the game a little.

Kind of going off topis here.

There is too much 'magical' magic to truly call BM low fantasy in my opinion, and that is because there is too much magic to directly effect nobles.  I agree also fine for BT... not so sure for EC
East Island / Re: Quick Rundown
December 10, 2016, 02:49:28 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on December 09, 2016, 08:40:47 PM
Hah yes. I wonder why I remembered Obsidion Islands and not Shadowdale..

Probs because it is still basically a duchy if Sirion... especially without Luciferase Mayhem at the Helm.
East Island / Re: Quick Rundown
December 09, 2016, 07:01:12 PM
Quote from: Wimpie on December 08, 2016, 02:18:00 PM

I think I have all of them.