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Messages - Ravier Nebehn

South Island / Re: Sandalak: Home of Prestige and Honor!
December 22, 2014, 06:51:27 AM
Quote from: Kai on December 13, 2014, 03:36:24 AM
Then update the wiki.

Why are you laughing? is it funny to hide information from players and then be smug about it?

Clearly there's a big Dev conspiracy here.  ::)
Aero just executed him a second time. I swear if it turns out that just an arm or leg was lopped off - even with Priests banishing the assassin's soul by his side - then it is very clear that the Tassies are using dark magicks.
Tarrin will join this endeavor!

Edit: And I feel like roleplaying him as a bard.
East Island / Re: Chaos!
November 06, 2014, 04:21:44 PM
And another region switches allegiance. Any more for any more?
Helpline / Religion Founder issues?
November 06, 2014, 04:20:08 PM
Anyone else having a couple of problems with being a religion founder? I'm unable to change the name and other details of the rank - and when I stepped down to another elder rank to see if I could edit it that way, clicking "reaffirm as founder" just gives me a blank page with no changes.

Already posted to the tracker, I'm just wondering if anyone else is having these particular problems.
Dwilight / Re: Fabula Nova Crystallis
October 20, 2014, 08:12:59 PM
It's been established today so the name's stuck. :P
Dwilight / Fabula Nova Crystallis
October 20, 2014, 07:26:18 PM
I'll put this up here just as a basic primer to the religion. When I have more time, I'll flesh it out some more on the Wiki as well. Unfortunately, a couple of bugs have reared their head regarding the Founder status of the religion as well, but they're reported and all.

Viktor, being a former preacher on EI before emigrating, desired to go back to his old ways. As such, after corresponding with the new Patriarch of House Nebehn he has decided to establish a religion glorifying the God of Light, Bhunivelze. As such, these are the Gods in Fabula Nova Crystallis.

Bhunivelze - the God of Light. Created the Universe as we know it in two halves - the Seen and Unseen Realms. After this monumental undertaking, he slept in crystal for millennia and has now awakened to continue the oversight of his creations, correcting their errors and so forth. Before slumbering, he created three minor deities to look after things for him.

Etro, the Unseen - she who guides the souls of the dead to the Unseen Realm, to keep them safe for all eternity.
Pulse, the Architect - he who forged the land, filled the oceans and created the inhabitants to live upon them.
Lindzei, the Protector - she who protects humanity from Chaos.

Like I say, when time permits I'll flesh it out properly on the Wiki. But at least a discussion thread can be started.
Questions & Answers / Re: Pornographic Content
October 16, 2014, 07:11:02 PM
Quote from: Anaris on October 16, 2014, 06:08:01 PM
This has already been reported to the Titans, and is under discussion.

Personally, I believe that the messages being sent by this particular player are beyond what should be considered acceptable in a game like this. However, it's a decision for the Titans to make together, so please don't consider that an official statement at this point. :)

Oh, of course not. It's up to the Titans to make the call. I already had Aero take action on an IC level with a ban because.. well, Aero's a hanging Judge and hearing tales of consorting with beasts (as well as other lawbreaking) gave him ample reason. But I thought on it on an OOC level and was considering whether it needed to be referred for further action. Clearly someone also was thinking the same.

Quote from: Chénier on October 16, 2014, 06:28:51 PM
Indeed, prior cases of such content, although usually more erotic in nature, have usually left people on the fence. On one hand, this game isn't meant for six year olds. On the other, there's a limit of tolerence to tastelessness.

That's why I was asking, it felt like it was one of those "on the fence" topics and I was hoping to get some guidance on what the game community feels is "too far". Obviously, the more taboo facets of this are easily worth reporting to the Titans, it's just those grey areas unfortunately.

Quote from: Anaris on October 16, 2014, 06:55:04 PM
That's absolutely correct, and worth amplifying a bit:

Reporting someone to the Titans is not, in itself, an act of punishment. Reporting someone (with a clear explanation of why) just says you think there might be something bad going on there, and want the Titans to look into it and make an official decision.

This is not to say you should spam them with reports, but if you truly, honestly believe that something is at least seriously questionable, then by all means, report it. The Titans can't act on what they don't know about.

Questions & Answers / Pornographic Content
October 16, 2014, 05:40:16 PM
I have a question regarding the above kind of content. If someone posts a message or an RP involving an out-and-out pornographic scene (e.g. depicting the rape of someone/something), would it be wiser to ask the Titans to look into it for any breaches in the SC, or just to have it peer-reviewed as part of the Vulgarity system?

And before anyone says - no, it's not a case of thin skin with the messages in Sandalak recently, I'm genuinely curious what the best way to go about it would be.
Quote from: vonGenf on October 01, 2014, 05:38:16 PM
Poitiers is in Nivemus.

So it is. I must still think Westmoor exists or something. :P
I'm assuming that the whole "elections" talk is a miscommunication because Lords are appointed in Eponllyn. And I've seen no messages today or yesterday saying a new Lord had been appointed to that region, unless it's still in the planning stages?
Feature Requests / Re: Fine amounts
September 29, 2014, 06:19:47 AM
Quote from: Eduardo Almighty on September 29, 2014, 03:49:57 AM
That's all just because Dürion laughed when he was fined in 50 gold having 6600 with him? I'm so proud :)
He will spend everything with hookers and blackjack. And beer and weed  8)

The question is, will you get your own blackjack, with hookers? ;)

Back on topic.. I'd go with increased fine amounts.
East Island / Re: A Lapallanchian Ruler for Perdan \o/
September 24, 2014, 05:10:43 PM
Don't get me wrong, when a Lapallanch joined Westmoor Ravier's first instinct was "Spai!". But Meivmayr proved himself otherwise and earned his respect the hard way.

On the topic of welcoming realms.. I'm in agreement with Lappy. I brought Malos home from FEI to Perdan. Not a single person welcomed him with the noted exception of an OOC note from Lappy. After re-establishing him in the CoH, he got an offer from Foxglove to come to Sirion and help try to heal the wounds there, and that's where he is now. Still no-one welcoming him bar the IC letters exchanged between Malos and Ecthelion. Now that latter one might be down to the fact he's a CoH priest.

On the flipside, I've always felt my characters were welcome in the smaller realms of EI. Ravier (and Serrin) were welcomed in Eponllyn without shadow of a doubt. I wonder whether it's a small vs. large kind of thing.
All of this discussion is moot anyway. There's only one person whom Eduardo can appeal to, and that's Tom. If Tom decides to intervene or clarify the intent of the rules, then there you have it.
South Island / Re: Saving Ikalak was a waste of effort
September 17, 2014, 08:09:18 PM
I just hope next time there's no "informal" alliance between two of the realms on the WI. I enjoyed playing Aero and I suspect I will do something else with him other than play in Ikalak or Taselak. I did say he was a Zealot at the start and I have played him as such, even torturing infidels. You can blame Taselak's General for being a insulting twit for that one. ;D Aero didn't start the pain until Sennianus starting being an ass.

And assuming he heals up quickly, he's got more to do yet.