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Messages - walkerp1

Feature Requests / Re: Tortured nobles to get the report
September 26, 2011, 11:08:32 PM
Quote from: Bedwyr on September 26, 2011, 10:58:45 PM
I do think it's a little odd that torture reports are perfectly reliable.

Perfectly is a bit too far, but a properly informed interrogator knows how to check and triple check his information from several different angles.
Feature Requests / Re: Message Layout
September 25, 2011, 06:48:08 AM
Quote from: egamma on September 25, 2011, 05:08:46 AM
Why are you sending tables?

In this particular instance, it was a compendium of scout notes to give an overview of strength and potential strength going into a battle.
Feature Requests / Message Layout
September 25, 2011, 02:00:08 AM
The standard font for BM messaging is variable width, and there appears to be no current support for table or pre tags in the editor. I would like to request some form of formatting support. Either one of the aforementioned tags would be nice or even a tag for a single invisible pixel. Since the space character takes 4 pixels, my columns can be off by as much as a jarring 2 pixels. Currently, if I have enough space, I can throw in a mix of • (6 pixels) and ² (5 pixels) to even things out, but I'm sure my scribe would prefer that his formatted reports be more aesthetically pleasing.
Helpline / Re: Cannot register
August 27, 2011, 06:02:38 AM
Tried with different email hosts (gmail, yahoo, and hotmail), different operating systems (Win7 Home Premium, XP, Slackware), different browsers (IE8, Firefox 4/5), two different core accounts, and I even tried holding my mouth differently. Bloody good time and all, but a little light on the actual gameplay experience. That's one persistent little error.
Helpline / Re: Cannot register
August 15, 2011, 03:57:08 AM
My entry path was: -> click login -> entered email and password, failed -> clicked I Forgot My Password ->
Entered email addy -> clicked Reset My Password -> Got "We know nobody with that name or e-mail."

Ok, I've been gone a while...probably more than a year. No problem. Back then, there was no core.

Clicked Join -> Entered email addy, username, and password -> Clicked Register
* Note that I reused my old username. It was accepted as new and I thought nothing of it.

This is the time when I clicked Register beside BattleMaster. It failed with the aforementioned source. I then clicked to register for the Forum and had no problem whatsoever.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Sometimes just getting the feel of the flow helps jog my mind. The only thing that really came to mind was the fact that re-registering with a former username is probably not as common.
Helpline / Re: Cannot register
August 15, 2011, 01:46:48 AM
Yeah, me too. I login to core, click Register beside BattleMaster, and get:

<!-- load_from_return() -->
<!-- db_query(insert into BattleMaster.DebugLog set TS=NOW(), Severity='debug', Trace='', Message='load_from_return()', UID=-1, PID=-1, World=-1) -->
<!-- load_by_ticket(45439, 7be3c3288b49ec08ef3e46ee45b476ab032c35dc, afa40b2fc62c930057fa699865abbd316b44c342) -->
<!-- db_query(insert into BattleMaster.DebugLog set TS=NOW(), Severity='debug', Trace='', Message='load_by_ticket(45439)', UID=-1, PID=-1, World=-1) -->
<!-- verify_ticket(45439) -->
<!-- db_query(insert into BattleMaster.DebugLog set TS=NOW(), Severity='debug', Trace='', Message='verify_ticket(45439)', UID=-1, PID=-1, World=-1) -->
<!-- db_query(delete from tickets where created < (NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE)) -->
<!-- db_query(select * from tickets where id = 45439) -->
<!-- ticket 45439 for user #2197 verified --><!-- db_query(insert into BattleMaster.DebugLog set TS=NOW(), Severity='debug', Trace='', Message='ticket 45439 for us #2197 verified', UID=-1, PID=-1, World=-1) -->
<!-- load_by_id(2197) -->
<!-- db_query(insert into BattleMaster.DebugLog set TS=NOW(), Severity='debug', Trace='', Message='load_by_id(2197)', UID=-1, PID=-1, World=-1) -->
<!-- db_query(select * from users where id=2197) -->
<!-- db_query(SELECT, sites.sitekey, user.id_number, user.id_other FROM sites, sites_users AS user WHERE user.user_id =2197 AND = user.site_id) -->
<!-- core knows you, now checking you into BM -->
<!-- no linked account continue as guest -->
SSO did not work as expected. Oops.