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Messages - Ig

Feature Requests / Re: Last words
April 25, 2012, 02:02:16 AM
I think I'd prefer the immediacy option over pre-set final words.
Having an entry field like that might lead to more OOC quirkiness and heroic sacrifices where the character says something about the war two years ago against Evilstani because his player forgot to update his death text when they started fighting Keplerstan last season.

I'd envision something like this:

  • When a character dies and is allowed final words, a screen/message/option shows up explaining that you've got the option to write your final utterances (limited to a relatively small amount of characters).
    • This screen/option/message is displayed for the entire turn after death and disappears for all time at turn change.
  • Judges have the option to allow last words when they choose to execute someone.
    • The character's last words will be sent out to the capital/vicinity of capital/realm.
  • Characters who die in battle have a weighted random chance (possibly modified by total hits suffered after reduction) of receiving last words privileges.
    • This message is sent to all in region of death.
  • Assassinated characters also have a random chance as well based on different factors.
    • Swiftly executed assassinations have a very/extremely low chance of resulting in last words.
      • Possibly have those who are granted this a smaller character limit (ie. "Aaaauuuggghhhh...").
    • Assassinations with more complications such as prolonged fighting with the target might have a fair/good chance at dying words.

That way, you have an opt-in by judges and a system for a "low" probability in other cases. There'll likely be fewer dying words overall (compared to a prearranged saying) due to players missing entire turns, forgetting they have the option after initial appearance, etc.

Obviously, commoners aren't important enough to have anyone listen to their death throes.
BM General Discussion / Re: Traders Feedback
April 24, 2012, 05:42:29 PM
Coming from a Trader without any access to insider trading (ie. not a steward/lord), I'm not too sure about the new system. I've traveled all over a route of ~580 miles (with most of that added onto again by my trading distance) for quite a while since the trading changes and have yet to broker a single deal, or at least one profitable enough to recall ( >= 5g).

There are always sell offers up, but buy offers are almost as rare as sages (at least now; towards the beginning I think I recall an abundance of poorly-priced buy offers being the norm). And on top of that, supply/demand balancing makes sure that even if I do find a reasonable buy offer, I won't be able to fulfill it unless the Astroist church collapses with a concurrent declaration by the Zuma Daimons that they are, in fact, human, all under the coinciding brilliancy of the three bloodstars.

  • I can't buy/broker for no gain or a loss, in the case that there's urgency for such.
  • There's no visible metric for volumes transferred each day, so I can't tell if it's just a bad fishing spot or a global problem.
  • The little guy no longer has the ability to have a personal store for either taking advantage of seasonal demand or holding good deals until an opportunity for sale arises.

This might all be due to production/consumption disparities while Tom and the devs are testing the system and these concerns/complaints might be invalid when things balance back out to "normal," but my experiences coming from a little less than a quarter of Dwilight have not been enjoyable so far.
Other Games / Re: Online Tabletop RPG's (DnD etc)
April 22, 2012, 10:48:30 PM
Those interested in real-time network play might want to check out Roll20.

It's a system-agnostic web-based virtual table focused on story (as opposed to complete vitrual replication of a system) and ease of use for both players and GMs. There's some more info on their kickstarter page.
Other Games / Re: Online Tabletop RPG's (DnD etc)
March 21, 2012, 04:52:28 PM
I've done some previous research on stuff like this so here're some links that may be useful:

  • RPTools - has a bunch of non-physical aids, namely MapTool
  • Orokos - just one of many online rolling trackers, also offers support for 4E character tracking
  • WotC's 4E Virtual Tabletop - requires a DDI subscription to use. I know you can invite non-subs to games, but I'm unsure as to the max number of invites
  • PyMapper - image/tile-based map creation software

Will edit if I remember more
Development / Re: Large Update Bugs and Breaks
December 20, 2011, 06:19:47 AM
Quote from: Tom on December 19, 2011, 06:03:03 PM
Court should work again after the evening (sunset) turn.
It still is not working (on stable at least, unsure about testing).
Quote from: Indirik on September 08, 2011, 02:45:57 PM
  • Message background coloring doesn't work on the mobile site when reading messages. When you send a message and it shows you the message you just sent, coloring works fine there. I have verified this using my regular computer/browser on the mobile site, too.

Personal messages aren't signified as such, as well.