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Messages - altamira

Dwilight / Re: Barca, Luria, etc.
January 21, 2015, 10:20:00 AM
Over the past 30 days Coralynth has lost 2 to no activity and gained 2. I see no change. As a member of coralynth I have no problem with as ass whooping ooc but we would could lose a war to OW alone. Yet it's almost worse having everyone say we're treacherous dbags and murderating sorraine for? Staying sassy? Anyway I'm not sure where I'm going with this but I just hope you all know where you're going with this.
Far East Island / Re: Attack on Sasrhas!
January 15, 2015, 07:48:21 AM
That's about as many as coralynth or ow and I'm sure they have a lot more regions to manage. Do it!! You'll probably attract more nobles. And definately ssmake some more fun.
Far East Island / Re: Attack on Sasrhas!
January 14, 2015, 09:01:35 AM
Valex's should do what he does. I think any change is going to have to come from somewhere else anyway.  If I was a duke in Arcaea I would be thinking about the possibility of the independent city states of Arcaea or even just going off and starting a war with just my duchy.  If I was a ruler of any other land I would be trying very hard to make a lot of friends and asserting regional autonomy; say the right to make war without Arcaean intervention on either side and a willingness to back that up.  There are a lot of ways to shake things up but valex the Uniter , valex the katamari of the fei has shown his IC intentions and ambitions and you should expect him to continue and maybe develop some of your own. If things don't go your way try something different, the worst the powerful can do is lose the status of their puppet states or their own stagnant position. If you aren't willing to lose shaking things up then you're just supporting the status quo and making sure to put your full power into keeping things stagnant.

But seriously much love to all the winners and losers and to the rest don't be scared to play.
Newbie Board / Re: realm statistics wi
January 12, 2015, 09:52:10 PM

This seems silly for noble and region count though. All the information is still public just not conveniently formatted.
Newbie Board / realm statistics wi
January 10, 2015, 04:26:26 AM
Is the realm statistics page intentionally broken on the war island or am I experiencing a bug?
BM General Discussion / Re: Character Classes
January 07, 2015, 03:53:17 AM
I think warrior is useful and fun obviously it doesn't serve a unique purpose . But it gives you a chance to get a feel for how you're going to play your character before you decide what class or subclass to be.
Far East Island / Re: Attack on Sasrhas!
January 07, 2015, 03:41:00 AM
So glad to finally see some action. Hoping to see you all again soon. :)
Newbie Board / Re: New Realms?
January 07, 2015, 03:33:31 AM
I'd say most new realms I'v seen have been planned colonies established by larger realms.
BM General Discussion / Re: What we need is young blood
December 28, 2014, 06:07:35 AM
I agree with constantine, became a duke and marshal within a few weeks of starting playing. And naturally both were on my most active character. I do love the new silent protest function, my first character had been stuck in a realm where one barely active player ran everything with an iron fist and 2 characters to split all the realms power between.  This became so frustrating I would have quit if I wasn't enjoying my other characters so much.  After coming back I think the worst parts of the game are when your suspension of disbelief is shattered, whether it's from a known bug, or ooc bickering.

Battlemaster is still a great game and after coming back I like MOST of the changes and feel like the power structures are a lot more fluid.  So kudos to the dev(s). That being said I think what you've done will help new player retention but not acquisition or neccessarily old player retention. But keep up the good work we're enjoying it and we appreciate it.
Newbie Board / Re: Buying Paraphernalia
December 26, 2014, 05:30:41 AM
On most realms the bankers or generals bulletin will tell you where what paraphernalia is but it is region specific.