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Messages - Radigand

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Atamara / Re: The Current War
« on: May 16, 2013, 09:48:28 PM »
CE is persistent, no doubt about that.

Most nobles are playing on autopilot though. We go here, we go there, we stomp Darka, back to refit, now back to Darka. Log in once a day to set the next destination point. Glorious!

If you guys in Darka want more fun, split into 4-5 realms based on your duchies and duke it out. CE will leave you alone. Just look to your east, how much fun do Barony, ML, RE and Heorot have at the moment!

Atamara / Re: Phoenix Empire
« on: February 22, 2013, 07:39:31 PM »
I mean a large portion of the population has considered a lot of what CE and Tara have built to be unhealthy for Atamara.

Or that could be a loud minority that needs to shout to gain an illusion of volume

It is also a lot of OOC opinions overshadowing or shaping the actions of their characters which has led to the warped view of the Phoenix Empire proposal. Obviously "created" misunderstandings of the Charter Proposal and making it say what it doesn't. The Empire in no way grants an immediate alliance amongst all members and is specifically built to defend against this, yet that is the ONLY thing that has been stated by Coria's allies in the discussions.

Nah, I don't think it's OOC problem. Charter Proposal is confusing as heck. No wonder people don't get it.

And there's also a manner of execution. Merlin could have gained way more support if Coria was not rebelling, and if CE and Tara did not feel threatened by Merlin's messaging to Darka, BoM, Raoul letters, etc.

Let me paraphrase a third Newton law: for each action, there is equal and opposite reaction. The more merlin pushes, the more resistance he encounters. Before you can run with your idea, you have to learn how to walk.

Atamara / Re: Phoenix Empire
« on: February 21, 2013, 07:48:00 AM »
Weird, being an aggressor and competitor is a fine standard, but when two realms join in a cooperative alliance that everyone else is being only be jealous of, it becomes a butt licking. Anyway, it's OK we don't perceive this world the same way. No point in arguing. I'll just have remember, if realm X is CE's puppet I should take it as realm X shares friendly relations with CE.

Atamara / Re: Phoenix Empire
« on: February 21, 2013, 01:14:46 AM »
Want to know the reason that CE doesn't do anything about Talerium's treaty with Darka? Because if they did, CE would die. Want to know the reason that CE doesn't do anything about Tara ruining their northern war plans by bickering in the south? Because if they did CE would die.

Are you calling CE Talerium's and Tara's puppet? I don't. Puppet term is just silly. CE plays politics like the rest of Atamara.

Atamara / Re: Phoenix Empire
« on: February 21, 2013, 12:42:58 AM »
We need to stop using word puppet. I don't think CE's Imperial Senate sits all day deciding what strings to pull. CE senators don't see other realms as puppets. This is getting silly and annoying.

Coria pulled out of the war with Eston. Sure CE wasn't happy, but we endured. ML, supported by CE, isn't fighting Darka nor Barony, and that's OK. Tara is brewing politics in the South while CE is allied with Suville, that's also OK. Talerium doesn't allow CE to cross Darkan borders, that's also fine! You see the trend? CE isn't happy about a lot of things and that's not the end of the world!

You guys have perverted vision of CE. Yes, CE is big, and CE will fight if you pick on it. What did you expect? CE did not declare war on Darka or BoM, CE did not declare war on Carelia or Caergoth. Why fight CE when you can fight someone else? And when you loose, you start pouting, "CE is bully!" And just because a circumstance makes you friendly towards CE, it doesn't mean you are CE's puppet. With the same logic I can call Darka to be Barony's puppet, and that's just silly.

Atamara / Re: Phoenix Empire
« on: February 20, 2013, 05:35:19 PM »
Everyone knows that Coria cannot be trusted so it was basically smart move to create new falasan Empire. Now we all know who will be part of it.      :)

This new Falasan Empire thing was the only way to get Darka on their side as King Kostaja was truly pissed on Coria not so long ago.. and I don't blame him.

Unfortunately they got the banner wrong. BRING OUT THE WHITE RABBIT!!! Coria's next step should be resurrection of Ashlantea

Atamara / Re: New realm in the middle of Tara and CE
« on: February 15, 2013, 12:17:07 AM »
If we're speculating about things that will never happen, why not go further and split CE down the middle, break Tara into three pieces and split Suville in two? That sounds like way more fun. Then we can make them all fight.

Strombrab happened, Rieleston happened, ML happened, Lyoness happened, the list goes on

Atamara / New realm in the middle of Tara and CE
« on: February 14, 2013, 11:05:02 PM »
I'm musing in my mind a possibility of a new realm created around duchies of Foda, Skalk and Nida. Once the war with Darka and BoM is over (if it's over), the new politics of the north will be more intriguing compared to the three behemoth federation that Eston, Darka and Barony is. Why not to add some flavour to the centre of Atamara map by creating a new realm with its own politics? CE/Tara bloc is too comfortable, as they can play politics "back-to-back", without a fear of being stabbed. Adding a new state entity would surely add more flavour to the centre/south of Atamara. Also, adding a physical separation between CE and Tara would perhaps allow more interesting relations between long allies than forever federated allies.

What do Cagilans and Tarans think about this OOC?

Atamara / Re: Post News Here for our Facebook Page
« on: February 14, 2013, 09:44:22 PM »
By corner, you mean, the rest of Atamara?....


Atamara / Re: The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)
« on: February 11, 2013, 11:13:44 PM »
I don't see a problem. Step down from w/e position that you are not enjoying and let other people take over. Clinging to power you don't enjoy OOC just because it makes IC sense will turn your life into hell. It's not fair to blame other players for your misery. Other players may enjoy this political game. Do what you love doing, we already have enough unpleasantness in real life.

I was a count of Skezard, wanted to get into the Sirion's politics. Turns out senators in Sirion don't hold any power, and the pay in Skezard was miserable. I also did not want to spend all this time to get to the place I wanted, so I went back to being a rich knight, following orders, etc. It's not the end of the world to let go.

Atamara / Re: Post News Here for our Facebook Page
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:34:38 PM »
We now have Lyonesse. How do you call their nation? Lyonese? Leonese? See where this is going?

Atamara / Re: The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:53:08 AM »
95% of players wants power, who cares about 5%? 5% is the loud minority here, unfortunately.

Atamara / Re: The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)
« on: February 06, 2013, 10:43:30 PM »
Yeah, mainly what makes me sad panda is that they actually WANT to fight us at Agnilar, even thought they arent basicly anymore war with Eston. And as far as i know, they dont have any claims to Agnilar, infact nobody has not said anything that they want Agnilar... CE people babbling something about Hawthorne... I hope Hawthrone will join Darka as well :P Then all is well i guess :)

I'm not sure if Eston shared their surrender conditions with the world (it was posted somewhere on the forums), but it was an agreement between CE, Talerium and others. Agnilar is part of that agreement. It's Talerium job, as well as the rest of Eagle's allies to enforce it. Talerium does not recognize Agnilar a Darkan territory (I'm not even sure if it recognizes Massilion duchy as well, you'd have to ask them in person), so they have to attack Darka to enforce a treaty with Eston. Right now Darka is the aggressor towards this treaty, which is fine. Just don't be surprised to see Talerium in Agnilar.

There are other plans for Hawthorne. If Duchy joins Darka, expect to see Talerians go after you.

Atamara / Re: The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)
« on: February 06, 2013, 07:29:29 AM »
Saw that today.

lol, you are hilarious!

Atamara / Re: The Future of Atamara (Post-Great Atamaran War)
« on: February 06, 2013, 07:22:59 AM »
Well aren't you a little whiny little kid? It's Estons fault Eston fell since you were retarded. You tried to ally with Coria (and probably got stabbed in the back for that), Darka always brought more army into your lands than you did and last I heard your General resigned because he did not like how the King was dealing with the whole situation.

lol, you silly, I'm with CE :D, and I'm not whining, I'm winning

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