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Messages - Bronnen

Beluaterra / Re: Wudenkin
October 05, 2018, 06:47:21 PM
It's all good, Mordok's gaining priests more and more!
Feature Requests / Re: Priests who lead units
October 05, 2018, 06:40:43 PM
That's why I suggested any priest/hero class would be effectively treated as a hero, but with the added ability of using his limited time pool to preach.

Like, in the middle ages there were tons of reports of preists/monks leading armed men in battle. Japan had an entire buddhist monk clan of warriors. It wasn't unknown, but it was rare, just like heroes are.
Feature Requests / Re: Priests who lead units
October 04, 2018, 05:42:09 PM
I'm perfectly with a new priest class that leads a unit too. I figured it would be easier to just count a priest/hero class as just a hero class with priest abilities.
I propose that a priest/hero can actually lead a unit. They would gain hours like a normal noble, and move like a normal noble, but would be able to preach.

Possible abuses: None i can think of.
Beluaterra / Re: Wudenkin
October 04, 2018, 03:57:11 PM
Daishi only has 6 priests? No wonder Mordok is spreading.
Awesome! So is the request approved then? lol
I know it's probably very difficult to code as well, but specialized infantry.

Like Pikemen who take more hits from other infantry and archers, but destroy cavalry, light infantry who take less from archers but more from cav, and tank infantry who take less from all, but do very little damage.
I was wondering if it wouldn't make sense for certain region types to have specialties. Right now the only place people can build large RC's are in the capital. In my opinion that kind of makes it way harder to destroy the RC's and renders the destroy RC option pretty useless.

Idea I had was to have different regions have specialties, and allow for those regions to build max level rc's of only that type.

Example: Rural regions could only have a lvl 4 RC of cavalry, and only level 1 of everything else. Maybe easier to get higher quality troops of those types too.

Cities/strongholds, SF

Townslands, MI or INF

Woodlands, Archers

And mountains could be Infantry or MI.

What do people think?
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 11:22:51 PM
Not the same kind of coast.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 05:42:31 PM
Issue is, Witch-King sided with the demons during a war so...
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 05:28:33 PM
Why do people even think that Mordok worships daimons when the entire point of the religion is to stop the invasions. People don't like to read.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 01:42:51 AM
Can still get captured and stuff by rogues without units.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 12, 2018, 08:32:03 PM
Quote from: on September 12, 2018, 09:25:54 AM
The two realms in question were not at war, it would have been easier to move a couple of nobles in with high spellcasting, hit the Ruler with a wounding scroll first to keep him from declaring war, and done the exact same thing without any risk at all to our characters. Using Advies or Priests would actually be the suboptimal way of going about this, as you only need a single active noble with a few hours to arrest them, not so with nobles, and since the realms were not at war, the nobles could go in without units without fear of arrest. Might have taken slightly longer, but I doubt it, and as long as the ruler is kept locked down it wouldn't matter. Trying to paint this as a flaw of the Adventurer class is short-sighted.

Nobles without units would run the risk of being robbed by rogues, captured by rogues, or injured by rogues.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 12, 2018, 04:08:48 AM
Yes.  If the realm had 4 cities or even ten,  I would have hated it either way.

If priests did it I would not have.
In a logical world, the moment a single commoner gets that kind of power, nobles would kill them. Whether or not they helped them. They are commoners.

Likewise commoners should almost never interact with nobles for fear of being beaten and killed.