Quote from: Zakky on August 28, 2016, 08:51:56 AMThat may sound like a good idea, but we're already haemorrhaging players in Dwilight. When Madina and Arnor fall, our population will be even lower, which means even more regions to let go of. We're certainly not gonna increase our population in a way that will actually allow us to expand any time soon, which means we'll be stuck playing in this little tiny corner of Dwilight. Also, if you wanted to increase our density, why in the world did you have Westgard settle in the western island? Also, an archer nerf? Seriously? I have no words.
Maybe I wasn't clear as well. Abandoning outer realms will make monsters stop. To reach that optimal density, some realms go to go. To make the continent less like Riombara on BT, you need to move to realms that are closer to the center. Once enough realms die, monsters will stop.
3 is the magic number. 94 regions occupied but only 180 characters. 30 or so regions need to be lost. Guess which two realms will make that happen. Losing two biggest realms on Dwilight will make that happen.
Once Fissoa falls, Madina will fall faster. Plus with the coming archer nerf Anaris mentioned, it will make things more difficult for realms to hide behind walls and stop monsters as easily as now. If I were you, I'd start talking to inner realms. There are some inner realms with a spare city. Maybe you can start again.
Here's a solution: Lower the density requirements a little. A density of 2 or 2,5 is enough to have dynamic realm conflict, while still allowing us to actually have decently sized realms.