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Messages - kenwood68

Helpline / Re: my accounts got locked
December 26, 2016, 12:52:26 PM
thanks for the replies, but i won't be starting over.
Helpline / my accounts got locked
December 25, 2016, 03:26:36 PM
i started my kenwood account quite a while ago. my wife started the hayward account because she noticed my interest in the game. it wasn't for her, so she quit the game and let me know she did.  hayward family was going well, so i took it over for her; thinking she'd come back to the game, which never happened. then another player began rp-ing with me and chatting with me on chat. i made the mistake of telling the player that i had the 2 accounts and days later, after a falling out between hayward character and this other player in game, my accounts got locked...too coincidental for me. do away with the hayward account, but i want my kenwood account back. if not, that's fine too. it's a game online afterall. any reply would be appreciated.
Black Forest / Re: Gameplay Feedback / Questions
June 08, 2016, 02:36:26 AM
these first games are a learning time for least me. trying different things on different villages and have learned to start defending(fences) first...been a bit of a ground hog in others, taking plots...won't do that near as much in the future cause the freaks come out at night, so to
Black Forest / Re: Looking for Alpha Testers
May 13, 2016, 04:12:56 AM
hello. i downloaded the client, registered under my email and received an activation key and player key. i couldn't copy and paste either key, so i hand-copied em and neither worked. i'm receiving an "invalid id" message....any suggestions?
Quote from: GundamMerc on September 18, 2015, 07:26:58 AM
Depends on the continent. South Island and Dwilight are one apiece, while the other continents you can have up to two.

thanks for the info! been playing for awhile, but didn't know the specifics on that.
Shopkeeper / Re: Looking for Playtesters II
September 18, 2015, 03:58:35 AM
sounds interesting. if ya need more testers, lemme know Tom.
i know...i know...probably a stupid question, but i need to know before i waste the character's time and attempt to emigrate. can i have 2 characters within the same realm? what hoops would i have to jump through to make that happen, if possible? thanks for your time and i apologize for any tears from your laughter... :-X
BM General Discussion / What good is a shipyard?
July 22, 2013, 03:10:45 AM
Shipyards seem to be a waste. From my experience, nobody has ever used warships during wartime. Is this something that will be added later? I understand the importance of harbors, but not shipyards. Could someone let me know their opinion?