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Messages - Jaidan

BM General Discussion / Re: Heraldry Charges
May 13, 2017, 03:06:05 AM
Quote from: Anaris on May 13, 2017, 02:12:53 AM
Hm. Please report that on the bugtracker.

I'm still not entirely sure what the right solution to non-ASCII names is...I'd love to be able to guarantee that they'll Just Workâ,,¢, but I really can't :\

I had the same problem with my "ë" in Noël.  Nol isn't quite as epic  :D

I tried to search/submit this on the bugtracker as a guest (using guest as username and password like the wiki says), but it said I was unable to log in.

By the way, nice work!  The heraldry is a fun feature.
Trial by fire, eh?  Sounds like a good way to start!

That was lucky to meet up with the army so early.  Sadly, I spent my hours training my men (based on the Standing Orders) before I received your message that the Orders were outdated, so I'll be late to Gaston Farms.  My apologies :(

I'll march to rejoin the army at the next reset, so hopefully that won't be too late.  My archers are set to 2DB per the Standing Orders, so I'll be ready to fight when I catch up!

After reading your compelling message, I have come to join the realm of Westgard!

This is my first day, and everything seems quite new and overwhelming, so please let me know if you have any advice.  I have read the initial guides, but I'm not sure how to best use my time as I begin life in this new realm.