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Messages - Joshua Coffey

Helpline / Re: Traders & the wiki
August 03, 2018, 04:24:29 PM
Okay, thanks for the replies.

Unless someone can confirm this is a redundant feature or if its still active, that would be great. Otherwise I will swap back to courtier (which is a more immediately useful class)
Helpline / Traders & the wiki
August 03, 2018, 08:57:43 AM
Hey guys, thought I would give the trader class a go on one of my characters. Just had a question about something under their wiki page.

Assuming traders would be good for making gold, the only real way to do this is trading food no? The wiki says they can "make occassional side profits in selling luxuries".

Where can I get me some of these luxuries? Or is this referring to an outdated mechanic?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
Helpline / Re: Oratory Skill
July 24, 2018, 03:35:21 PM
I knew I could use the academy trainer for Oratory skill, I was hoping I was just missing a cheaper alternative to the Academy.

Thanks for the reply anyway. Any other tips?
Helpline / Oratory Skill
July 24, 2018, 11:02:57 AM
Hi everyone,

Been playing Battlemaster for a fair few months now, having a good time on all the continents, but I have recently founded my own religion on my Dwilight character.

Oratory is supposed to be very important to help conversion, but I have never seen it increase from preaching (I always do 12 hour sessions)

So I decided to do some diplomat work on the side to boost it. Doing 16 hour sessions of praising started to level up my oratory. All was going well until rrecently.

My Oratory is at 25 on the Dwilight charts and I have spent over 200 hours praising and not seen an increase since. Is this intentional? Or am I just ridiculously unlucky? Should I be moving on to othet activities to boost my Oratory skill?

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.