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Messages - DamnTaffer

Check player stats for when war islands was removed and dwilight added If I recall correctly the playerbase dropped significantly.

As a player whom left the game, I guess I fit the bill of the petition.
A real, functional magistrates system which provided actual worthwhile punishments and was formed of trustworthy respected players within the community
Quote from: dustole on July 07, 2013, 11:52:06 PM
I don't feel this is a realm merger for the simple fact that the nobles of Terran aren't going to be part of D'hara.  Even with those that switched over aren't going to stay long.   The fact that we aren't staying makes it a non merger.  Alaster is a die hard Astroist.  He serves the church before the realm. 

And perhaps if I stole your money but said I was going to give it back after the fact when confronted and accused of stealing it would stop being stealing also?

Quote from: dustole on July 07, 2013, 11:52:06 PM
My other case should have no bearing on this one as the situations aren't related.

Oh but it should, as a repeat offender you know for sure what you are doing is wrong. This time however you've bought petty rules lawyering and bull!@#$ to the debate. So not only are you not following the rules of the game, your treating your peers as if we were stupid.
This is without doubt a realm merger done by players for personal gain.
A rule can be intended to prevent more than one thing, for example, a realm which has largely lost a war moving its remaining territories as much as possible into a third realm to prevent there enemy gaining there lands, realms merging into super powers certainly has its issues in the game however, setting precedent that upon defeat realms can dive for cover in a neutral realm allowing players to keep titles and such forth sets a terrible precedent which damages the game immensely. Claiming the "spirit" of a rule like this is bull!@#$ and limits the restrictions that a very good intelligent rule places on the game 

Quote from: Geronus on July 06, 2013, 10:56:06 PM
You are correct on the technical aspects of this statement, but you are missing what I believe to be the intent of the rule. It is intended to prevent realms from peacefully agreeing to band together to form superpowers, as this stifles conflict. If two realms have been at war and one of them is eventually beaten down and surrenders, it is acceptable for that realm to agree to terms that involve its regions being transferred away, within the limits of game mechanics. It's the two realms at peace merging together that we're trying to prevent. You can point out that Tara and Coria are at peace, but the important element in this case is that Coria has been effectively destroyed; with no capital, the realm is doomed. Its nobles cannot recruit or cash bonds, and its regions are slowly going rogue with no capital support. Their decision as a defeated realm to join Tara is acceptable within the spirit of the realm merger rule, or at least that is my interpretation.

Seeing as I'm rather close to this case (being a noble of Silnaria) I will recuse myself from voting on the outcome.
Aint no way he has been playing 8  years and not know where button is
Quote from: Stabbity on June 27, 2013, 10:56:52 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but based on my interactions with the player I would assume Ebglish isn't his first language. Its pretty solid but there are some gaps, and this may be one.

His English is fine.

Quote from: Geronus on June 27, 2013, 06:28:26 PM
Well, the statement is obviously poorly chosen. A warning would seem to be in order. Next time, ask "How do I report cheating?", not "Hey, that's guy's cheating, can someone report him?"

Directly referencing me as a cheater implicitly accuses me of being a cheater.,1389.75.html

Precedent is set here as a 3 day lock.
Dwilight / Re: Grand Duchy of Fissoa thread
June 06, 2013, 05:41:10 AM
Quote from: Chénier on June 06, 2013, 01:52:34 AM
I suspect that scrolls can't be used while traveling, so likely the Falks. And yea, magic fizzling does make one think of Mendicant's magic being dispelled.

Also, I've come to conclude that every untasteful person deserves to be called a Saxon. It should become a synonym for rude, uncivilized, dishonorable.

We already have a word for that. We call it doing a chenier.
Quote from: anoobowner on May 28, 2013, 08:37:14 AM
I like this, and perhaps the little BM world icon could have variants with different types of windows. Like a worldCircle/scroll icon or a worldCircle/map icon for scribe reports and world maps respectively.

Perhaps when writing letters there could be an indication of the recipient in the tab name.

Why would you add this to the feature request, it is dumb and a waste of time
Beluaterra / Re: The Enweil/Riombara thread
May 22, 2013, 12:06:59 AM
Quote from: Chénier on May 22, 2013, 12:02:14 AM
Thalmarkin even has a Grand Wizard.

Beluaterra / Re: The War of Ice and Sun
May 20, 2013, 01:51:55 AM
Quote from: Tandaros on May 19, 2013, 08:47:03 PM
Apparently not. Either that or they have self-respect. Hard to say.

But no survival instinct.
Beluaterra / Re: The War of Ice and Sun
May 17, 2013, 02:04:46 PM
Quote from: Chénier on May 17, 2013, 01:31:47 PM
Need I be an !@#$%^& every time?

I'm not really involved in BT affairs right now, and despite expecting Thalmarkin to win, I did not expect it this way.

Well you don't NEED to be...
East Island / Re: Multis locked in EC
May 11, 2013, 08:42:02 PM
Quote from: Zaki on May 11, 2013, 08:28:57 PM
Also, if the player wants to come back with a new account, no one is stopping him.

There has been few occasions where accused people could prove themselves. They got their accounts unlocked in less than a week. If the player of Soulja family can prove himself innocent, he will get his account back.

Wrong. He like Mendicant, will be invited to make a new account unrelated to there own accounts and not allowed to profit from there previous achievements.
Quote from: Anaris on May 10, 2013, 05:38:00 PM
Removes barriers to entry.

I understand the desire for new players to talk, and I share it. However, if you force them to talk before they can actually do anything, and get a feel for whether this is a game they'll enjoy playing, you're much more likely to scare away people who might like it, but are shy, than you are to encourage people to talk.

Saying Hello isn't a barrier to entry.
Quote from: Anaris on May 02, 2013, 02:50:30 PM
There are actually plans to have new players choose a vacant estate to start out in. This would generally ensure that the family home is in a region with enough population to support multiple knights, and certainly give players much more control over their initial placement in general.

Removes the requirement for new players to start talking, moreso than it already is removed.