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Messages - Witch-king

Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 06:24:58 PM
Quote from: Bronnen on September 13, 2018, 05:42:31 PM
Issue is, Witch-King sided with the demons during a war so...

“Why do people think that the Witch-king sided...”hahaha
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 05:35:21 PM
Since you seem to know what I know the discussion is pointless and we can leave it here.
(Seriously that is now getting ridiculous when you start to argue this way.)

Now you know how the Witch-king felt when nobody believed him that he is on the human side. What goes around comes around, what a boomerang for Josiah actually, just realised that now after your message here. But that’s karma I guess.

I am just coming here as I am waiting if and what the GMs will do regarding the unilateral intervention and the consequences that some players had to face due to this, since it is now been clearly said that it is no bug but chars still got trapped and thus some of us lost their precious chars.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 07:19:32 AM
Quote from: Medron Pryde on September 13, 2018, 07:10:58 AM

The attack came after that as I remember things.

That is correct, the attack came after the war declaration of Daishi, this was actually the green light for the Morgul Order to start action.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 13, 2018, 07:12:04 AM
So we all don’t forget to think ahead...

I want to remark that the two advies that were killed due to the GM intervening are still dead and I would expect a statement on this from the GM and what they will do so the affected players and how in general the players will be granted the safety to know that they can continue playing this game without their chars being suddenly killed due to a non-previously announced one-sided GM intervention.
My suggestion is to simply revive the two advies.

And to Chenier/Bronnen...if Angmar would have wished we could have sent also our nobles with our teleportation scrolls there and would have done exactly the same to you. We didn’t as we have to fight a threat called rogues in BT. But we could have done it without you noticing anything.

In fact yesterday one Angmar noble did this in order to look for the corpse of Khamul and use a Scroll of Healing but he did not find him. But he could have also blasted again 1-2 of you with Accident scrolls away if we wanted this. You would have again noticed things before they were too late. The Witch-king decided otherwise and you have IC no idea that we were there or should have received at least a magical message.

And before you start again with your sudden IC whataboutism that “why should a noble do this to heal an advy”, let me say that to nobles a dead advy who theoretically still should have a dozen Daimon banishment scrolls on him is very precious. To me as player who played him for a long time he is precious as char, and definitely no alt. You insinuating all the time otherwise and this is honestly just poor gaming and I suggest you drop it, you just harm your own reputation here.
I see only 2 out of 8 chars (Khamul/George) here who participated in the attack on Wudenkin.
These other commoners were not part of it.
Please drop this argument, it is unfair to the players behind these chars - no matter if they were part or of it or not.
I thought it is against the rules to publically call out other players to potentially abuse the game.
I think your message is not far from breaking this rule in my opinion.
Quote from: Chenier on September 10, 2018, 04:25:43 PM
Right, which basically all belong the players who also have nobles in Angmar. Totally independant. They just spawned in whatever realms they spawned in, and then decided to go to Angmar specifically, because they are completely independent and had a completely independent urge to go join the player's other noble characters. The only advy I'm aware of that was involved, but that didn't have a noble in Angmar, was one who belonged to a player who is known to collaborate with the rest of these players everywhere else.

No, bull on "independant chars with their own free will". We got rid of 2 nobles per continent because one tended to just be a drone and most players would use them as a unit. But those days are not gone. People do the exact same thing with adventurers now. Using them as weapons of war for their noble character's realm. Advies are the new alts.

You are more bitter than my Witch-king could ever be - and oh boy he can be bitter.

I do not think insinuations and OOC attacks like these on other players will bring us forward in this.

I want to publically thank Vita for his sincere reply that I received via Abjur as OOC message I game.

But as Stabbity says,  I still think that the executed chars Khamul and Giovanni should be revived in order to balance the effects of the GM intervention.

The rest is history for me as wise men say...
Quote from: on September 09, 2018, 07:39:40 PM

Max cannot currently log onto the forums, and asked that I pass this message along.

I logged in in the meantime and created a new account, thanks for the forwarding. I even had time to correct some spelling errors from the original message and put some more thought into it. 🤣
Quote from: Bronnen on September 08, 2018, 10:38:09 PM
Plus the nobles of those realms were the ones who gave scrolls to their own adventurers. Each adventurer i saw had a noble in that realm. They were just an extension of the noble.

Plus nobles should never, ever, trust a commoner with that kind of power. They are commoners.

Hold your horses there. You are insinuating things.
First, someone can’t give his own commoner scrolls, second you were attacked from commoners from three different realms and not all have that combination you claim.
You should really stop it here.
I will refrain commenting this further and leave again the forum.
I just came here to make clear that the GM intervention has hurt also the attackers a lot, two commoners are dead, they are after all chars to the players who lost them.
Because you don’t see something, that does not mean it is not there.

Since we seem to move in circles in this discussion I just want to say that I can go with whatever decision is and will be made regarding the advy game and scrolls.

I just want that when GM intervene they protect all parties who suffered under the bug they had not mentioned untill now or none.

In this case they decided to help Bara’Khur arrest and kill advies, but if I knew that it was a bug, I would of course not have exploited it, my advy would be not with his comrades in Wudenkin and they would be still alive.

I believe the loss of a char you have played for months deserves as well to be protected from a bug that was not taken care of.
Please do not, BM lives from bitter sweet revenge stories.
But as I said, Bara’Khur isolates itsself quite a lot in re last weeks with that Mordoc thing, a conventional attack would have come sooner or later anyway and maybe even not from Angmar.

I also wholeheartedly invite you to join Angmar with Tam or a fresh character in case Bara’Khur falls or any other time.

You will see not everything is as evil as it seems.
With all respect, first you torture, then you execute.

I expected to see Khamul tortured so you know from where he received his orders.

So now you have lost every chance to blame Angmar red handed for this attack.

About the rest, I just saw a battle report where your realm won a battle with 8k men of militia! Wow!
As I said before I do not know what else’s the admins did to help you I have not see a scouting of Wudenkin.

I also must say that the player of your ruler complained to us on the ruler channel that your realm is frustrated some weeks ago and that there is nothing worth fighting for so you will just raise militia in your city and wait for the inevitable. He even asked also other realms to give up and form bigger realms so we have a better density. This combined with that all-out-attack religion like Mordok gave at least to me the impression that Bara’Khur was just waiting for a last battle or assault or war before going down anyway...
Arresting and killing an advy is a pretty good counter.

But I agree with the suggestion that scrolls should take more hours.

I was myself surprised how well the attacked worked...the advies had high spellcasting skill and most spells worked on the first try is surely a big reason.
Feature Requests / Re: Remove adventurers from the game
September 08, 2018, 07:09:19 PM
I would like to state that prior to the event Daishi declared the new state religion of Bara’Khur as evil.

Also there were quite some first messages going around that the Mordok cult would bring war upon Bara’Khur.

Now the essence of a covered operation or a sneak attack is that you have the surprise moment on your side.

How many times have wars been declared shortly before then changes or other similar situations to catch someone off guard...many times that has been the case in this game.

I do not see this operation as an exception from that point of view.

Someone angered someone else and should have been more prepared.
You don’t go all out and say we sacrifice you all to Mordok and think that he will stay unharmed.

Funnily, Angmar had already used large scale scroll stacks against Gotland back then in the war in surprise attacks and nobody complained back then.
Also with commoners.
Why wasn’t something done back then already?
Because nobody complained? Because we played maybe along and solved it ICly?
I remember both sides enjoying greatly this war.

Again, as I said in the other topic, I am fine if it was indeed a bug but then protect also those who thought it was legitimate game mech. Everything should be reversed priori to the bug.
Or nothing should have been done since when other bugs get solved we still have to play around the bugs.
That is at least often the recommendation...”sorry for the inconvenience, play around it...”
Dear Vita or other GM who intervened in Bar’Khur,

I am all fine if due to the complaints of one player group game rules get changed to the better (subjective though) but then please not to the disadvantage of another group. I am not sure if you realised but due to the post-event that you took away the commoner’s ability to cast scrolls, the player of Josiah has gone around and celebrated your intervention as his god’s deed and as being therefore supported IC. I am not sure if this is the play between friends we all want but so be it.

Now, since the commoners were not able to continue the attack and suddenly all critically/seriously wounded chars including the judge in Bara’Khur got the “ok” status in the middle of the a turn (that must have been also an intervention as this is otherwise impossible, right?) this gave them the advantage to execute my and a second commoner who again got caught from a char that got unpaused (before the intervention). Whether the unpausing was intentional or not to just intervene ICly, I can’t say. I also do not know if there were more interventions to help Bara’Khur in their situation they are (or were).

I thus kindly ask you to revive my commoner as well as well as all other commoners (Giovanni till now) who got executed as well. Otherwise it is clear that the GM intervention helped one player to execute the char of one other. See, chars can heal, walls can be rebuilt and regions or realms retaken or refounded. But my char or the one of the other chars once dead, are dead. No return possible there and that is what makes the GM intervention asymmetrical from my point of view and I am sure you can see a reasoning there. Because if this was a bug nobody knew about and we were playing along the for us legitimate game mech, then why should we be punished with the death of our chars? Both sides were victims of a bug in this case.

Regarding the general topic whether commoners should be able to cast scrolls, let me outline shortly the view from the other side: In a declining game, I tried to give players a RP that was within the game mech and the rules and which they accepted well and made the realm of Angmar thrive. We are one of the largest realms with a good noble count and the best commoner count (till now). We work together on a RP which we enjoy a lot, part of that are training missions for the commoners. Wudenkin was a kind of master exam in spellcasting for some of them since a Daimon loving cult had risen there and Angmar/Daishi deeply disliked it. It wasn’t just for fun to go kill a realm but a story behind it. To make the long story short: advies are no weapons as it is said in here. They are all independent chars with their own will. They could have done something else if they want it. A weapon is something that is without own will and gets fired when used. A scroll is a weapon. A commoner is a char. Otherwise we should also forbid portals as well...

Thank you for your time to read these lines.