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Messages - Keldonia

It will come when it comes.
Sounds cool!
They are good? Also no one is truely at war, nor has anyone really embarked upon other uses of their orders yet.  My bets are that stability will soon be among people's priorities, I suspect.  That and when they realize they can do other things ;)
The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire hopes to assuage any fears that might have arisen as a result of the Land Reform Act of 1861.  The purpose of the act was to make Austria strong, and better enable its industrialization by directing capital towards the modernization of our nation's economy.  We hope that the program will continue to grow an significantly grow our nation's economy and manufacturing base.  However, we are troubled by reports of rioting and looting.  All grievances are to be addressed in the proper forums and channels, of which, a mob is not. 

The Austrian Empire is pleased that the attempts to reform the military and the construction of a new military academy are proceeding according to schedule, and will hopefully lead to better performance of the army.

To the Germanies, Austria intends to protect you from the depredations of others and work with you such that the German people may be strengthened.  We encourage you to attend our Conference discussing a non-exclusionary Zollverein which will aid in these endeavors.

We are also gladdened that the nations of Russia and the United Kingdom were able to reach an agreement over the disposition of the Persian Empire.
The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire similarly supports the punitive expedition that is being undertaken by the British Empire against the Qajars in Persia, whose depredations know no bounds.  That they violate the sovereignty of their neighbours and constantly seek war with neighbours has only brought war upon Persia. May the British and Russian armies prevail against this source of instability and chaos in the region.
Once again I encourage everyone to make the trip over to the IRC channel #WiR_Battlemaster_1861 at
The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire supports the Russian Empire's punitive expedition against the Qajars who have been responsible for many atrocities against the Russian people, including enslavement Russian people and their attacks on Russia.  We have been assured that the Russian Empire will respect the integrity of other powers in the region during their punitive expedition.  We wish for a quick and successful resolution to their expedition.
Perth, I think the base income is off or might be missing for many of these nations, which is what is causing the problem.  For example Prussia should have a slightly smaller income than Austria but most it's income is industrial while Austria's is rural. PM sent.
The Austrian Empire

To the Kingdom of Prussia, your suppositions are untrue and are not grounded in reality.  Austria has never turned away from the German states with whom it has deep and historic ties, indeed it has just recently renewed its guarantee on them from outward aggression.  Hostile acts towards them are considered hostile acts on Austria.  The Treaty of St. Petersburg serves several purposes each of which benefit the German states.  The trade agreement only brings Russian goods in line with those of the German states, and more importantly opens up vast reserves of resources to feed not only Austrian industry but also the needs of the German states.  Furthermore, the defensive agreement with Russia only serves to protect the interests of these states, as its Austria acting in their defense.  Additionally, it aids Austria in preforming it's historic duty of serving as a bulwark for the German states against the aggressions of the Turk.  On the matter of the Zollverein, the Prussian position is without factual basis.  The Zollverein is merely a tool for the machinations of the Prussian Kingdom against the German states.  It serves to tightly bind the German states to Prussia, removing their autonomy and, ultimately, the ceding of economic independence to Prussia.  The fact that Austria is not a member of the Zollverein is not due to the choice of Austria nor some political accident but a calculated ploy by Prussia to remove it's only counter balance and to stifle the will of the Germanic people!

To the German states, we hope to continue our long and historic ties to your nations.  We hope that our renewed guarantees on your nations can serve as proof of our desire for increased cooperation sand closer diplomatic and economic ties with your nations.  We also hope that you can see through the lies of the Prussians who only seek to weaken and divide you.  The Zollverein is proof of this, it makes you subservient to them and only broadens the power held over your nations.  This is why Austria is not a member of the Zollverein, this why Prussia is seeking this meeting, to further weaken you and reinforce Prussia's dominance, extended it not only from the economic but also the political sphere.  Stand up Germans do not be lulled by the deceitful words of the Prussian!

To the Russian Empire, we are gladdened at the ratification of the treaty and look forward to increased cooperation.

OOC: Hope this clear, posting from my phone, and it's already eaten two other attempts at posting. :(
In the spirit of friendship and cooperation the Austrian Empire would like to announce the following treaties:

The Treaty of London

Noting the potential for instability around the world,

The United Kingdom and the Austrian Empire will enter into a nonaggression pact.


[X] Kaiser Franz Joseph I, Kaiser of the Austrian Empire

[] Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom, Empress of India

And the Treaty of St. Petersburg,

Noting the need for development and defense for both Austrian and Russian Empires

The Austrian and Russian Empires hereby enter into a defensive alliance, to protect their empires from the depredations of others.

The Austrian and Russian Empires hereby enter into a trade agreement, where tariffs will be lowered to a maximum of 20% between the two empires.


[X]  Kaiser Franz Josef I, Kaiser of the Austrian Empire

[] Tsar Alexander II, Tsar of the Russian Empire
The Austrian Empire

The Austrian Empire is a strong state at the crossroads of Europe, one of many cultures and peoples.  Together we are strong, united better able to develop and prosper.  In pursuit of this goal.  The Austrian Empire begin laying the foundations of a strategy to modernize our economy and allow our nation to better perform on the world's stage.

To the nations of World, we are embarking into a new age, one of the rights of man and scientific progress!  The Austrian Empire wishes to enjoin with all who support the development of man and science!  We hope to to develop bonds commerce and development with the nations of the world.

To the German States, the Austrian Empire seeks to reengage with your nations such that we may become more fully developed and better able to fight off the depredations of nations who would seek to carve up Germany and incorporate it into their own nations.  Furthermore, we believe that only together can Germany claim its rightful place among nations, through common action and development Germany will be strong!  We hereby extend a guarantee to all the German States, vowing to protect them from unwanton foreign interference.
War orders are more along the lines of:

1. Army of Northern Virginia
-General Thomas Jackson is now in command.
-Orders to march north as winter ends and the weather allows, strike a fatal blow against the severely weakened Union army near Philidelphia, attacking and capturing Philidelphia as well. Ways to achieve this are left for Jackson to decide.
-25,000 of the new regulars and 150,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Northern Virginia

2. Army of Georgia
-General P.G.T. Beauregard is now in command
-Orders to defeat Sherman once and for all. The Army retreated towards Montgomery after the defeat at Atlanta, so defensive works should be constructed along the route, using the Tallapoosa River to cover our left flank. If the defense is successful, Beauregard is to pursue and defeat Sherman if it is militarily possible.
-20,000 of the new regulars and 150,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Georgia, as well as small ships to sail up the Alabama River to the Tallapoosa to assist with firing support, just as was done on the Mississippi at Vicksburg.

3. Army of Trans-Mississippi
-General Albert Sidney Johnston is now in command
-Orders to advance up the Mississippi River and engage the weak Union forces there. Johnston should attempt to defeat the Union army however he thinks he can, and
continue to push north, liberating Missouri and allowing for a secession vote to be held in the capital.
-20,000 of the new regulars and 100,000 of the new black conscriptsto be sent to the Army of Trans-Mississippi, with the 6 strong Confederate navy on the
Mississippi (2 original +4 captured from the Union) being strengthened with 5 additional small ships to provide firing support on the river, and sail up the river,
engaing Union ships and landing 15,000 conscripts from Vicksburg at St. Louis and any other Missouri cities along the river.

4. Army of Texas
-General Joseph E. Johnston is now in command
-Orders to create defensive works along the Texas-Arizona Territory border and defend against any incoming Unions attacks until reinforcements arrive. Raids are to be sent across the border to harass the Union army, and aid to be asked for from the Five Civilized Tribes to cover the northern flank.
-100,000 of the new black conscripts to be sent to the Army of Texas, upon their arrival Johnston is to attack the Union army facing him, retaking the Arizona Territory, as well as the New Mexico Territory.


1. Infanstructure
-New rail and telegraph lines need to be laid asap!
-Prioritize this before all other civilian construction works, even commandeer slaves that have not joined the Army to get it done, with due compensation to their owners.

2. Soldiers
-Dispatch to all the armies from Lee in an attempt to rally the troops and prevent more black disertion. To be read aloud infront of each army.
-Remind the Black soldiers that they are now part of the Army and will face the same consequences for disertion as the White ones, death. They are already garenteed freedom for enlisting, so why not continue to fight like they signed up to do? If the South wins, the Blacks will have earned some respect from the White soldiers they fought alongside of, where as if the South loses they will be hated even more than now.
-Tell the white soldiers, that if there had been more Black soldiers within the Georgia militia's, Sherman's Army may have been stalled long enough for Beauregard to learn about the "March to the Sea" and march to Savanna.
-Both Black's and Whites need to work together to maintain their freedom and win the war.

3. Smuggling
-The small ships that were to help Beauregard are now redirected to blockade-running.
-Cotton building up in the ports along the Gulf coast will be smuggled out with the blockade-runner, and sold at Guatemalan and Brazilian ports to civilian buyers.
-While at these ports, the blockade-runners will buy needed goods that are currently in short supply in the Confederacy, as well as paying a "tariff" to the local government and port officials.

4. Resistance
-Sherman has destroyed Georgia!! Take up your arms and fight back against these invaders wherever possible! Skirmish in the streets, plunder their supply depots, do whatever it takes to hurt
Sherman and his blood lusting hellhounds! Send information about Sherman's army to General Beauregard in Columbia, South Carolina, and join his forces to help liberate your homes!
Fight for honor, fight for your homes and families, and fight for the South!
-Panflets with those lines should be smuggled into the Union occupied areas of Georgia, with any available guns and ammo to help any resistance that develops.

More examples of good orders:
Well except conscripts, those tended to be drawn up right before or right after the declaration of war.
On the other WiR, public messages are in thread, private stuff is by PM.

Also, I want to get a feel for the forum then I might try the main game so to speak.
Didn't mean that to be combative, just a note, and I like the idea.  As I offered earlier I can help some resource maps if you like.