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Messages - MightyDan

Pages: [1]
BM General Discussion / Re: Whats Going on with Portal Stones
« on: November 18, 2018, 09:57:30 AM »

Also, the undead are player-controlled.

The undead are player controlled??? What kind of monstrosity of a player is sending the relentless undead attacks against us???

BM General Discussion / Re: Whats Going on with Portal Stones
« on: November 18, 2018, 09:55:28 AM »

Finally to answer your question M-Dan, my impression was you were slightly unlucky but certainly not extremely.  The 1st failed event, we didn't get the outcome we were looking for, partly because you cannot always expect direct results and our request (via an alchemy theme, that gold funds should be boosted as lords/knights were becoming impoverished) was either not deemed worthy, or more likely was simply overtaken by the more pressing narrative of the portal stones being reformed at the very time we were activating them.  The 2nd attempt as you accepted you knew there were risks, so you were only somewhat unlucky.  We learned the death chance certainly is not a negligible one.  I suppose part of your grievance is whether our efforts were always going to be an unrewarded endeavour even if you did avoid the death risk.  That I don't know, and knowing would be useful to managing expectations.

Finally though I will turn it around and say you did not fail and thus were not unlucky after all!?  You drove an RP that definitely engaged 3 of the nobles of my realm and drew in another 4 adventurers from elsewhere along with one mysterious passing tramp.  I understand some disappointment but I and others enjoyed elements of it, and hope you did too at times?  Thus we were successful in one meaningful sense.  We had fun, learnt a tiny bit and added a line of RP we can still pursue.  Cheers.

Wise words Mr Emperor. You should be a politician. I was fun doing some good old fashioned RP and gathering our little party. Reminded me of the good old days of Warhammer! Maybe we will try again one day.

On another technical note I think a glitch had effected Paul - he seemed to be healing from his wounds and if I'd left him long enough think he would of recovered.... didn't seem quite right seeing as his head exploded.

BM General Discussion / Re: Whats Going on with Portal Stones
« on: November 17, 2018, 11:02:42 PM »
Don't bury your character. Find a scroll of healing and go resurrect it.

Too late. RIP Paul

BM General Discussion / Re: Whats Going on with Portal Stones
« on: November 17, 2018, 07:50:06 PM »
Fair as in what's the point wasting everyone's time if it isn't going to work anyway.

What was the point in portal stones then if not to hunt high and low for them and then try and use them?

You could say the mechanics are the same for everyone about everything in BM that anyone complains about (eg all the uproar when Bara'Khur got hit by adventurers.)

However I aint arguing - I'm just saying in my opinion it has spoiled a whole chunk of the game for me.

BM General Discussion / Re: Whats Going on with Portal Stones
« on: November 16, 2018, 11:01:09 PM »
Surely would of been easier (and fairer) to simply make stones harder to find rather than giving false hope/fun once a full set is found? No worries though - I AM sounding like a cry baby so I will go bury my character and get over it!

BM General Discussion / Re: Whats Going on with Portal Stones
« on: November 16, 2018, 10:40:43 PM »
My main character yes was on Beluaterra. Don't want to sound like a "cry baby" but when you put a lot of time and effort into a project and it doesn't work its obviously disappointing especially when your character simply dies with very little roleplay or story to go with it. Adventurers seem to of been weakened too much and if there is no reward for trying to roleplay with them it seems kind of pointless. Just my opinion but I haven't got the energy to start another adventurer character again.

BM General Discussion / Whats Going on with Portal Stones
« on: November 15, 2018, 10:50:56 AM »
Been involved in two recent attempts at portal stone activation. Both failed miserably, last one resulted in adventurers death! Are we basically saying you don't want any more portal stones in the game or have we just been EXTREMELY unlucky? I don't might a chance of death/failure but seems to of been a huge amount of effort put into flogging a dead horse.

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