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Messages - Colin Ealdwine

Dwilight / Re: Luria
August 11, 2012, 06:49:03 AM
The idea that Alanna actually controls Luria is... well pretty funny. I've got to say this war isn't Alanna consolidating power, it's not Luria being super united, It's Solaria deciding to go for an objective and quite a bit after Luria follows along. I'll be curious to see if Alanna is effectual, and my guess is, no.
Perhaps, but the amount of time it would take to reach it was long enough I did not feel the desire to do so. It's less combat, and more anything interesting.
Surprisingly I ask all my questions and get them answered. I know of all the boards, I've seen all the pages people refer to. Problem is, most people probably won't be as resourceful.
Quote from: egamma on June 15, 2012, 03:33:39 PM
I'm not sure if this is still accurate

It's the "I'm not sure if this is accurate part" that worries me. You have to dig into the old class system to find it, when you're redirected to "Class" instead, for the new system.
Quote from: Eithad on June 15, 2012, 03:39:43 AM
Battlemaster is a game that really opens up and has tons of depth as you play it. However the idea is that things open up slowly and gradually a bit at a time. The priest and the diplomat game are not what battlemaster is about, they are add-ons to increase depth of the main game. It is not something you jump into because the game is different and frankly much more boring. This is why those H/P requirements are in place. Discovering new things and more areas of the game is what keeps me playing.

The real issue here is that realms aren't going to war as much as they used to.

And there is where I politely have to disagree. They are not "add-ons" but separate and important parts. A large part of the game is RP, of which a huge part is religion. The game would still unfold if people could play the class they wanted without forced experience in other classes. What if I want to RP a pacifist priest? He has to slaughter his way to pacifism because of game mechanics if I want to become a priest any time soon? This does not seem like the way to do things. You can discover new things without being forced through a certain set of "unlocks"

"because the game is different and frankly much more boring"

To you, quite likely. To another person, maybe not, and if the game is difference, what bit of (har) difference does it make if I slave away as a warrior only to learn a brand new game?
Experience, but experience in an unrelated thing? Bit of a non sequitur. Yeah, but having to pause out every time you go to a place that isn't combat filled you need to pause... just seems like a bad "feature" honestly.
Also, It's stupidly hard for new players upon becoming a priest as soon as they can to get a sub class such as diplomat, realistically requiring them to wait to get diplomat, then convert main class to priest.
Hi. I'm a new player (tad over two weeks) and BattleMaster is awesome. However, having a class other than warrior requires honor and prestige. Which, realistically speaking can only be gained through fighting. (There are other means, but given their speed I'm not sure what the point is as a new person) Fighting is awesome, but not always available. So while I adore the game, I can't do what I want to do (Become a priest and a diplomat) without either becoming a courtier and waiting a very long time, or fighting as a warrior. Except, as a knight, if I fall in a realm without a war, it's not very obvious for me how I'm supposed to go about gaining all these stats. The game doesn't tell you from what I've seen what you need for each class, neither does the wiki.

This is a serious problem for me, and is I believe a serious problem if BattleMaster is to grow in population. I've played the game for two weeks, and I have no clue how I'm going to play the game the way I want. I'm not saying destroy the glass ceiling, but maybe it'd be beneficial for new players to be able to play the game their way sooner. Why can't people become priests without gaining prestige and honor? They certainly can't gain any doing priestly things. I'm sure it's to prevent abuse, which is important. However, after two weeks, the only thing keeping me going is my waning interest and the occasional IG letter I get. I'm a pretty patient guy, I wonder how many people get pushed away because they can't play the game their way.

As for "Start a war, silly!" newcomers have no power. They're the furthest from opportunities to start trouble and the ones who most benefit from the H/P that is gained from trouble. 

Well, that's my two cents, and thanks for listening/making a fun game.