My take on this is that the Devs have tinkered a lot to overcome the true Geopolitics of realms. Realms have real problems and goals based on where they are situated, how many knights they have and who their neighbors are. The Devs have tried to institute rules that ignore these real situations and impose an artificial order. For example alliance limits.
The solution is not to tinker with the rules to restrict realms, it is to change the geopolitics to provide new problems that will automatically change realm behavior. I think the Devs should create more challenges. We need Daimon & rogue invasions like in Beluaterra. Also I have a great Development idea that would really open up the game, I think that if a rogue horde takes a a city or a stronghold, it should immediately create an NPC realm and start expanding. that would provide lots of war and fun for the players.
Our problems are that we have more land than players, to we need to provide new pressures to restrict that land, and i think that auto generated rogue realms would provide that needed challenge. You could have auto generated Daimon, Monster and undead realms all with different units and tactics. They would gobble u pall surplus land and human realms would have to band together to survive. Every now and then the rogue realms would declare peace to grant players a breathing space. It has to be thought through, but I think that it would really improve the game.
The solution is not to tinker with the rules to restrict realms, it is to change the geopolitics to provide new problems that will automatically change realm behavior. I think the Devs should create more challenges. We need Daimon & rogue invasions like in Beluaterra. Also I have a great Development idea that would really open up the game, I think that if a rogue horde takes a a city or a stronghold, it should immediately create an NPC realm and start expanding. that would provide lots of war and fun for the players.
Our problems are that we have more land than players, to we need to provide new pressures to restrict that land, and i think that auto generated rogue realms would provide that needed challenge. You could have auto generated Daimon, Monster and undead realms all with different units and tactics. They would gobble u pall surplus land and human realms would have to band together to survive. Every now and then the rogue realms would declare peace to grant players a breathing space. It has to be thought through, but I think that it would really improve the game.