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Messages - Qureshima1

My take on this is that the Devs have tinkered a lot to overcome the true Geopolitics of realms. Realms have real problems and goals based on where they are situated, how many knights they have and who their neighbors are. The Devs have tried to institute rules that ignore these real situations and impose an artificial order. For example alliance limits.

The solution is not to tinker with the rules to restrict realms, it is to change the geopolitics to provide new problems that will automatically change realm behavior.  I think the Devs should create more challenges. We need Daimon & rogue invasions like in Beluaterra. Also I have a great Development idea that would really open up the game, I think that if a rogue horde takes a a city or a stronghold, it should immediately create an NPC realm and start expanding. that would provide lots of war and fun for the players.

Our problems are that we have more land than players, to we need to provide new pressures to restrict that land, and i think that auto generated rogue realms would provide that needed challenge. You could have auto generated Daimon, Monster and undead realms all with different units and tactics. They would gobble u pall surplus land and human realms would have to band together to survive. Every now and then the rogue realms would declare peace to grant players a breathing space. It has to be thought through, but I think that it would really improve the game.
How can we contact you exactly to do the transfer? I'd prefer to do it privately rather than in an open forum. The realms affected are in Dwilight so who should we contact in Dwilight?
Hello Players / Developers.

Now that BM rules allow the friendly mergers of small realms, I'd like to know if the game mechanics allow any way to do this without using force and going to war. Normal regions can defect or be transferred by ruler transfer, but I think there are restrictions on transferring or defecting the last [capital?] city.

So I've seen in the past in Far East that some realms managed to merge with little fuss. Is there any way to do this without going to war?

Possibilities I know of:

2. Defection to the merging realm by the region lord. Will this work on the last city?

2. Ruler transfer. Will this work on the last city?

3. Buy the last city through corruption.  Will this work on the last city?

Some players seem to have a lot more knowledge of the game mechanics than others and if there is anyone who knows how to transfer the last city without taking it by force, then I would appreciate the information.

Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 28, 2018, 12:30:56 AM
Thank you Vita. Sounds workable. Can I make one more suggestion to add to your changes. Could you also add a message to the realm report that warns the ruler when they have too few knights for their regions and are at danger of attracting rogue. That will give them a warning that they need to abandon a region. This will be useful warning when a realm loses nobles.
Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 27, 2018, 03:33:18 PM
I'd really appreciate some sort of clarity so that I can plan. As soon as a fix is agreed it would be good if it could be posted here.
Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 25, 2018, 08:53:41 PM
I hope that someone is collating and considering these ideas. There are some creative ideas here.

I have yet another suggestion. This idea will allow us to use the whole map, and it will be quite easy to implement. Here it is. We know we need 60 regions to have a density of 3 players or more per region. So lets do this: Put a blight on about 60% of all regions across the whole map. The rules of the blight are that blighted regions cannot be taken over, have zero population and are always starving. This makes them possible to traverse but they can never be part of a realm. This can be done with a random map generator until the devs get a map that looks workable. It need not be a lot of effort. As a result, good areas which have a city and contiguous regions will be sought after and fought over. Since the blight will occur all over the continent it should affect all realms equally.

Please consider it.
Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 25, 2018, 10:23:30 AM
I like the idea of safe zones along the inner sea. I don't like the idea of not being able to take sea border regions. I think safe zones along INNER sea only will force us all to the center around the sea and will also allow us to expand out at a cost of rogue attacks.

At least this will allow us a unique inner sea culture and will alow a lot of realms to keep their current lands or portions thereof. Its a good solution.
Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 25, 2018, 10:18:33 AM
Why not just relax the density code?

If you allow a density as low as 1.5 nobles per region before rogues are attracted then a realm of 6 knights can hold 4 regions, a city, a townsland and 2 rural regions. That is enough to survive.
Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 24, 2018, 12:00:13 PM
My point is that if they have to die then they should die quickly with a big forced bang, not die over an extended period by a thousand cuts. This constant attrition is really demoralizing to players. Just decide what needs to happen and impose it to happen over just a few weeks.

I have yet another suggestion which I think will make it a really interesting, crowded and unique continent. Here it is. Make all regions unlivable except for those directly bordering the inland sea. That way humanity would be confined to a narrow strip around the inner coast, making sea travel important and forcing us all together to fight and trade. There are about 70 such regions so the density would be much greater than currently. It can be implemented very simply and easily. nothing like this has been attempted before and it would create a unique campaign in which the islands and sea travel would be really important. Its a great experiment and should be tried on this experimental continent.
Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 24, 2018, 02:26:33 AM
Some radical suggestions:

There are around 190 nobles in dwilght. That means if you ct the playable map area to 60 regions you will have an average density of 3 nobles per region. I have 2 ideas as to how to achieve this:

(1) Simple. Rogue make the entire west uninhabitable including Madina and Islands but not Dhara. Ice makes the north uninhabitable down to Aegirs Deep. Ice makes the south uninhabitable up to Orz bridge wiping out everything up to the bottom half of Luria. Result is around 60 inhabitable regions.

(2) Complex. Redesign the whole map taking every 7  regions and making them into one region. I think you'll end up with around 60 regions and the whole east and west will be opened up. Its a new map but I think it will keep the flavour of the old one and preserve continuity.

Either of these solutions will solve the problem without resorting to unpredictable devices. And they have the advantage of being a quick hit rather than the current death by a thousand cuts. Pease consider these options.

Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 24, 2018, 02:02:34 AM
Regarding the idea of limiting takeovers by noble density. A realm needs a minimum size of 3 regions, say a city and 2 rurals to survive. So if you set the density to 2 nobles per region then you need 6 nobles to sustain a minimum sized realm. All the small realms in Dwilight have around 5 or 6 knights so could continue to survive in a small area of 3 regions. If however you set the limit to 3 nobles per region, Morek, Arnor and HD will soon cease to exist or at any rate will remain chronically short of food.

None of this sorts the problem, because even if you do shut down small realms all you will have is larger realms isolated by long distances with vast uninhabited areas in between. So no effective interaction between realms.
Development / Re: Can we cut Dwilight some slack now?
August 23, 2018, 06:08:40 PM
Hi. I'm playing the ruler of Arnor and the Devs mechanism is not working well. The three realms with the worst or lowest ratio of players to regions are doing really well, so its clear the code is not working as expected:

Morek Empire 6/1 = 6
Luria Nova 25/7 = 3.57
Arnor 7/2 = 3.5
Madina  12/4 = 3:1
Avernus    Monarchy 18/6 = 3
Westgard 26/9 = 2.89
Luria Ferrata 21/8 = 2.625
Helyg Derwyddon    5/2 = 2.5
Astrum 19/8 = 2.375
D'Hara    19/8 = 2.375
Swordfell 11/5 = 2.2
Sol 11/5 = 2.2
Fissoa 10/6 = 1.67

My point is that its a poor blunt instrument to achieve the aims of the Devs and they need to use something more precise and controllable. I suggest an ice age to wipe out regions in the north and south. Or something similar.

Another mistake was to allow Westgard to flourish in the West. That sent the population density down overall. Those westgard knights would have been more useful in the east to increase density.

Whatever the reasons for it, I think that your mechanism just isn't working as intended. There is still too much space. My sugestion is that the rogue increase in the west and an ice age starts in the north and south forcing players to compress in the center of the east continent. This will probably destroy Madina, Westgard, Avernus and it will badly hit Fissoa and Arnor, but it will at least compress everyone quickly without this constant attrition. Why not ask players in Dwilight to vote on it? I would vote to have the space compressed.
BM General Discussion / Re: Takeover percentages
June 15, 2018, 06:12:58 PM
ok. Thanks for the replies.
BM General Discussion / Re: Takeover percentages
June 14, 2018, 10:02:25 PM
Thanks for replying to the first point. but no one has answered the second point:

(2) Do Peasants get tired of the same takeover action repeated?

Some of my players have noticed those messages saying peasants are not impressed by takeover actions and these players suggest that maybe this is due to us repeating the same takeover action again and again. For example Freedom Celebrations. They suggest that for the takeover to complete faster you need to vary your takeover actions. Is there any truth to this suggestion? If it is true then what are the best combinations?
The map shows that Sirion is currently the smallest its ever been. Not due to military losses, but entirely due to the new tax rules. Due to our high population cities and regions we were forced to divest from half our realm over stages. Our effective tax rates were down to about 6% at one point. Impossible to fight a war at those rates. The current small size of Sirion around 16 or 17 regions is the maximum we can sustain with acceptable tax rates. We are still the joint second largest realm, but small compared to our history.