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Messages - Varwulf

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Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 15, 2015, 03:35:09 AM »
Again, learn to separate IC and OOC. OOC this might be a great thing for Dwilight. That is totally different from arguing against the legitimate IC perceptions of the actions which are separate to OOC rationales.

The IC was obviously missed by you.  Eviera stated to SA that SA has become a toxic part of Dwilight and Morek, creating and promoting apathy and turning away potential new members of the realm.

You can try to quantify it anyway you like, but you are literally assuming the worst with a fractional sum of the information.  It is frustrating.

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:57:07 AM »
Well, far be it from me for finally tossing a monkey wrench into the system of monotony that has become Dwilight in an effort to make things more interesting.  I think the majority of players would agree that this now makes Dwilight more fun than what equates to turning Microsoft Excel into a game of sorts.

As well, if I am not mistaken, somewhere it is written that one of the objectives of those in positions of power is to make the game interesting, not sit on their hind quarters collecting gold.  Just saying.

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:21:31 AM »
Close enough, I'm not you  :P

The fact is, this was planned long ago to make things more interesting, the only change to the original plan was exiling the three "dissenters".  So really, the secession had absolutely nothing to do with the exiles.

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 15, 2015, 02:17:58 AM »
It is certainly how it appears in D'Hara.

I think the perception is a bit more accurate to the ones physically experiencing or causing these events ;)

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 15, 2015, 01:49:42 AM »
It wasn't a rebellion. Only a couple people were in the underground. I personally was not one of them. I was merely suspected of being in the underground.

Basically the dissenters were exiled. When the exiled nobles refused to leave, the ruler had basically lost at that point. Sge stepped down at that point and and seceded because the shock of our dissent forced her to reevaluate the situation.

More accurate, but still not entirely correct :)

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 14, 2015, 11:49:46 PM »
In the face of a rebellion Morek's ruler steps down and secedes.
During subsequent days old Morek nobles log in and switch allegiance to the new realm.
In a few weeks we will have the old Morek with all its cities and nobles intact but under a new name.
Somewhere inbetween those cities there will be a few townslands and rural provinces held by Lurian/Asylonian spies still named Morek.

Am I missing something or was it the most complicated and over the top way to deal with a rebellion I've ever seen? :D

You're missing something :)  A lot of something.

Let's see, especially considering one of the members of said perceived rebellion is now a member of the new realm?  Oh my, the plot thickens like properly crafted beef stew!

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 14, 2015, 11:48:35 PM »
Who cares about the new realm. We are planning to create more. The new realm is led by Eviera anyway. It will just be a boring dead realm nobody really cares about.  ;)

Oh, it's going to be so fun proving you wrong :)

Never doubt the power of renewed spark, sense of purpose, and dozens of ounces of Red Bull.

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 13, 2015, 11:27:45 PM »
Woohoo! Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!

Did I do good, daddy? :P

But I am glad to see this is actually firing people up a bit.  Mission accomplished.

Dwilight / Re: Talking, in Morek? The Apocalypse is nigh!
« on: May 12, 2015, 11:51:21 PM »
VICTORY! Evira is resigning!

Not to step on any toes, but this was a long time coming ;)  You think it's boring just being a noble or a lord within the Morek Empire?  It's also boring being the ruler...

Also, it's Eviera ;)

Now that is impressive!  Congrats :)  One thing I never could do as an Adventurer was repairing items, I found it too difficult to keep up with, but I always respected those who stuck to it and were very good at it.

BM General Discussion / [Insert Adventurer Name Here], I knew thee well...
« on: February 04, 2014, 02:00:39 AM »
I've not had much luck with the Adventurer class, and I am sure I am not the only one :)

I remember way back in the day (a previous account) raising an adventurer up through the many dungeons and caves of Beluaterra into a fighting force of some repute.  I ended up making her an infiltrator and she was pretty feared back in her day.

With my most recent account, I made an Adventurer some time ago who was promptly killed by an Undead Champion 2 months into making her.  Much sadness was had, but I moved on and played my nobles for awhile.

Almost a year ago I tried the Adventurer business again with a character on Dwilight.  Good times were had.  I just got him up to 100% combat equipment a week or so ago and his swordfighting skill was somewhere around 85% - 90%.  I thought I had in made in the shade!

Well, today, he was sadly mowed down in his prime, eaten by a worg (it's my story, I'll tell it how I like!  Monsters though if you had to ask :P) and I felt a rather significant strain of sadness envelope my mind and body as I realized my Adventuring days have once again come to a halt.

I don't know if I can try the class again anytime soon.  Has anyone else had amazing luck with an Adventurer?  Has anyone else potentially shed a few manly tears (or womanly tears for that matter) over a lost Adventurer you've come to love after molding them into a monster and undead killing force over a lengthy period of time?  I'd be interested to hear it.

Cheers :)

Dwilight / Re: What's the Deal with the Zuma Coalition?
« on: September 29, 2013, 07:35:49 PM »
Ah, so it is some sort of GM/Dev Role Playing type deal?  Alright, that makes a lot more sense :)  Still leaves me in the dark, but makes a lot more sense :D

Dwilight / What's the Deal with the Zuma Coalition?
« on: September 29, 2013, 06:26:36 PM »
I keep seeing a character by the name of Haktoo get elected to a position that doesn't exist because the realm doesn't exist and the character himself does not exist on Dwilight, yet the Dynamic Map clearly shows a realm by the name of Zuma Coalition with borders and everything.

A search of the character list shows no one on the continent who is part of the Zuma Coalition.  Any region I attempt to get details on that supposedly is part of the Zuma Coalition brings me to a page that indicates the realm does not exist.

I am very confused here.  As I am trying to Role Play with the leader of the Zuma Coalition (or rather some of his cohorts) I find myself at a distinct disadvantage since these (bugs?) issues sort of leave my character more in the dark than she should be.

Any insight?

BM General Discussion / Re: The Way Forward
« on: September 14, 2013, 12:23:27 AM »
Right now, the server move is more important than everything else together, so we focus on that.

That makes perfect sense.  I just wanted to add to the discussion and hopefully come up with a decent idea to help out.  BM (and you) have been an on and off part of my life for many years now, so it feels good to at least say I am trying to do my part.  I still remember when you requested a photo of my driver's license (and that of my high school friend's) since we frequently used the same IP address to access our accounts :)

BM General Discussion / Re: The Way Forward
« on: September 13, 2013, 12:52:08 AM »
Well, I still thought the idea of having a game wide 'super' invasion that plagues all islands (and the first island to be subdued by the threat is the island that gets 'frozen'/occupied by this enemy force, was an excellent idea.  I suppose I was wrong though since no one commented on it :)

I am sure the Dev team has an RP reason cooked up for one island semi-suddenly being taken off the roster.  Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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