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Messages - The Knight of Ni

Pages: [1]
Questions & Answers / "resurrection"
« on: March 02, 2013, 08:54:30 PM »
If a judge executes a person and then that person recreates the character with the same name claiming they were resurrected is that against the game rules?

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Unwarranted OOC insult
« on: February 17, 2013, 09:00:22 AM »
The magistrates or titans or someone has posted a message to Swordfell, we will try to improve as will I. Let's just drop this and move on.

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Unwarranted OOC insult
« on: February 17, 2013, 03:07:01 AM »
Oh yes I am the player of Kiyth sorry   :D
I was just explaining the context of the exchange.

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Unwarranted OOC insult
« on: February 17, 2013, 02:53:56 AM »
Out-of-Character from Sevastian Guile   (23 hours, 50 minutes ago)
Really? Was it worth writing the whole realm for your personal quip of 'wit'? Jesus, I am seriously disgusted with the Ooc bull!@#$ from people like you in this realm.

That was the post I was replying to. This was after Bowie got appointed Lord of Alley of Swords and I said OOC "that if I could I would like that appointment" because this feud between Bowie and Sevastian is really funny to watch and occasional put a word in on the side.
Yes Swordfell has been being mean to Sevastian and bullying him. Mostly IC and that's because he tried to take over. I can post a few more OOC letters from him that based on his standards of this message to him being offensive he would find offensive as well, but I don't want to have him locked or anything like that because I do enjoy the political struggle he brings into our realm.

BM General Discussion / Re: Great PvP rivalries in BattleMaster
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:03:43 PM »
I know this is from a LOOOOONNNNNNGGG time ago(November)

But just a point of clarification for Ketchum

In reference to Solari characters :P

On Colonies island, Ash Ketchum and May Ketchum against Remi Solari due to different priests religions, followers conflict and whatnot.

But somehow on EC island, Brock Ketchum are Vice Marshal of the Army where Imminent Solari is a Marshal. And they both working together just fine :)

Scarlett, are you by any chance having a character named Scarlett Greenleaf? I have been looking for this character for ages ::)

That wasn't the Solari family it was the Solaris family in Nivemus. I thought the same thing when I met Malus Solari in Dwilight, but it turns out no relation

Magistrates Case Archive / Re: Unwarranted OOC insult
« on: February 16, 2013, 08:37:45 PM »
In no way was the unwarranted. Kyle has been harrassing players both IC and OOC, and he needed to be told. Yes I will admit I accidentily didn't change it to OOC message type, but in that type of message it is usually common knowledge.

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