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Messages - Feylonis

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Beluaterra / Re: Is BT worth it?
« on: December 16, 2016, 10:48:08 AM »
Can confirm, BT right now is the one that's pretty much guaranteed to have fighting. Much excite.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: November 28, 2016, 01:52:16 PM »
How about increasing the rate that Realm Loyalty falls depending on that realm's density? This is sort of a different approach to the above idea regarding harder TOs, but with the same goal in mind.

However, one thing I'm concerned with is that this might too heavily force players to clump in big, monolithic realms. Smaller realms will lose even more players in favour of bigger realms, and newer realms won't be created. From what we know of Atamara and the CE block, a healthy amount of the player population favours safety over risk, even if it means boredom over fun.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: November 22, 2016, 03:18:39 PM »

The top three realms with the most nobles are Astrum, Westgard, and D'Hara. Astrum has a density of around 1.8, while D'Hara has 2.4. Westgard takes the cake at 6.5. But sure, let's further infuriate and frustrate the most populated realms. 10/10, solid game plan.

If the goal is to move towards a 2:1 player to region ratio, these realms are far and beyond from being the problem.

Dwilight / Re: Astrum vs Westgard
« on: October 02, 2016, 01:02:39 AM »
How is it not possible? Literally every single other island is smaller than Dwilight. Just close down DW and move all the characters to FE. Smaller map, more manageable, no more slow painful psychological bleed for players who try to make functional realms only to be told, "no, sorry, you gotta move even more east, don't mind the fact that there is no more east to move to."

Dwilight / Re: Astrum vs Westgard
« on: October 02, 2016, 12:49:09 AM »
Honestly, if the goal is to densify the game by shrinking the available space to play in, just close down the current Dwilight map and start anew with a naturally smaller island. It's much less painful for the players than have them spend months trying to keep up a realm that is destined to die anyway.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: September 01, 2016, 11:20:33 PM »
That's the problem, though -- the frontier realms will pretty much always be at the mercy of the inner realms, since the inner realms don't have rogues constantly sapping at their strength. Their grand solution? "Oh, just move to the inner realms, because Player Density amirite."

That solution completely ignores the fact that moving to all the inner realms will only push the rogue border eastwards. In the process, many if not all of the players will be frustrated: the frontier players for having to leave their realm behind and again starting anew, and the inner players for having their realms invaded. All of this will lead to a risk of higher player dropouts and completely work against the goal of a healthier game.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 29, 2016, 04:55:28 AM »
It already has progressed. Nearly half (the western half) of the realms in Dwilight were wiped out. Some people moved east; a lot quit the game entirely. More than a year was given for this solution to 'work'. It has not. Players have been voicing their discontent with the mechanic; they have been silenced, and quit. Something indeed has to change; the rogue mechanics forcibly pressuring outer realms is not working.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 29, 2016, 03:29:11 AM »
If refreshing an island will make things better, I don't mind having resets.

People seem to want the old way of letting people conquer everything. 10 people running a 30 region realm is not going to happen again.

Well if Dwilight continues to shrink then maybe it is a good time to close it and be done with it. I know at least one person will be very happy about it. Tom.

I'm not sure if you're blind or unable to understand the argument. People already aren't conquering everything. More than half of the continent is not under the control of any realm. A border had been drawn -- everything west is rogue, everything east is playable. That obviously has not work, and the border was relaxed. What you are advocating has already been tried, and it has not worked.

Dwilight has, for the longest time, been the reason why I continue to play Battlemaster. It is the reason I chose to come back. Close it, and the game will hemorrhage even more players.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 28, 2016, 08:15:31 AM »
Maybe it wasn't clear. Abandoning "outer realms" will just make the "inner realms" the new "outer realms".

Z-A-B-C-D. Abandoning A and B won't result in Z---C-D. It will result in Z-Z-Z-C-D. It is a failing solution.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 28, 2016, 07:33:38 AM »
I don't know, maybe the people who thing the rogue issue is okay maybe play in middle realms who don't actually have to deal with it? Here's the problem:

We start with realms Z-A-B-C-D. Z is the rogue lands, produces 5 rogue armies. Realms A-B-C-D can produce 2 armies each because of income constraints and player densities. Rogues attack realm A, but B-C-D can play PvP with one another because The Threat is not close to them.

Realm A falls. Realm A players move to Realm B, increasing Realm B's capability to raise 3 armies because of higher player density. Income constraints remain the same. However, Rogue Z now has former Realm A's lands to raise armies in. They can now get 7 armies. Realm B begins to deal with Rogue Z, and can no longer play with Realms C-D.

Realm B falls. Players move to Realm C, bumping their armies up to 5 because they now have former A and B players. However, Rogue Z can now raise 9 armies because it has its own original Z, and former A and B lands, to spawn in. Realm C has to deal with a more powerful Rogue Z.

All the while, Realm D is shouting at all the other people "But this is good, you can still war with us! Kekekeke."

This is the crux of the problem. Rogues were meant to improve the player density of Dwilight and encourage more realms to interact with one another. In practice, though, it's a poor solution. Realms become focused on dealing with the rogues rather than with each other.

And for those saying "Go to EC for PvP", I say to you: go to Beluaterra for PvE. See? It's an annoying argument to make.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 18, 2016, 11:17:53 PM »
The problems of Dwilight are the problems of most other BM continents: geographically, too large or too long. EC's basically a strip of diagonal land. Perdan and Sirion, on opposite ends of that stick, have showcased their inherent advantage (I mean, they've been around every since way way way way back). Or take Atamara and (somewhat modified) Beluaterra. Realm capitals can take literal days to reach a border/battle area, especially if your neighbors are your friends and your enemies are all the way in Irombro while you're in Firbalt or something.

War Island I think is a very good example of a nicely laid out geography. Compact, each capital somewhat equidistant from each other. Refit and recruit times are fairly short. The way Dwilight was shrunk, it left just the western eastern half that ended up combining the too-linear and too-large problems of EC and Atamara/Beluaterra.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 18, 2016, 11:06:28 PM »
That is laughable I think. When the whole Dwilight was occupied, it just turned into another Atamara. Boredom never ended.

The whole point of rogues pushing people in is to destroy outer realms so we get more inner realms. Inner realms probably should attack outer realms to speed up the process.

One thing I do not like about this monster invasion is how it is attacking all the realms. It should focus on crushing outer realms so we don't get just huge rogue territories in the center of human realms when the invasion finally stops.

And when all the 'outer realms' are destroyed, the 'inner realms' will become the new border lands. We've kept pushing back the border -- first, all realms on the western half went rogue. Now we're talking about pushing it further east? What's the point of setting up Westgard, then, if we just want to concentrate all the players on the easternmost edge of Dwilight?

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 18, 2016, 08:27:49 PM »
The thing that no one talks about is that relentless rogue attacks also force realms to focus on those, rather than engaging war against other (player) realms. Swordfell lost/is losing a number of its regions due to focusing on the Westfold war. D'Hara hasn't engaged in an actual war (other than the token 'invasion' against LB).

Thinking "rogues force everyone to clump togther" is a novel idea, but guess what -- when you keep encouraging people to just move to a more inland realm, then the outer realms fall, and the rogue border simply pushes forward.

Yes, it's ideal for there to be smaller, more mobile realms that are constantly warring against each other. But forcing this through large rogue groups hinders the latter part of the ideal -- smaller, mobile realms are forced to deal with these large rogue groups rather than warring each other.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 16, 2016, 11:25:49 PM »
Semi-stable! I thought Morek was doing pretty well until the Mayhem fiasco.

Dwilight / Re: Monster Problems
« on: August 16, 2016, 10:05:45 PM »
I am a bit surprised by all of this. Mostly because I am not very involved on DWI with my character (that's my own fault).

But I am in Westfold and we're actively fighting Swordfell. To be honest, communication and RP could be much better (and maybe I should start up something..). But we don't really have problems with Undead or Monsters, or at least not that often.

So I'd say if you want to change realms, those two are good options. I am unsure what others are doing.

That's because Westfold is safely in the middle of four semi-stable realms: HD, Morek, Astrum, and Swordfell. Those with borders facing rogue regions are constantly facing a deluge of monsters (Arnor, Swordfell, LN in the east, plus all the realms facing west).

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