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Topics - Jaden

Pages: [1] 2
Helpline / Appointing own knights as Lord of other regions.
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:30:55 PM »
So I am the Duke of Irombro. I have a knight of Irombro city under me. I was looking at the Govern regions button for a week or two to try and appoint him to one of the regions under my Duchy, but I couldnt. Only nobles available were knights that already had an estate there or nobles without an estate. So I tried kicking him out of his estate, and only then I was able to appoint him as lord.

Working as intended?
IIRC, weren't Dukes allowed to appoint all the nobles under their Duchy to regions under their Duchy?

Helpline / Failed election
« on: June 19, 2015, 09:22:28 AM »
Unstable Government Causes Unrest   (3 hours, 5 minutes ago)
The recent failed election has the people confused and uncertain about the future.

Riombara have been getting this message for the past two weeks. Our general and our judge did not contest their monthly elections and  neither did anyone else, the election failed but they were kept in office as they were still incumbents. I think this has been causing across the board drop in realm control. I just want to be certain if its a bug before i report it to the bugtracker.

Helpline / How long for reappointment to position
« on: December 18, 2014, 06:12:02 PM »
So I step down as just before my vacation. And now I am fully active again, I want to be appointed back to the general position. But it seems I cant untick the General box on the paperworks page. Not sure if bug or intended.

BM General Discussion / Goat Hunt
« on: October 05, 2014, 12:25:04 PM »
So I have an idea that I am selling to my realm. Split up your realm into two or more armies then get an adventurer, i.e. the goat. Have the goat run around regions and have the armies try to capture him using the arrest an adventurer option. The armies will try to corner him using scout reports. The goat will have movement restrictions like only being able to move two turns in day so that he wont disappear suddenly from sight and only moving inside certain borders.


Helpline / pausing a character in a new realm
« on: October 02, 2014, 07:32:06 AM »
I am just wondering how many days will it take for me to pause a character in a new realm? I just immigrated one of my characters from Dwilight and I wanted to pause him cause i didnt want to play him right away.

Roleplaying / Irdalni, Babar Elixir and Rajabuah
« on: November 02, 2013, 02:53:55 AM »
A few days before

“M’lord, there have been reports of Babar threatening the safety of locals. There have been reports of a group of Babars attacking an outpost of 40 men and managing to kill around half of them.” Captain Aldebrand reported

“How dare they rise up against me, how many were they in the attack?” Johan questioned.

Captain Aldebrand replied “M’lord, reports have varied between 10-12 Babar men armed with basic weapons.”

“How did 40 heavily armed men managed to lose to 10 natives armed with nothing but sticks and stone? Captain, you have some explaining to do.” Johan was questioned Aldebrand again.

“M’lord, it appears that they were intoxicated with some kind of elixir that made them feel no pain and fear no death, each Babar men were fighting off 5 men by themselves and their eyes were red with blood.” Captain replied.

Johan was intrigued by the idea of the elixir that would have major benefits for the armies of Aren, he thought to himself ‘If indeed this elixir is as said, Aren will possess the strongest army in the world’

“Bring me the elixir maker, take as many men as needed” Johan ordered his captain.

This morning

“M’lord, we managed to raid the Babar village and brought back the head shaman who is responsible for the production of the elixir, we also managed to bring back some of the elixir” Aldebrand reported to Johan.

“If you fear for your village, give me the elixir that is the secret of the strength of the Babar” Johan threatened the shaman.

The elderly Babar shaman was defiant at first but was eventually broken by Johan threat and agreed to make the elixir for the army of Aren.

Johan had a taste of the elixir that was brought back to the castle. He had a sudden rush in his veins after taking some of the elixir and he felt like he was 30 years younger. He was challenging and defeating his guards who were much younger than him, singlehandedly. However he was a changed man, and was filled with emotions that he had never felt before. The elixir had brought out a side in Johan that was never seen.

“Guards! Send word to Khan Malice and tell his highness that we have found a new weapon of war."
The Khan was closeted in his quarters examining the Babar Elixir that he had received from the Lawgiver that morning. The letter that accompanied it had claimed that it would give the drinker the strength of 10 men and bring on a kind of blood rage. Malice had occasionally seen soldiers in battle experience such things but he'd always thought it had come from the rush of bloodshed. He'd never dreamed it was something that a man could bring on at will. Raising the vial to his eyes, Malice peered closely at the murky liquid inside. Whatever it contained didn't look at all healthy, but the herald had sworn that when the Lawgiver himself had sampled the elixir, he had been as a man possessed.

Malice debated inwardly whether he ought to sample the elixir himself. For all he knew his heart might stop or it would poison him. Then again, was he not in the peak condition of his life? It wasn't so long ago that he'd defeated a ruler of Lukon in a death duel without so much as breaking a sweat, even if his opponent had somehow managed to survive his killing blow. That settled it in Malice' mind. Throwing all caution to the wind he stood up, unfastened the stopper on the vial and then drank it all down in one go. The effect was almost instantaneous. He felt better than he had ever felt in his life. He felt like a god.

Without so much as a pause, Malice began bellowing for a scribe. 'Send a letter to the Lawgiver! We must procure more of this elixir!'
After receiving the letter from the Khan, Johan realized that the lone Babar shaman would not be enough to produce the amount needed for the entire army of Aren. His captain spent a few days interrogating the Babar shaman intending to find out the secrets behind the elixir. The repeated threats against the shaman finally broke him and he talked.

All of the ingredients were common except for the last one, an exotic fruit that is only found in the deep jungles of Irdalni. It is known to the Babar as the King of Fruits, “Rajabuah” is covered with thorns and it taste of rotten onions. Nonetheless, the fruit was believed by the locals to cure many illnesses and is a vital ingredient in the elixir.

Determined to get his hands on some Rajabuah and cultivate it in the gardens of Irdalni manor, he gathered his men and led an expedition to the jungles of Irdalni. The jungles of Irdalni are widely known to be one of the most dangerous places in the colonies. There roam wild beasts that could swallow a grown man whole, and there are even rumours of cannibals in the jungle. The various poisonous animals and the disorienting nature of the jungle have also taken many lives in the past. However Johan was determined to lead his expedition, and brought along the shaman to ensure that he did not try to escape when Johan was absent from the manor. Ever the cautious man, Johan brought along a few elixirs just in case any dangers came up.

The scorching jungle heat was taking its toll on Johan’s men and they quickly tire in the heavy armour that they were wearing. Seeing that fatigue has set in the guards, the shaman escaped from his guards. Johan in a fit of rage, ordered all his men to pursue the shaman leaving him alone in the makeshift camp that they were resting at. It was at this time that Johan realized the sheer power that the elixir possessed.

2 wild carnivores suddenly appear in the camp. They were waiting in the shadows for a chance to strike and this was it. Johan was now fighting for his life, even though he have faced many enemies in the battlefield, he have never faced such fierce beasts alone. Johan grabbed the elixir and quickly downed the awful tasting potion. The elixir begins to take effect and Johan without a care charged straight towards the beasts and stabbed one of the animals with his sword. The animal clawed back in its final moments leaving a mark in Johan’s chest, Johan felt no pain due to the powers of the elixir. The other beast in the presence of such a fearsome aura ran towards the jungle leaving behind his dead friend.

Johan’s party soon returns with the captured shaman who was now in chains. They were shocked that a man of Johan’s age was able to take down the wild beast. The shaman led the party to the Rajabuah and Johan laid his eyes on the King of Fruits, a fruit that he have never seen before and the key to the future of Aren.

Helpline / Legendary Hero Fame
« on: October 27, 2013, 05:55:23 AM »
Legendary hero buried   (4 days ago)
The Jaron family commemorates the dead hero Johan, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.

My hero was buried 4 days ago and I still havent gotten the fame. I had two heroes who died before so I cant be sure that this will be my first legendary hero (didnt really tracked my fame back then). I want to check for sure before posting a bug report.

Roleplaying / Death of Johan
« on: October 22, 2013, 08:16:59 AM »
Roleplay from Jabari Jaron   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in the region Alowca (23 recipients)
3 hours before the battle
Jabari was a squire to his elderly uncle, Johan, he had been sent to study under his uncle and serve him as his squire. Jabari had learn much from the old man. Hours before the battle, Jabari was busy preparing for his uncle's armour and was anxious to fight alongside him in the defense of the city. He looked into the weary eyes of his uncle who had seen many battles before him and had always been insistent to fight alongside his soldier. "Nephew, let us get this battle over with. We will show them the might of Aren and power of the Elixir." Johan said to young Jabari and to the Captain. Johan then informed his captain to distribute the stash of Babar Elixir that he had kept for this very occasion to every Arenese soldiers who were manning the walls. Jabari then saw his uncle reply to a letter that was sent by an enemy messenger, allegedly from the Arch Priest. To calm down just before the battle and to steel his nerve, Johan munch on some of the Rajabuah that he had brought from Irdalni.

The battle
It was sunrise, when the enemy horde decided to attack. As always, Johan was in the front of his troops leading his men with Jabari was right beside him. The horde soon breached the walls, however due to a lack of siege engines, they were only breaching the northern side of the walls. The Arenese warriors driven to a berserker rage by the Elixir was valiantly defending against the invading horde and fought them back off the wall. The sight of the Arenese berserkers drove off many of the enemy horde and had them fleeing from the battlefield. However, the enemy horde still have numbers on their side and the melee was ferocious. Johan's armour was severely damaged in the resulting melee and driven by the effects of the Elixir, he took off his armour and continued the fight. With the advantage of the walls, the enemy frontline was soon routed by the Irdalni Prowlers. Seeing the advantage, the Arenese warriors soon rush out of the walls to mop up the remaining archers. Without any armour, Johan was prime target for archers, and he was soon shot by a unit of Tilogian archers at his leg. Still under the effects of the Elixir, Johan pulled out the arrow without even a grunt and marched forward to meet the enemy. Suddenly, Johan saw an arrow aiming straight for his nephew, Jabari. Without a thought in his mind, Johan lept forward to save his precious nephew. Running to the side of his uncle, Jabari noticed that the arrow had punctured straight into Johan's heart. Not wanting to die a long and drawnout death, Johan motioned to his sword that was laying beside him, and said to the young man: "Son, it is now time for me to exit The Stage, I have lived a long life and have done many a things, and I prefer that I die a honourable death on the battlefield. The future is with you now. " Jabari with tears filling his eyes knew what he had to do, he rammed the shortsword straight into his uncle's abdomen ending his life. Johan was now dead.

Roleplay from Jabari Jaron   (just sent)
Message sent to all nobles of your realm in the region Alowca (2 recipients)
After the battle
Fulfilling the last words of his uncle, Jabari took command of a unit of elite Babar who had just arrived in Alowca. They were at first assigned to Irdalni in order to distract and delay the Lukonites and Tilogians. Hearing the imminent  assault of the city, they quickly rushed towards the defence of Alowca but they were too late to save their liege lord.
As per the family tradition, the body of Johan was quickly burned and his spirit sent off by the local priest. Following the instructions of his uncle, Jabari send word to the nobles that there should be no mourning period and that all efforts are to be channeled into the city's defence.

Colonies / Can the colonies bounce back?
« on: September 27, 2013, 07:09:48 PM »
As of 27 september, the colonies has only 91 character, of those 85 are nobles, 1 dead?? guy. And with some players having 2 characters, my last rough count was around 65 players for the entirety of colonies. Do you guys think the Empire plan will bring back players or is it going to slowly spiral?

Helpline / Banker bug
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:31:05 PM »
The banker of Corsanctum, Miller Mcfluffy is having bugs with accepting sell/buy offers. There was a related bug on the bugtracker and I gave feedback, though I cant be 100% sure its related cause I am not the one having problems.

Letter from Miller McFluffy   (12 hours, 15 minutes ago)
i have tried to accept the offer (buy and selling) from city or rurall area. but the trading was also didn't success.

Miller McFluffy
Fiduciary of Corsanctum
Margravine of Unterstrom Vorstadt
star  [reply to sender] | [ignore] | [userdetails] | [vulgarity]

Helpline / visibility of own offers when trading outside of own realm
« on: September 26, 2013, 05:35:11 PM »
I cant see the offers i set up in Eidulb Outskirts (I am margrave of Mimer), is that intended behaviour?
My banker has also reported having problems and she cant send food to deficit regions.

Wiki / Error in thumbnail creation on the wiki
« on: September 12, 2013, 07:12:56 AM »
I am getting this message in almost all the images on the wiki
"Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination"

it's affecting realm banners, coat of arms, fame box, memes

Helpline / Sea travel
« on: August 31, 2013, 06:38:22 AM »
You are suppose to be able to embark in any coastal region right? ??? Duil in Dwilight have no boats at all.

Helpline / unit designation mid travel
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:45:29 PM »
does changing your unit into vanguard mid travel shorten your travel time?
 like if I had 10 hours and it's a 11 hour journey to Kepler and I have already started my journey, would I make it if I change to vanguard, or would it still be an 11 hour journey?

Not counting shortcuts and scouts of course.

Other Games / Dota 2 guild
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:08:36 AM »
Anyone playing dota 2? I have gone ahead and made a BM guild in dota 2, add me "ChickenT"   if you want to be invited, ( damn that's an embarrassing nickname  8))

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