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Topics - Lopeyschools

Pages: [1]
General Talk / How many Canadians do we have?
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:48:13 AM »
Just a shout out to all my fellow Canadians!

How many of us play battlemaster? Where are you from? Do any of your characters have a canadian feel? or a Canadien feel?

I'm from Victoria.


Development / Disease as a Game-Mechanic
« on: August 13, 2011, 03:59:38 AM »
I searched around but couldn't find anything on the idea of introducing disease as a game mechanic into battlemaster. The game replicates famine well, but the other major killer of the medieval world is missing! Disease could follow the spread of peasants or nobles, and even be used as early biological warfare(infiltrator placing plague rats in the wells?). Effects could vary based on type of disease and whether it effected a noble or the peasantry.


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