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Topics - Forbes Family

Pages: [1]
Helpline / tax bug???
« on: July 26, 2014, 05:22:32 PM »
Not sure if this is a bug or something intentional since the updates but Sallowtown and I know many other regions in Dwilight have had significant tax drops. I had an investment in Sallowtown last week and even now that it has lowered production is still over 90%.

On the politics page for tax and estates it says that the region should bring in just over 960 gold in tax income. This weeks taxes were 555 gold and that is after an investment.

Can someone explain what is going on that a city can no longer support its knights and lord let alone pay to purchase food?

Helpline / Question about realms affected by ice/monsters
« on: May 06, 2014, 03:53:21 PM »
Can they use other regions as capitals, say perhaps they were able to get a townsland, could that be used as a capital so that they can refit or does it have to be a city/stronghold?

Helpline / Changing Government style
« on: September 12, 2013, 01:50:35 PM »
I'm trying to change the government style of a realm from republic to monarchy. However, I do not see where to do it. Can someone help?

BM General Discussion / Dwilight
« on: August 14, 2013, 03:44:51 PM »
Is anyone else having troubles getting into dwilight? I just posted a bug.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException' with message 'Entity was not found.' in /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/__CG__BattleMasterArmy.php:32 Stack trace: #0 /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/__CG__BattleMasterArmy.php(83): BattleMaster\Proxies\__CG__\BattleMaster\Army->__load() #1 /var/battlemaster/include/ BattleMaster\Proxies\__CG__\BattleMaster\Army->__call('getId', Array) #2 /var/battlemaster/include/ BattleMaster\Proxies\__CG__\BattleMaster\Army->getId() #3 /var/battlemaster/live/stable/playchar.php(132): require_once('/var/battlemast...') #4 {main} thrown in /var/battlemaster/include/Doctrine/Proxies/__CG__BattleMasterArmy.php on line 32

BM General Discussion / available character
« on: August 14, 2013, 01:08:58 PM »
So I have 2 on AT and 1 on Dwilight. I have one more spot open since my advy just died.

Helpline / Archers
« on: January 29, 2013, 01:09:24 PM »
What happens if you have a unit with say 4 range and add to it with archers with 3 range? does the range of your unit drop to 3?

Helpline / number of characters
« on: September 06, 2012, 09:51:50 PM »
According to the Wiki it says that at fame 20 you should have a character limit of 4 with 4 nobles. Just wondering if this is indeed correct as I have over 20 fame and only allowed 3 characters.

Development / Split: Region revolts while control at core
« on: June 20, 2012, 02:35:27 PM »
Strombran has had a problem since the update with regions all of a sudden going rogue. The first one being Dontow where control was at core. We were having problems building loyalty and morale there but control was at core before all of a sudden it kicked out the nobility and went rogue.

Now last night while Cummaol has been at core for over a week and loyalty was building (finally in the 20% range), it went rogue.

I'm uncertain if this is a bug or if it is a new design feature of the new system. Should a bug report be made?

Atamara / Strombran!
« on: February 01, 2012, 11:56:28 PM »
As of today the realm of Strombran has been formed with the secession of the Duchy of Strombran from the Cagilan Empire. This secession was done with the knowledge and blessing of both the realm council and senate.

With a new realm comes new opportunities. There is land that needs Lords and estates that need to be filled. Come one, come all!

Feature Requests / search for a region on map
« on: April 26, 2011, 03:30:40 PM »
Just starting in Dwilight and I remember when I was new on AT finding a region on the map can be quite daunting. Is there any way to do a drop-down list with all of the regions and when you click on a region it highlights where that region is? I think it would definitely help new people learn where regions are instead of spending a lot of time trying to figure it out.

Helpline / banker getting an estate
« on: April 01, 2011, 07:33:23 PM »
I play a character who is a banker and am trying to get an oath from a region lord. Any ideas why the region lord is receiving an error that they cannot give government officials oaths?

Feature Requests / instant messaging
« on: March 21, 2011, 03:52:07 PM »
I think it would be cool to have some sort of instant messaging for allied nobles in the same region. Call it being at the local Lords estates or if in an enemy territory a tent where the nobles in the area could easily communicate in real time.

Helpline / Cavaliers
« on: March 20, 2011, 09:32:11 PM »
Can anyone tell me what requirements must be met to become a Cavalier?

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