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Topics - lorduck

Pages: [1]
Helpline / Duchy alignment change when kicked out of estate
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:09:20 PM »
Here's the scenario:

On Dwilight, Palm Sea is part of Duchy Drowenton, and therefore the Lord has pledged allegiance to Duke of Drowenton.  The Lord then gets kicked out because of unruly peasants.  His allegiance is then changed to the Duchy of Fissoa.  Is that what is supposed to happen?

It seems to me that one's allegiance wouldn't change simply because some peasants get all uppity.

I believe a similar situation happened with the Lord of Nuas, who was kicked when the region went rogue.  We took it back, but I believe it's the same issue.  Haven't gotten confirmation from the player yet.

If this behavior is not how the game mechanics should work I will gladly submit a bug report.

Helpline / Lending knights to other regions
« on: August 07, 2011, 10:14:47 PM »
I'm looking for opinions on the idea of "lending" a knight to another region.  One of my characters is in a realm that is having trouble keeping control of a couple regions as there are no spare characters who can be knights for these regions.  The scheme would work kind of like this:

A lord in a stable region that can spare the loss of a knight "orders" one of his knights to go and work in another region.  The knight would continue to receive funds from the original lord (or perhaps a flat sum) and the understanding would be that they are still bound to the lord.  The knight would then be offered an oath by the new Lord who would get the benefit of having the knight's estate.  Once the threat of rebellion is past and the region can be handled by just the lord, the knight would return to his original oath-holder.

I don't want to suggest this in character yet because I can see how this could be working the game dynamics too much, especially since it's a realm on Dwilight.  But on the other hand, the stable region actually loses production so there are disadvantages to the scheme and the game supports moving around from oath to oath.

Thanks in advance for any comments and clarifications.

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