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Topics - cenrae

Other Games / Fallout 76
December 25, 2018, 01:23:17 AM
Anyone here play Fallout 76 on PC? If so drop me a line and lets play. In game character name is Cenrae.
Helpline / Excel graphs in message editor
January 02, 2014, 04:41:51 AM
So a while back I could get my food production reports pasted into the message editor and they would keep a nice graph shaped format. Now it just pastes in as text. Is there a way to get the graph format? Am I over looking something?
Helpline / Lamps
December 17, 2013, 09:12:32 PM
So I still haven't figured out if lanterns do anything in game for you other then

" You are no longer afraid of grues."
Helpline / scroll bug
October 23, 2013, 07:02:06 PM
Well I reported a bug with scroll creation. Yesterday from my PC I meet a wizard, had the required items for the scroll. I was rewarded with a blank screen with only the wizard header. My items were removed but no scroll was given.  So I tried again as I had more items. Again same result. Items gone and no scroll. This happened to me about a month ago while on the mobile version on my phone as well. I thought it was a fluke then but not now.

This was on Dwilight.
BM General Discussion / how to kill a hero
October 22, 2013, 08:49:28 PM
So what's the easiest way to kill a hero. I just did a duel, selected to death and am critically wounded. Can you actually die from a duel?
Helpline / Quarterly elections
August 19, 2013, 08:06:40 PM
Is there a way to find out when the next quarterly elections are?. I know the realm government page gives a data count down, but on Dwilight and specifically in the Farronite Republic we have received messages in the past that elections were upcoming but never happened. Also the days count down has rarely matched when elections happen. I however never reported thus to bug tracker.
Dwilight / Recruitment Centers - Whos got the best?
April 14, 2013, 02:49:31 AM
So Ive been wondering Demyansk in the Farronite Republic has a pretty nice special forces center, or at least I think so. Whos got something better?

Maddening Gladiators, Special Forces, 95 training, 95 / 70
Serrated Ballistae, Special Forces, 70 training, 90 / 80

Dwilight / The Wedding
February 27, 2013, 11:49:22 PM
Well I enjoyed all the RPs for Khari and Rynns wedding. If anyone is interested in reading it I have compiled it all into a word document, 14 pages long.
Dwilight / Fame - sword fighting
December 26, 2012, 10:49:47 PM
So my adventure has a fame sword fighting of 85. Not to bad, though I have not been to an academy for a while to know what the actual score is. I'm wondering just how many people are in that top 15%?
BM General Discussion / Adventurers Combat Gear
August 28, 2012, 04:22:25 PM
How does everyone RP an adventurers gear? What im getting at is basically the costs. Once you have spent all the gold needed for 100% gear thats like 250 gold or more for the single skill set. Near 500 gold for both adventuring and combat gear. How does that compare to say a nobles gear or even a lords. In my mind 100% combat gear is some pretty good stuff. Perhaps rivaling even a lords. Now I know nobles do not need to "buy" armor and weapons but I dont ever really hear anyone describing their nobles equipment. For adventurers on the other hand this is done by some as we have something to gauge our descriptions against.
BM General Discussion / unique items repair
August 22, 2012, 04:59:17 PM
Has something changed that I missed. I just repaired am item and its at 142%. If this is correct I like the change as I have always thought they degraded to quickly.
BM General Discussion / mobile battlemaster
August 10, 2012, 01:35:02 AM
Is anyone else having issues  with their Android device? I'm having multiple pages overlapping on my phone. Everything worked fine yesterday. Currently I have to play from the main site.