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Topics - Ketchum

Name: Random button to click for those who don't want choose realm

At choose realm screen after create character page, a random button to click for those who don't want choose a realm.

From Discord/Marketing today there is talk about choose realm that they like. Currently, a character need choose a realm after create character page. Player won't know how a realm looks like, realm description not updated most of the time.

May reward both realms that need player. Same like adventurer, where you cannot choose where your adventurer will start his adventuring career. May prove helpful to new players without any realm attachment.

None that I can think of. Player may choose to delete his character if he doesn't like that particular realm.
Dwilight / Portal at Helhhir
July 31, 2018, 10:41:53 AM
With some gathering, my adventurer has opened a Portal in Helhhir. His praying hopefully will help Avernus.
Helpline / How they calculate hunting men nowadays?
November 29, 2017, 12:14:26 PM
I keep counting, but there is no 10 men killed. It is 6 men killed and 6 men captured ???

Hunting Report   (6 hours ago)
One hunting party of 20 men meets 2 enemies of the McMilitia unit, who immediately surrender.
One hunting party of 14 men meets 2 enemies of the Kapnobatai unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 0 of your men die during the fight.
One hunting party of 18 men meets 2 enemies of the Kapnobatai unit, who immediately surrender.
One hunting party of 20 men meets 2 enemies of the Kapnobatai unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 0 of your men die during the fight.
One hunting party of 23 men meets 2 enemies of the Kapnobatai unit. The enemy doesn't surrender and your men attack, wiping the enemy party out. 0 of your men die during the fight.
One hunting party of 12 men meets 2 enemies of the Kapnobatai unit, who immediately surrender.
Morale rises by 2 points.
None of your men die, while you managed to kill 10 men of your opponent.
Dwilight / Astrum versus Swordfell FIGHT!
November 23, 2017, 02:46:53 AM
Round 1!

Let fight....
Roleplaying / A Ranger Last Stand
September 05, 2017, 09:20:00 AM
In front of Sallowtown gate, a Ranger stands proudly. He won't let his patron Lady Katarina down. He will fight to protect the land and its people to his last breath.

Grinning at himself, Ranger Flint stands ready to defeat the alpha monster. He has cut down many smaller groups of monster before he reaches the alpha monster. The alpha monster just stares at him and speaks some unintelligible words as the alpha surveys the bloodbaths of Ranger Flint causing. Using his home ground advantage and his familiarity with the lay of the land, his sword fighting skills, his maxed out equipment and his own experience, he crushes the alpha monster from left, right, left and right again. The alpha monster fall a bit too easily.

Panting and catching his breath, Ranger Flint rests his hands on the ground as he recovers. Only a few monsters escape and they escape with fear from the Ranger.

Sometime later after Ranger Flint has rested enough.

Looking through the bushes and small plants, climbing up and down the caves and little hills overlooking Sallowtown, his eyes scan the area warily. Ranger Flint has an uneasy feeling but he is not the one to give up easily. Glimpsing a sight of one undead, he tries to rush through. In the beginning, he was winning.

Until he chances a glimpse upon the undead champion. Even then he never give up ground as he fights bravely and with all his heart. Unfortunately while exchanging blows with the champion, one of the undead champion blows reaches his right shoulder. Yelling in pain, Ranger Flint right hand moves to take out a dagger from his boot and hit the champion in the shoulder as well. As he makes the hit, he thought the undead champion has ceased attacking him. Another undead champion blow reach his left face from which he never recovers.

He fall to the ground slowly, his head swimming with unconsciousness. His last thought turns towards his patron, as he makes a last shout to anyone who could hear him "Your... servant... is... sorry... Lady... Katarina.....". Half unconscious, Ranger Flint lies on the ground with the undead champion standing over him. Looking at the sky, Ranger Flint has not much energy to escape the champion dangerous blow as his skull bleeds profusely. His left hand still wielding a knife, his favorite weapon as he tries to ward off the blow. Undead champion speaks suddenly in a language the Ranger can understand, "Human, the end has come for you. And the rest of you will have same fate soon."

The last blow is struck hard directly on Ranger Flint chest. A long straight cut is dealt as Ranger Flint coughs blood. Even then the undead champion does not let him go, he makes a few more major cuts across his body. Sighing as he tries to muster his failing strength, Ranger Flint grins at the undead champion who looks surprised at his never-give-up attitude before the champion deals another powerful cut from which he loses consciousness.

One farmfolk at Sallowtown which happens to see such scene and hearing the Undead Champion and Ranger Flint last words, gasps in horror and begins to flee for his life to find the town guards.
As per above. How do you all fight Daimons anyway without scrolls? Pure CS force strength? ???
East Island / New war on EC
February 22, 2017, 07:02:22 AM
I hear you all go to war.

without me >:(
Helpline / How to remove Duke?
January 09, 2017, 01:46:24 AM
I need to remove an inactive Duke. My character is a realm Ruler. I could not believe I cannot remove Duke when I was the one who appointed Duke.

Any help would be appreciated.
BM General Discussion / Share your adventurers stories!
November 28, 2016, 12:18:24 PM
In the world of Battlemaster, magic and great stories abound, waiting to be discover and written. Let share our adventurers stories :)

My first adventurer finds a good item recently ;)

After 2 hours, you finally find a small undead army. They are lead by an undead champion, an evil creature with more power and intelligence than the usual lot. Because you are close to home and familiar with the lay of the land, you are able to use the terrain to your advantage. The battle rages, you against the undead. Your blows land true, shattering them to dust left and right. The champion makes you sweat, he is quite the opponent. But in the end, he is just a pile of bones, too. Among what is left of the champion, you find treasures worth a total of 1 gold, 8 silver.

You also find a unique item among the loot, the "Iron Hammer of Good and Evil".

My second adventurer casts this Scroll of Healing recently ::)

You carefully work the ritual inscribed on your scroll of Healing.
The magic from the scroll is unleashed. Within instants, Lordname makes a rapid recovery.

You have improved your spellcasting skill.

Then my third adventurer uses the 3 Monsters Book of Hunting recently, and the funny part is I roleplay this adventurer as illiterate. So how can he read book, I have to display more imagination. Hmmmm, with his silver, he hires people to write for him can he? ???

All three books combined, and with enough time, the text starts to make sense. You read it, and it engulfs you. Techniques you never dreamt about enter your mind, and in your mind you follow them. Then you notice that you have started following them with your body as well.

In your dream-like state, you ambush a group of 16 monsters. To your big surprise, you start cutting them down, one by one. This one with a poison needle from the trees, that one into a spiked pit, those two with a trap, and so on.

The group is too large even for your enhanced skills, but you manage to kill 12 of them, and then you also slaughter all their wounded.

As soon as you wake from your trance, you find that you have forgotten all this ancient lore. Worse yet, it seems that the book is nowhere to be seen.
Helpline / No hour gained for Colonies?
October 18, 2016, 06:55:45 AM
Turn run, my unit moved from a region to another but no gain any hour. Zero hour, what my character doing? :o
Helpline / Why Daily Report show other Ruler presence?
September 29, 2016, 03:45:02 PM
Any idea why? My character Ruler is Grand Duke. Or does the peasants still remembering Arnor Ruler fondly even though Arnor has given back the city to Morek? Furthermore Arnor Ruler who is also known as Raven King is not in Aegir city, so why? ???

Aegir City Daily report
The Raven King's presence raises morale and loyalty.
Knights Protesting   (1 hour ago)
Protests against Katrina Dragul, Grand Duchess, High Justice of Morek Empire, Royal of Morek Empire, Ambassador of Morek Empire, Duchess of Volkvangr, Priestess of Sanguis Astroism are increasing, and result in a loss of a point of prestige for her.

Knights Protesting   (1 hour ago)
Protests against Katrina Dragul, Grand Duchess, High Justice of Morek Empire, Royal of Morek Empire, Ambassador of Morek Empire, Duchess of Volkvangr, Priestess of Sanguis Astroism are increasing, and result in a loss of a point of prestige for her.

Any idea why 2 protest messages received? Assuming it is 2 knights protesting, so 2 messages... :o

Does it mean she lost 2 prestiges instead of normal 1 prestige? :o
South Island / Misty active after complete takeover?
August 10, 2016, 02:16:10 AM
A mention of victory has been added to family history, with special text for government members

I guess she truly dead... but can't bury and can't see anything :P
South Island*
Misty   W   Sandalak   awaiting funeral

As per topic above, I think it is 3-4 turns probably more than that. South Island is completed, character dead cannot bury :o
For me, I think Rasputin from Dolohov family Roleplays got me excited :P

By the way, nice war so far. The reason for war? Because Inner Tilog renames to Giblot...

Inner Tilog's Name Changed   (25 days, 15 hours ago)
Julius Domitius, King of Inner Tilog, Royal of Inner Tilog, Marshal of the Legio I Giblotica Victrix has changed Inner Tilog's full name from 'Inner Tilog Republic' to 'Kingdom of Giblot (Inner Tilog)'.

A new war is breaking out   (21 days, 10 hours ago)
Outer Tilog has declared war on Inner Tilog.

Huge Battle Fought   (14 days ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ammersfield:
Inner Tilog vs. Outer Tilog
Estimated strengths: 550 men vs. 560 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of the Abyssal Gate, Baron of Hilly Holes, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations, were led into battle by Marshal Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard.
The Imperial Army of Giblot (Inner Tilog), sponsored by Elros Pannonius, Royal of Inner Tilog, Duke of Giblot, Margrave of Giblot, were led into battle by Marshal Julius Domitius.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought   (13 days ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ammersfield:
Outer Tilog vs. Inner Tilog
Estimated strengths: 520 men vs. 330 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of the Abyssal Gate, Baron of Hilly Holes, Marshal of the Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations, were led into battle by Marshal Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard.
The Imperial Army of Giblot (Inner Tilog), sponsored by Elros Pannonius, Royal of Inner Tilog, Duke of Giblot, Margrave of Giblot, were led into battle by Marshal Julius Domitius.
Sybilla Perfideous, Kepper of Hair and Fluff of Outer Tilog, Baroness of Steepglades was seriously wounded by Gerald tentil's unit.

Defender Victory!

Huge Battle Fought   (1 day ago)
Rumours spread and tales are sung about a huge battle in Ammersfield:
Inner Tilog vs. Outer Tilog
Estimated strengths: 620 men vs. 540 men
The Band of Ghouls, Fiends and Abominations (Outer Tilog), sponsored by Garm Tanngrisnir Crownguard, Minister of Offense of Outer Tilog, Royal of Outer Tilog, Duke of the Abyssal Gate, Baron of Hilly Holes, were led into battle by Marshal Elrond Edain.
The Imperial Army of Giblot (Inner Tilog), sponsored by Elros Pannonius, Royal of Inner Tilog, Duke of Giblot, Margrave of Giblot, were led into battle by Marshal Julius Domitius.

Attacker Victory!
As per topic, how we can do this as Duke of Duchy A?

Thank you.
East Island / Nivemus (Welcome to join)
December 30, 2015, 04:09:14 AM
Come and join Nivemus realm.

We have many region lordships, and vacant estates. First come, first serve. Cater to ambitious nobles wishing for promotion or new career. New characters are also welcome.

P/S: All the information are true at time of publishing 8)
Roleplaying / Brock, Kronogos of Nivemus realm
December 22, 2015, 08:01:23 AM
Roleplay from Brock Ketchum

Adventurer Delianne has come forward to Brock at Kalmar city.

"Ancient Book of Rancagua? Plus 7 Prestige? It is indeed a book that befit Kronogos of these lands. Rancagua used to be our ancient realm name" Brock smiles as he takes a look at the Ancient Book.

Praising the Adventurer and giving her some gold for her deed, Brock turns the book pages carefully as he browses the Ancient Book for its Wisdom of its ancient people.

This Book is worth a fortune, perhaps more. The wisdom of our ancient people are recorded inside this book.


Sometime later during Gadlock battle against the so-called mighty Undead Horde of 2 Unit with 4400 CS strength while Brock unit only having 1100 CS strength. Brock looks at his Captain Osric and then turns to his men, motivates them:

"Hail warriors of northern tribes of Nivemus. We gather here today to send these pests back to their eternal sleep. By the wisdom I have with this Ancient Book of Rancagua in my possession, we shall prevail. Under strength or not, we shall fight to the very end."

And with Ancient Book of Rancagua and its wisdom bestowed by its ancient tribesmen, Brock and his men prevailed pretty easily over the Undead.
Dwilight / Which interesting realms to join in Dwilight?
December 04, 2015, 01:55:30 AM
As per topic above, let me start the ball rolling for all players who wishing to migrate and join a new realm in a new island.

Convince me why :)

I have never try SMA atmosphere island before. This is as good chance to try and play on one. How does the SMA environment looks like? From the initial perspection, we need to RolePlay our characters.