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Topics - m2rt

Title: Hide skill percentage or make duels more random

Summary: Today you see nobles skills by percentage when training in academy. It generates rather exact knowledge who will win a duel. I propose that we hide the exact percentage and keep only a rough representation, like: poor, mediocre, true master or whatever OR make duels more random so the skill percentage does not play big part anymore.

Details: As people know exactly, that their character is stronger than other character, then they will bully other characters to join in on a duel. As everybody knows exactly that this guy has 80% swordfighting skill (usually bullies tend to brag about their skills), then people really think if the duel is worth it. In real life skills are not measured in percentage, there can be no sure winner...

This is very annoying as you know duels were for honour and to settle an argument.

Other way is to just make duels a bit more random... To make it so that if 40% fights with 70%, then its not always a sure pick.

* People will duel more when there is a reason.
* There is less bullying with duels as people dont know that they win.

Possible Exploits:
* People will duel too much.
* Hard training will not pay off as much.
Feature Requests / Hide tooltip in Dynamic map
July 12, 2013, 10:04:41 AM
Title: Hide tooltip in Dynamic map

Summary: At the moment you can not hide the tooltip on the Dynamic map. It makes the dynamic map at my resolution unusable sometimes.

Details: When you click on a region, then a tooltip comes up. For me it lands on top of the "selection box" where you can switch which layers to show. Rendering the layers unusable for me. Its easy to fix, just add an "X" which calls this javascript: $(".ui-tooltip-default").qtip("hide");

Benefits: Hiding tooltip makes it easy to make the layer selection box usable again.

Possible Exploits: Unknown to me.
Development / Deleting realms?
June 22, 2013, 05:52:43 AM

Maybe somebody could delete two realms I have destroyed lately. Heorot and Minas Ithil on Atamara.

Thanks! Its getting really awkward having Kings without Kingdom running around...
Development / Stealth mode for unitless infiltraitors
January 06, 2013, 07:47:00 AM
Summary: Unitless infiltrators should be invisible to scoutings, character pages and region pages.
Details: Infiltrators should be invisible (if they activate the "stealth mode") starting from a skill level of 50% and then have a chance (based on skill level) to be "seen" in the region after the deed is done. For example at turn change if there was crime. (people start looking around and might see somebody unusal. Rumours will get to the lord of the region through serfs.. As a lot of people are in the loop, then it will not happen instantly. If at all... There can be several details shown based on randomness and skill. Like: Name, realm name, Duchy name.) Though infiltrators with units should be visible. The "Stealth mode" should be possible to turn on and off... So you can act like a normal noble every once in a while...


  • Adding fun back to infiltrator game.
  • Taking OOC knowledge out of the loop. For example, if a foreign noble is seen in a region where somebody got stabbed, then he gets automatically the blame. That makes it real hard to prove that you were not included. Even if you try to RP, then nobody will go along with it.
  • Make it possible to actually stay in one realm longer than two assassination attempts...
  • To make infiltraitors useful again.

Possible Exploits:

  • Infiltraitors used as permament hidden scouters
  • Feeling of not getting punished
Solution to both exploits: Make it so that infiltraitors go invisible only after reaching skill level 50%. Then once they are invisible, there is a chance to be "seen" by NPCs. Once you are seen, then there will be a message to lord at turn change. There would be different levels of messages. Like first level would be: "Something fishy is going on and the serfs think that there is a culprit roaming around". Second level would have a realm name. Third Duchy name. And fourth the name of the person... Maybe fifth with a "location" of the culprit allowing the lord a chance to set a trap if he sees the message before infils are gone....

The chance to be seen should depend on several factors. Just passing by should do nothing. But the chance should be higher by: turns staying in one region, scouting, any criminal action you do (based on severity), randomness. Good infil skill should lower the chance. And at turn change everything is calculated and decided if you were "seen" or not.

So instead of having to fear about getting caught, you should fear about getting seen. If you stay in one region for several turns and do illegal things, then there is a chance to be seen and if you were also located. Then if you dont move away, you will be captured by lords serfs if he sets a trap.

Infiltraitor should have a random chance of seeing that people spotted/located him. But that chance should be quite low.
If you are in your own realm, then you would not be "seen" unless you do criminal things...

Just random thoughts on the matter...
It just is so boring to be an infiltrator on peace time, those features would make it quite fun.

"Getting seen" vs "Stealth mode wearing off"
One option is the getting seen feature discussed previously.
Another option would be to make the "Stealth mode" a filled bar, which will get smaller and smaller with passing time and actions committed. For example you activate stealth mode, move to 5 regions away, successfully assault a noble and start running away. Soon the bar will wear off and you will be visible again. The bar regenerates during time and maybe with shopping for new clothes or moving to different areas. The bar is bigger by the skill level...

The wearing off option should be well balanced by not making it too hard for infils to do stuff. Because if you make the criminal actions wearing the bar off too quick, then infils would only be used as scouting tools sitting in a region... But if you make scouting wear off the bar too much too, then it would not serve the purpose. It would not help if the stealth mode is active only two days...

Helpline / Mentor Points
September 22, 2011, 02:03:32 PM
Are mentor points removed from the game? (DWI)

I became a mentor and have some graduates but no points nor the option to view my points or use them.
Helpline / SMA reporting?
August 05, 2011, 04:02:44 PM
Uhm, if you successfully post a SMA violation report, then you do not receive a message?

I didn't...

I have seen that its a growing trend in Republics and such to declare that lords gold is the realms gold and that lords are only there on the whim of the public. Is battlemaster really evolving? Will BM soon be date in the 1800s?

Just had to mention, that I have already seen those arguments in 2 realms I am playing. Luckily my family is old fashioned and will bring those realms down who think such ludacris ideas. But still, I can not wait to see where this leads too... Lets talk again in 10 years.
This Forum / Announcements discussable
June 06, 2011, 06:05:19 PM

I would love if the announcments would be discussable.

Why? Cause then I could comment on the "Several updates" thread and say that dude it broke the game. Which you all probably know...

But still, it would be great to congradulate people or burn them down for their work and accomplishements.
Helpline / Courtiers requirements
March 04, 2011, 09:56:22 AM
Courtier - you are not (yet) well-informed about the realm's bureaucracy for this class.

When will my char be well-informed enough?

He has been in the realm for 18 days and Honour:   106, Prestige:   9
Helpline / Marshal taking command
March 04, 2011, 09:54:24 AM

I know that Marshal does not always take command if his leadership is low. But will he even have the chance to take command if he has no unit and is in the region where the battle is going on with his army?
