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Topics - Rhynehardt Blood

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Far East Island / Ever going to be available to migrate
« on: November 30, 2016, 10:12:16 PM »
Is there a history or reason why the far east is closed?
I heard rumor it was sunken?
Will it be available or is it a test island?

Development / A common enemy besides the daimons.
« on: November 20, 2016, 09:11:58 PM »
Any chance of there ever being an enemy so powerful that the realms would have to unite to defeat it?
I mean besides the Deimons? Like an outerworldly force?

Development / Allowing nobles to make repairs to unique items
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:20:02 AM »
I have had a problem trying to find a peasant trust worthy enough to hand my unique item to, to find a NPC for repairs.  It got me wondering that if their could be an added NPC for nobles to take their Unique items to in a capital city. I understand that it's done that it has always been done that for a reason but I can't see what the reason is?
I'm not sure of the game mechanics behind it but a specialist NPC in unique items for nobles to visit would be an awesome upgrade.

What do you think?

Roleplaying / Remember remember the 9th of November
« on: November 12, 2016, 04:25:42 AM »
"Remember remember the 9th of November."

Liam muttered to himself as he sat on his mount and watched his men reign  down blows upon those who unfortunate few who spoke out against the subjugation of Igno. It had been two weeks since he set foot in his homeland of Noritor. Two weeks since he darkened the doorstep of The abandoned manor house of Rhynehardt's.
A sharp pain made his knee spasm in stirrups of his mount. He suffered a grievous wound on the battle while in Noritor. One that left him moving a  half pace and and swearing profusely every time he received word frok the Marshal of element Movements. it wasn't uncommon. It was the second time he suffered a wound like one that troubled him. In fact, it was in Noritor where he received his first wounds from war. He chuckled to himself. "It would be, that I would have to come home to get real fight.."

All around him he observed troops from his fellow knights executing the commands given to TAKEOVER VIA BRUTAL MEANS. Men wept as knuckles slammed against cheek bones and echoed viciously.
It wasnt a pretty business and he took no pleasure in it but a precedence needing to be set and a order established. Xavax needed to let the realm know  that just because the Xerach was down that did not mean there was blood in the water. He grimaced again at the mere thought that any ome would dare lay a hand upon his Xerach. At the moment he received news of her situation he went livid and his guard captain had to knock him unconscious to get him off the battlefield. Since that day Liam sat quietly in a state shock trying to assess what he truly contributed to the realm. He counted his blessing as he remembered the Marshal and the other nobles escaped captivity and Duke Crownguard was still at full capacity.
He stiffled his anger... It had become a nuisance of late.  Twice it almost got killed. It got him a heavy reprimand from the Xerach and the Arbiter and the collective cold shoulder of his peers.

"Sir?" Konradin interrupted. "What is it Konradin!" Liam demanded.
"You were brooding again..." The grizzled Guard Captain pointed out.
"What of it Konradin? You make it seem as though I should be chipper to slap around shop keepers and flower peddlers." Liam remarked sarcastically.
"No...I was only saying your brooding doesnt make the situation better and it especially makes the situation more somber when you down that DAMNED hood of the Alpha wolf..." Konradin noted.

"It's going to rain soon...." Liam muttered. Moments later thunder tolled and droplets of water began to patter on the cobblestone.
"One of these days youre going to tell me how you do that." Konradin swore.
"Its a family gift... Or curse depending on who you ask..."

BM General Discussion / The cryptozoology of BM
« on: November 12, 2016, 04:12:37 AM »
Is there a list of exceptable monsters and undead we are allowed to use in roleplays?
If there was a list of approved beast and monsters that would be awesome.

Roleplaying / The tone of writing.
« on: October 29, 2016, 02:05:12 PM »
Was it easier to write it in present tense?

Im just learning the game and I realize that to fully enjoy it I need to use all the features. I will be transferring all of my role plays previously posted to the forums on a daily basis. I hope you all either join in or critique so that i may become a better writer.
Thanks in advance for reading and giving feed back.

Roleplaying / The Night Of the Dire Wolves Massacre (Liam RhyneHardt)
« on: October 29, 2016, 06:07:45 AM »
Men celebrated and drinks sloshed around as men sung and made merry. Bar song were sung and men wept as they sat around the fire. “Hail THE XERACH!!  Men wept over dragons beard brew. The men were in joyous spirits over the news. The Xerach was with child.

It was with that in mind that Liam drank and brooded over a solemn flickering flame. HE did not partake of the celebration. He brooded. In truth he had no feelings over the news. While he was happy for his Xerach but at the same time he was heart broken. At odds over the lost of his native land Noritor. He couldn’t bring himself to celebrate the news because he was stuck in the rubble of his childhood home. Alara had come and burned it to cinders. From the ash they began anew and went on as if nothing had happen.  His original Lord Christopher Clarke had vanished never to be seen again after sitting idly by and letting his reign and land be Usurped from beneath him.

Liam barely had the where with all to pull his family from out the Frey. Since then he moved his sister to the Isadril and pulled a few strings to set his younger brother up with a Knighthood in a new and upcoming realm in Aegirs Deep In the Morek Empire. All the while waiting for his chance to strike back at the fiends who took his home from him.

“AAAAAOooOOOooooOOOOOOooooohhhhhh!!!!!” Called the howls from among warm night sky. The merry making stopped and the sound of blades being drawn replaced it. “What the hell was that” Liam bellowed with a blade at the ready. “I believe it was wolf sir” Konradin answered. “That doesn’t like any type of wolf I’ve ever heard another answer.  “Oi! Shuddup Jasper your from Xavax City wolves don’t roam the streets there.” “Im jus’ sayin is all!”  AAAAAOOOoooooOOOOOooooOOhhhhhh!!! It called again this time closer. This time the men responded on sheer instinct forming a protective circle around Konradin and Liam. “Alright, men form ranks in a wedge formation blades out.” Liam called out. “Konradin take six dead Eye’s(Expert marksman) into the wood line and when I give the command straight to flush them out. “Aye Sir.” Konradin acknowledged. With a few silent hand gestures he was off with his detail.

It only took mere moments for events to conspire. From amongst the darkened wood line  pale eyes peeked out menacingly. Dark feral eyes bored down on them from all directions. Men whimpered as they battled the urge to run. “DAMMIT ALL!” a man cried out as he stood up to run. “DOWN YOU CRAVEN!” one of the men called out. But it was too late  Weakness had been spotted and it was time to pay the toll.

“DIRE WOLVES!”  Men called out ass they emerged from the wood line like grey blurs. Large menacing grey beast from hell bounded forward with glistening wet maws and sharpened fangs.  They fell upon the men and made war on them Snapping and biting ferociously.  Battle cries rang out on the darkened woods around Proitness as the Liam’s band of red hands did battle with Dire Wolves.

Liam marveled at the veracity of the pack. They better then most men he had exchanged blows with. He did his best to hold his own with his men but it seemed pointless. While in the throws of celebration and haste the scouts of his unit mistaken scouted an area of a massive Dire wolves Den and the merry making brought out them to unit like a shark following a blood trail.  Liam slew 5 with a single swoop and met with another 10. He stepped precariously about as if mimicking dance steps as he cut them down. 10, 20, 30, 45, 67, 88, 101. He muttered to himself as he cut dire wolves down. It went on as such until he lost count at 187. The men had rallid at the sight of their commanders cool demeanor and followed his example.

Then came that ghastly howl once again. This time the Dire Wolves retreated swiftly. Silence ensued for minutes as the men held steady and awaited commands. “Steady men!” Liam called out.  Then as if the world stopped and shift a beast larger than a Buffalo bounded through the Tree line Locked eyes with Liam. It’s eyes were different from the others, more intelligent more calculating. “I think that there Alpha Sir!” Konradin called from among the trees. Liam nodded “Make way!” He instructed as he strode forward in faux confidence.. Inside of him he was shaking to the core and tired. Fear gnawed at  his innards and made him want to turn tail and run. But his heart told him to stand fast die like a Rhynehardt.

He stepped in front of his men and planted his feet squarely in front of the Alpha and spoke evenly. “If you and your pups came for a feast you wont find anything here but death. The Alpha let forth a growl that shook the ground beneath his feet. He bared his teeth and in a toothy snarl and Liam met his with a wolfish grin of his own. “Fine then, IF you insist on being the biggest wolf in the den then Ill just have to show you who’s really in charge. Liam said as he took up a stance of ready.

It happened in a instance. The Alpha bounded forward and lunged at Liam. He barrel rolled out of the way and landed in a crouching position the Men cheered him. The alpha rallied and pounced on his back snapping viciously at the back of his neck. He missed by the most narrow of margins as Liam ducked and rolled again. The wolf pursued snapping his gaping swiftly after Liam and once latching on to his calf. It was brief but the pain was explosive. He lifted his blade and pierced the beast in his left eye. The Alpha whimpered and bounded backwards.  Liam drug himself across the grass pulled himself up by the low branched of a pine tree. The Alpha growled viciously. Blood and clear mucus oozing from his eye. “COME ON YOU POX RIDDLE PUSSYCAT!!” he called out as he readied his blade for another exchange. The alpha bounded forward, Liam liftedhis blade and bored it directly into the alphas chest. Even as the blade sank deeper into the lupines flesh the beast kept snapping to get at his neck, clawing to rend at his flesh. Just as Liam readied himself to received a warriors death the sound of Arrows thwanging against flesh reach his ears and the Alpha fell limp on his blade. He looked up to see Konradin and the Dead eyes lowering their bows. All of there  arrows met their mark and plunged deeply into the Alpha. He passed out swiftly afterwards.

2 hours later he awoke to the men making more merry noise, a dry mouth and head. “Konradin!” He called out “Aye Sir..” Konradin responded “What the hell is the commotion about now?” He asked. “The men are celerbrating another undefeated victory!” HE said with a smile. “We didn’t lose anyone.” Not a single man, well besides you being viciously mauled, but the healers said you’ll be okay after a night of rest. “How many did we kill?” “Nearly 600….The whole damn den. I reckon sir.” Konradin confessed with pride. “Skin the body and give the men their trophies the rest to the XERACH as a early baby shower gift.” Liam instruct as he went to sleep.. Konradin did as instructed sent the XERACH  384 Dire Wolf Pelts  with a card that read. “For the future of Xavax. May your den always be warm.

Roleplaying / The Last Virgin In Morek. ( Auric RhyneHardt)
« on: October 29, 2016, 06:02:56 AM »
Men sung jaunty tales of dashing men doing perilous things and achieving feats unheard of on the open sea.
The boat rocked from side to side as waves caressed the sides of the ship. Auric braced himself as another wave Naseau hammered him. It was his third trip on the ship and still it troubled him.
He was "land lobber" as the salty dogs called him and he couldn't agree more. He guy toiled like a bowl live eels. He restrained himself as a bike crept up esophagus. He swallowed it and belched out the remaining contents.
He refused to appear weak in front his men. There were things he could and could not control. Being a young Lord was one he could not avoid but looking weak or incompetent was something he could not allow.
"Saltine M'Lord?" The brash voice of Captain Heimar called out as she towered over him. The giantess-borne stood as solid as a mountain and sturdy as a oak. "What?" Auric rebuffed. "Care for a saltine M'Lord?" She repeated.
He looked at her offering examining it as if to say he was weary of her offering. "IF I was to kill you it wouldn't be with poison." She pointed out. He took the cracker and chunked down on it. "Just out of curiosity how would you do it?" He asked spewing the contents of the cracker out of his mouth. "I'd strangle you with my bare hands. Slap you around a little bit though..." she answered with unnerving calm. "I suppose you could try..." Auric answered trying to hold composure under a thin veil of confidence. He knew full well Captain Heimar wanted to kill him chances were slim that he would survive ordeal. "Why did you join the Imperial Crusaders Heimar?" He asked in a serious tone.
She peered off into the blue expanse before responding.
"Giants have a different life span then humans. When the original Morek stood tall I was girl. It was glorious and my father he served on the guard. "Your father was a giant?" Auric interrupted no he was human. My mother was a giant. Knocked her up on a campaign and moved on. She left me on his doorstep stating it would not be right for a half giant to live among the tribe." She explained. Auric nodded and gestured for her to continue. "I believe in what it is your doing, you're helping revive a GREAT nation. I believe in Duchy of Morek. I want to help them and if helping whip a Young Lord into fighting shape and grooming him to lead is the best way I can contribute, then I will." She finished. "You're a strange woman Captain." Auric pointed out. "And you're a Virgin M'Lord." She rebuffed. Auric's face turned beat red. "What!! You don't know what you're talking about!" "Oh please M'Lord! I can smell it on you a mile away..." " you can't!" Auric lied. "Relax M'Lord I only mentioned it because I think your men are starting to talk..." she said pointedly. "About?!?!" Auric said defensively. "Your lack of libido and silence during the discussions of late.the fact that you're the only one who hasn't been caught glaring at me like a piece of winter solstice ham when no one looking." "well what of it!" He spoke loudly "I'm in the middle of a bloody campaign and recruiting mission and in case you haven't noticed there are not any women around..." He protested. She glared at him. "You know what I mean Captain." She nodded.
"I wasn't propositioning you M'Lord, I'd probably break your spine with a single well placed thrust. I was pointing out you may want to address it when you get some time. The men have been made to accept a lot of things in this ordeal. A leader younger than them, a Lord who is only old enough to pay taxes but a being lead around by a Virgin may cause a revolt..." she pointed out as she turned to walk away. "Alexandria..." Auric said, addressing the captain by her first name. "Yes M'Lord?" "Thank you for you honesty and discretion in this matter." He admitted. She nodded

Dwilight / Now Recruiting: Morek: read for more details.
« on: October 28, 2016, 07:45:45 PM »
Attention – the Morek Empire is now recruiting New and Experienced Nobles

Are you in search of an opportunity to lead or Achieve Lordship? Is your current realms room from growth Limited? Are you looking for a new mission or Conquest?

Look no further. The Morek Empire is starting to expand and has ample room for both promotion and financial growth.


BM General Discussion / NOW RECRUITING: Read for more details.
« on: October 28, 2016, 05:14:50 AM »
Attention – the Morek Empire is now recruiting New and Experienced Nobles

Are you in search of an opportunity to lead or Achieve Lordship? Is your current realms room from growth Limited? Are you looking for a new mission or Conquest?

Look no further. The Morek Empire is starting to expand and has ample room for both promotion and financial growth.

Requirements for Lordship: Meet the minimum expectations set by the Dev Team. Be a member in good standings with the member of Morek Duchy. A total time of at least 6 turns served to the Realm and be willing to follow orders from multiple cabinet members of the Morek Empire. Those interested can respond here or In game (Dwilight Continent).


***There are many spots available now for Lordship but only to those that daring enough to answer the call (First come, First Serve)***

Helpline / What happens to your Guard Captain when you disband a Unit?
« on: October 25, 2016, 05:45:16 AM »
When you Disband a Unit do you retain your  Captain or  do they leave as well?

Helpline / Requirements for becoming a Lord
« on: October 21, 2016, 08:11:58 PM »
Does anyone know what amount of prestige and honours you must have to become a Lord of a region or province?
Ive searched and cannot find it

Helpline / Selling or giving items as a peasant.
« on: October 17, 2016, 06:13:33 PM »
I cant seem to give items out as a peasant. Is there a certain level or prestige one must reach to do so?

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