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Topics - Grayford

Pages: [1]
BM General Discussion / Great Battles and Campaigns
« on: June 03, 2012, 06:04:18 PM »
I am interested to hear about some of the greatest battles and military campaigns in the history of Battlemaster. Post stories involving epic battles, clever strategies, and daring maneuvers. Include important leaders and heroes who had a hand in claiming victory (or defeat).

BM General Discussion / Favorite Unit Type to Command
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:55:55 PM »
What's your favorite unit to command? Feel free to explain why!

Development / Declaring a Heir/Successor
« on: May 23, 2012, 07:46:55 PM »
What if there was an option supported by game mechanics where a King/Queen could declare a heir to the crown? This person would immediately become royalty and have a claim to the throne. When the monarch kicks the bucket (or otherwise is out of power) the appointed heir takes their place.

It would give Monarchies something new and align them more to their true form. Plus it would offer quite a bit of fun while adding to the atmosphere. Think of all the stories and RP.


Development / Duchy Recruitment Discussion
« on: May 20, 2012, 08:20:50 PM »
I know suggesting that we can recruit away from the capital is a forbidden topic, but I feel BM has changed to the point where we should discuss it a bit again. A believe a shift from being realm based to duchy base in RP and game mechanics brings justification to allow some discussion on this age old feature rejection.

Duchies are more important as ever and it seems they are only going to get stronger. I believe this not only reflects a more fun gameplay but also aligns historically as a country was really just a collection of dukes and duchies and a king nearly united them.

So I believe recruiting away from the capital, and instead in the city of ones duchy makes mor sense. It's not as drastic as being able to recruit anywhere and armies would still have to return to their duchy city to recruit. They would also only have RCs intheir duchy available.

Gameplay wise it would obviously have quite a few changes. Cities would hold out better and longer. Some duchy armies would recover much faster. It allows for some abuse because duchies closer to the frontlines would get all the warriors as knights while rear duchies all the courtiers. But I believe these would help gameplay as it would lead to more battles, require better logistics between multiple armies, and allow cities to be taken less frequently; requiring better planned campaigns, coalition armies, and the use of less convientianal tactics (diplomatic treachery, sabotage, etc.)


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