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Messages - Seraphen Family

Pages: [1]
BM General Discussion / Re: T Minus 28 Days
« on: March 03, 2014, 05:14:16 PM »
Seraphen, it seems very likely to me that you don't actually have any characters on the East Continent, Atamara, or the Far East Island. If you did, you'd see that some serious !@#$ actually happened on March 1st.

both my characters in Atamara are walking through Yule right now. a very small undead unit poped up in outer tell. Yes I know eventually the iceberg will come and wipe the regions out.. but its not march 1st anymore. so d day was more like learn whats going to happen some day soon day.

BM General Discussion / Re: T Minus 28 Days
« on: March 03, 2014, 05:09:46 PM »
If you think all this didn't take a lot more effort, you are welcome to write your own BattleMaster clone. Somewhere on the Wiki is an estimate for the amount of effort/time it takes, and after working for about a year on Might & Fealty, even though with BM in my personal history I have most of the concepts ready and could focus on implementing them, that estimate is pretty acurate.

Please don't mistake me. I know you all work hard. I just feel that if you go through the trouble of having a d-day. something should actually physically happen on that day. Regions should fall, something bad and terrible and tragic should happen. Just my opinion really.

BM General Discussion / Re: T Minus 28 Days
« on: March 03, 2014, 04:55:14 PM »
If you really think that's all that's been coded, then you haven't even remotely been paying attention.

I have been paying attention... To nothing of any relevance happening for 28 days followed by flavor text and a  promise of future actions on the supposed d day. I just think it was a lackluster effort over all.

BM General Discussion / Re: T Minus 28 Days
« on: March 03, 2014, 04:36:28 PM »
This was all and all handled really poorly on the Dev's part.

(Not even taking into account that every one of my personal characters gets tossed on his or her tail in this action.)

It took them 28 days to code some flavor text, and turn up monster spawns for no real reason.

This isn't an event, its a let down.

Most of us write more detailed and thought out role plays in half an hours time.

No doubt the coding for closing the regions took a few hours.. but honestly.. way to aim low with wow factor.

Development / Re: Rebalance Feedback
« on: January 13, 2014, 04:12:47 PM »
Badlands are intentionally very poor regions right now. We are planning to add a different type of utility to those regions (and others) beyond food/gold stats that will make them more attractive.

That is all well and good, I understand the need to change things... I still have to say that currently it is just is not feasible  to have anyone be a knight or lord of Yule, (unless luckily like me they are not part of the realms main army. Such as a priest or a courtier who will not mind not having a unit at all)

The lord will literally take months to improve anything if they never spend a single piece of gold. The knights might as well move to the city if they expect to field a unit of any kind.

The future utility of a region is only useful in the future. If the rebalanced economy was not complete why launch it? Change for the sake of change is not always good change.

(As per the earlier comment that Yule was useless.. I had the region up to 70 ish for a  knight and 100 ish for the lord. Not the best, but good enough to have a small police unit and enough gold to keep the region funded and fed.)

I'm not really complaining, I look forward to whatever changes are to come. (However if I wasn't the lord of my self, I would have to recommend to my knight to leave for the city.)

Development / Re: Rebalance Feedback
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:40:00 PM »
All I am going to say is that Yule became a junk region after this re-balance.  Yule was barely feeding it self before, now it cant really do it on a daily basis.

With a lord and a knight.. each only gets about 37 - 40 gold a tax.. yet the near by city knights make something like 200 - 250 gold each.  Well... good for them. As soon as I run out of money I'm going to make my courtiers go unit less. -.-

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