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Messages - m2rt

Development / Re: Dynamic Map
November 23, 2018, 09:03:17 PM
No work is needed on that topic. I started upgrading ol2 to openlayers 5. Alternatives are not very viable in my experience. Once map grows, people tend to switch from leaflet to openlayers.
Helpline / Re: The Big Announcement
December 03, 2015, 09:36:08 AM
Okay. Seems that its a time to make a pause of Battlemaster. Probably eternal.

Over 9 years of non stop playing BM has been a great part of my development as a person. But these continously idiotic decisions have been driving me away for the past few years under the new developers.

You need to understand that you must mold the game based on the players, not the players based on the game. At the moment you are limiting and forcing players to do things they dont want. For years.

I was drawn to BM because it had few rules and you could imagine practically everything. The game mechanics supported the freedom. Now you mostly limit the freedom.

If you would have analyzed a bit, then Atamara has been really evolving into a very fun continent. Old alliances are getting broken and wars have been started. Even CE and Tara are at war. There are only 2 realms not involved in a war and one of those two realms is an infiltraitor realm and the other was going to be in a war in few weeks. Also Atamara had rich history which I really liked.

After Alexandrous was forced to leave, Atamara has been the only continent I have enjoyed. Truly enjoyed. Like bursting into laughs enjoyed. And that is why I call you idiots. Tyrannical idiots.

Though I will remember you idiots with kind words as I have played with most of you and have had a lot of fun. I mean it. I call you idiots like a friend calls another friend when they do a stupid thing.

I will continue to play as long as AT is here, will loot it to the ground! By the way, we have been looting CE for weeks now...

The voyage has been awesome!
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!
Quote from: Deytheur on June 27, 2014, 11:16:30 AM
And that shows you don't understand the situation. There are very few people 'bashing' Atanamir, just trying to explain what happened and the reason he was banned. They have clearly expressed that they believed he could be a nice guy too. You are defending him so fanatically that you can't see past anything than 'Grr the evil developers banned my friend' and are doing all you can to discredit them instead. Clinging to the fact that he reported some of the multicheaters doesn't help when you ignore the rest of the situation. Actually admit maybe he wasn't always the nicest guy to other people, which there is plenty of evidence for. What about Wolfang's post? Don't want to comment on that? He's a neutral person and as far as I know not especially friends with any of the devs and yet I was quite shocked by what he said.

Yeah. That wasnt nice at all.

We all have our opinions. I was able to vent mine and you were able to vent yours. Done. But in the end battlemaster has lost many players. And thats sad as its already too few to play with.
Quote from: Fleugs on June 27, 2014, 10:08:04 AM
m2rt, you give a speaking platform to a fool and it poorly reflects upon yourself. If you cannot see that Atanamir is a manipulator and, frankly, a crybaby and a hypocrite for being so easily offended while he offends others by the load, I should review what I think about you. I know you're all about anarchy and whatnot but what you are trying to achieve here is counter-productive for you or for anyone else that vigorously defends Atanamir.

By the way, he was totally paranoia. When he came to me about the Dobromir/Deytheur matter... man, Atanamir has serious issues he needs to address.

Hey! Even the most fearsome killer has a right for a last meal. It would be unfair to not give Alex the right for last words. Especially as here, the "other side" is bashing him really well and he has no possibility to defend himself.
Alex sent me his final words. Everyone should have a right to say their final words...:

I thought for long if I should write anything at all in here after happened what happened.
I will though comment on some points and then leave this game for now. I doubt I will return unless certain persons or policies change.

I will quote now some statements in this thread so far:

QuoteFor some time now, Alex has clearly felt that it was his job to police the game for what he felt were people hurting the game.

And the problem is that he cares about them (answer to the first Perdan, then the game argument) in that order.

"we dislike cheaters and abusers, and players and GameMasters cooperate on removing them."
-Battlemaster description, m2rt

QuoteBroadly (and at the risk of stating the obvious), I would say that the way to get players to stop viewing other players as The Enemy is to get them to either work or play together at something.

It promotes an "us vs. them" mentality, I think. An idea that the other side will use any method that it takes to win.

Yes, he's been around nearly as long as I have. But when he becomes a cancer on the game, driving away more new players than he inspires old ones, it doesn't matter how long he's been here, just what he's doing now.
Alexandros was removed from the game because he has shown a long history of toxic behaviour that has driven a number of people we know about out of the game, and certainly many others we don't.

Do not be unnecessarily easily offended. Do not be unnecessarily offensive.

Following these statements (and insinuations in the last two quotes) I will publish now a private IRC conversation between Tim and me, which was shortly after the multis lock on the WI. As reminder: The WI multis were reported by me already 1 month before their lock and my case got rejected - that shortly before they were presented as investigation success and explicit attack on the WI.  But actually OI, Perdan, Fallangard and Sirion as well with the Ryu incident, were facing by then already 1 month before OOC flamewars and titan report abuse by these multi accounts.

So, after the multi lock and therefore the confirmation that my reports were valid although rejected, a public announcement and insults that I am paranoid etc. I thought an excuse, at least for the paranoia line, was in place. Although I have no idea who the Titans are, I went to Tim to ask him if that was a possible measure to restore my name. This was the outcome:

Status #battlemasterX #east-islandX #AtamaraX #dwilightX #PerdanX #south-darkaX #Minas-LeonX #lurianovaX #luriansX #IkalakX #TaleriumX MessagesX Delvin_AnarisX
[21:38] <Atanamir> Delvin_Anaris: hello I would like a public apaology by the titans
[21:38] <Atanamir> is that possible?
[21:38] <Delvin_Anaris> Nope.
[21:38] <Delvin_Anaris> You're on thin ice already, mate.
[21:38] <Delvin_Anaris> Don't push it.
[21:38] <Atanamir> i was publically called paranoid and accused for reporting for IC reasons, all accounts who got now locked
[21:39] <Delvin_Anaris> Irrelevant to your thin ice.
[21:39] <Atanamir> I want this to be corrected
[21:39] <Delvin_Anaris> I don't know how much clearer I can make this to you.
[21:39] <Delvin_Anaris> No.
[21:39] <Delvin_Anaris> You are persona non grate.
[21:39] <Delvin_Anaris> *grata
[21:39] <Delvin_Anaris> You are very lucky you were locked for 3 days, and not permanently.
[21:39] <Atanamir> so, you, don#t see my point?
[21:39] <Delvin_Anaris> You will take what you get, whether you like it or not.
[21:40] <Delvin_Anaris> You happened to be right about some of the people who you thought were clanning.
[21:40] <Delvin_Anaris> That does not make your behaviour any more acceptable.
[21:40] <Atanamir> actually all of them
[21:40] <Atanamir> i am not taliing about the behaviour
[21:40] <Delvin_Anaris> I am.
[21:40] <Atanamir> i am calling about the line
[21:40] <Atanamir> paranoia
[21:40] <Atanamir> that was insulting
[21:40] <Delvin_Anaris> You are paranoid.
[21:41] <Atanamir> and as can be seen not correct
[21:41] <Delvin_Anaris> Every single time you get involved in a war, you start reporting people.
[21:41] <Atanamir> that is not fact and you know that
[21:41] <Delvin_Anaris> Just because this time there were people out to get you, it doesn't mean you're not paranoid.
[21:41] <Atanamir> lol they were out to get the game...
[21:41] <Atanamir> not me or you
[21:41] <Atanamir> we are actually on the same side
[21:41] * Delvin_Anaris laughs
[21:41] <Delvin_Anaris> It is totally true, and I do know it.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> This discussion is over.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> No, see, we're not.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> Becuase you think it's *your* job to police the game.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> It's not.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> It is the Titans' job
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> and you need to leave it to the Titans.
[21:42] <Atanamir> no, but i think it is to help when i see something.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> Not start banning people IC for bogus OOC reasons.
[21:42] <Atanamir> And I was right now.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> The first report you made was fine.
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> Then you made 3 more reports, and bugged me on IRC, and banned people IC for OOC reasons, and none of that was fine.
[21:42] <Atanamir> i agree on the bans
[21:42] <Delvin_Anaris> This is over.
[21:43] <Delvin_Anaris> Done.
[21:43] <Atanamir> hey i agree on the bans, again.
[21:43] <Delvin_Anaris> Goodbye.
[21:43] <Atanamir> i want the paranoia thing clarified
[21:43] <Atanamir> it was insulting
[21:43] <Atanamir> and you are insulting to me.
[21:43] <Atanamir> and i gave you no reason for it.

As you see in this example, the hate and hostility I get here from this person, is far away from the BM principle that players and developers should work together. First of all, he doesn't even tell me I should solve this with Titans but attacks me straight with personal threats. Also, while I write calmly and seek cooperation, Tim explicitly defends and presents his own "us vs them" mentality. I tell him we are on the same side, as the BM front page says as well, he says I am not. I am explaining that I reported these people (which were from my own realm or allied realms) in order to protect the game, he insinuates that I do this out of my paranoia that they are out to get me and I do this in every war against enemy realms. Insinuations over insinuations. He insults me and kept insulting me, I have never read other Titan verdicts which were so much insinuating and insulting to the ruled player's character. And all I wanted was just an apology for the public defamation, some human understanding.
A copy of this was also sent Tom himself back then, who showed much more understanding for me and who encouraged me to keep helping our developers, while Tim calls this "bugging on IRC". Since then he also kept ignoring me on IRC when he was though glad to help everyone else when they had questions.
I may add that the "Hagley-bug-affair" was also a result of him marginalizing me from the game. Since the Bugtracker guest account is not working with guest/guest, he didn't bother to answer me on IRC although he was present. The next logical step was to ask fellow players for their help in my realm, none knew better, so I went to the "enemy" but this party said that Perdan abused bugs, so it would be ok to abuse it if it was a bug at all. So much for willingness of cooperation, but I at least didn't run immediately to the Titans to report them for bug abuse acusations so they get locked bolted or whatever.

Atanamir..well, for many years he played the game just fine. No problems. Then in the past year or two he somehow managed to change into someone who got permanently banned from the game. I doubt that would have happened had the community around him not also changed.

Well, just ask yourself since when Tim took over from Tom. Then you know more. The game has lost a lot from Tom's character and has become more Tim's.  But probably I am just a paranoid cancer to Tim's new game.
Good bye.
Quote from: Lapallanch on June 26, 2014, 04:54:38 AM
Sad to see people leave but what has been done had to be done. Things will settle down eventually.

I do not agree on the "had to be done" part.

Quoting Anaris..

It started with Dobromir and Deytheur, whom he believed had begun a RL relationship.

It wasnt about that, it was about that they acted suspicously and looked like they OOC cheated. I was there, it was suspicious. True, not wise to accuse someone publicly... Really bad to go personal and OOC... I usually avoid OOC alltogether...

But it wasn't long before he was doing more of the same. Reporting suspected clans to the Titans is fine, but not when you send 4 or 5 reports within a week just to say, "Hey, why haven't you locked them all yet? I found them for you, that should be all the evidence you need!" (Not in those words, obviously, but that was the implication.) And then when the Titans didn't act fast enough to lock those he thought were clan members, he just made up bogus IC reasons to ban them from Perdan

Uhm. He did what a good King does. These OOC cheaters were ruining the game! I myself would have banned them so others have a good experience. Note that later the titans did lock some of them. Seriously, these guys were ruining our fun. And now Anaris says we should let cheaters play and shut up? If the titans cant handle the workload, then get more titans. Seriously man?

Loot at BM description: "we dislike cheaters and abusers, and players and GameMasters cooperate on removing them."

The most recent incident was the last straw. Miriam, whom I know both of you know from IRC, and I think it's absolutely clear she would never knowingly abuse a bug in any way, had a character move into a region where Alex thought she should have sparked a battle. He immediately took to the airwaves, broadcasting all across the EC that anyone who dared to move into that region now would be obviously exploiting a bug, and thus abusing the game (due to the fact that there should have been a battle, thus giving someone-or-other an advantage they shouldn't have had).

So it was the last straw that your friend got involved? I know Miriam and like her. But that means nothing! If Alex thought it was a bug it was his RIGHT and obligation as a good player to share this information. The correct thing would have been to tell him off, that he is wrong. NOT LOCK HIM! He thought he did the right thing, if people are wrong, then you teach them. NOT SHOOT THEM IN THE FACE! Because thats what you did.

And about people leaving, I know atleast 6 people who are already on the verge of leaving. One actually said to be around only for the donation to wear off... Good old players, donators. Going away. Why? The reasons are not enough for me...

Thank you for allowing me to blow off some steam. Without that I would have pushed the delete button already.

And remember people, things are not black and white. If a person does so much good, then if he slips, you help him up and teach him to not do bad, because of all the good he has done. Not call him cancer and toxic and what not.

That is the reason I am holding my emotions back Timothy, because you have made so much good. But now you have made a bad thing. Learn from it please. With great power comes great responsibility.

All this is just depressing, we lost great people to play with. Friends.  :(
This decision has driven away more players than Alex supposedly has.

Another one bites the dust:

after that many Perdan players have quit or paused.
I ll do the same after 11 years of playing.
BM is not for me anymore.
Dionyssis Klavdianos
TItans, read the ooc messages in Perdan please.
if its not about Perdan then please remove his characters from other realms too! I have a locked out General, kind of idiotic.
Out-of-Character from Gurgulithras Tzirimuschul   (29 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (42 recipients)
I used to play BM a long time ago. Some ancient players may remember Shadow Thief in Oligarch and Perdan.
I quit because of massive OOC crap like this. I think I will do the same now.
Dennis B.

Noble has left   (27 minutes ago)
The player of Gurgulithras has left the game, the character is therefore deleted.
I must say that I am angry at this decision. Its a tyrannical and ill motivated decision. I am aware that a certain developer has ill feelings towards Alex, but this is outrageous! You dont have to like everyone you play with, but people who bring the fun are our most valuable assets. Alex is a fun player. He allows others have fun and he is a great strategical player. Without him I would have quit few years ago. And seeing this tyrannical and ignorant decision of the Titans, I must reconsider if the fun is worth all the drama. I am very disappointed and am thinking that Battlemaster is destroying itself. There is a saying that all good things must end, lets not end battlemaster.

Also, if you lock the player, share the decision among all the realms he plays in!

I seriously ask the titans to reconsider. It is outrageous!

I will share some letters:

Titan Judgement   (17 hours, 24 minutes ago)
message to all nobles of Perdan
The Titans have issued a public verdict in the case against Alexandros Stavrou, the player of the of Umbar family. The text of their verdict follows:
Due to his long history of toxic behaviour, inability to separate IC from OOC, and paranoia resulting in his harassment of numerous players, his tendency to seek and hold prominent positions, and then use them to abuse other players who don't fit his rather specific standards of play, and his apparent refusal to mend his ways despite repeated warnings, Alexandros Stavrou, player of Atanamir and the family of Umbar, has been locked permanently.

Out-of-Character from Blythe Claireborne   (14 hours, 15 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (44 recipients)
Atanamir was in the first kingdom I joined in BM.

I came to Perdan because he was general, and I liked his style.  I still do.  He has devoted the last ten year's of his game time to BM.  For that, the Titans kick him. The Titans killed my in-game husband, my mentor, and my joy for the game.  I am deleting entire account.

I thank you all for the faith you put in me and apologize for the hardship my decision may cause.  You are a classy group of people.  Thank you, Aroo and Reapers, for accepting me into this kingdom.  Thank you, Nicoli, for being such as steadfast player, I like your style, my friend.  Atanamir (Yes, I call Alex that even on Skype)  sends you his best.  He said he was sorry he failed me, but he did not.  The game failed us.

I will delete once Blythe is inrealm, so that my absence does not cause bloodshed in Troyes.


Susan Hutchinson

Noble has left   (1 hour, 40 minutes ago)
The player of Saul has left the game, the character is therefore deleted.

Noble has left   (1 hour, 40 minutes ago)
The player of Blythe has left the game, the character is therefore deleted.
A referendum will be started shortly to elect a new King.
Quote from: Fleugs on April 03, 2014, 11:38:00 AM
It's been a while since I fell for an April 1st BM-joke, but this one totally got me. Even when I was aware it was April 1st, I just wanted it to be real.  ;)

Same here. I wanted it so badly.... :P
Quote from: Anaris on August 19, 2013, 01:51:25 PM
First of all, duels are already hella random. I don't remember the exact figures, but there's a huge spread that you have to have between the skills before a duel is anything like a sure thing.

Second of all, no one knows anyone else's skill unless the other person has shown off at a tournament. If they trained at the academy and then told you their skill, they could perfectly easily have lied. Bullies also tend to inflate their skills.

Third of all, if someone with known high swordfighting skill is challenging everyone and his dog to death duels, there's a perfectly simple way to prevent him from harming anyone: Just don't accept. There is no penalty. In fact, this is why there is no penalty.

If you say so. Last 3 duels I saw, were won by the higher skill. Once skill was higher 10%, two times around 20%. Doesnt seem random at all. But yeah, true random and humans perception of random are very different...

Close the tread as people dont share my opinion.
Title: Hide skill percentage or make duels more random

Summary: Today you see nobles skills by percentage when training in academy. It generates rather exact knowledge who will win a duel. I propose that we hide the exact percentage and keep only a rough representation, like: poor, mediocre, true master or whatever OR make duels more random so the skill percentage does not play big part anymore.

Details: As people know exactly, that their character is stronger than other character, then they will bully other characters to join in on a duel. As everybody knows exactly that this guy has 80% swordfighting skill (usually bullies tend to brag about their skills), then people really think if the duel is worth it. In real life skills are not measured in percentage, there can be no sure winner...

This is very annoying as you know duels were for honour and to settle an argument.

Other way is to just make duels a bit more random... To make it so that if 40% fights with 70%, then its not always a sure pick.

* People will duel more when there is a reason.
* There is less bullying with duels as people dont know that they win.

Possible Exploits:
* People will duel too much.
* Hard training will not pay off as much.