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Messages - Jored

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Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: April 17, 2019, 10:06:40 AM »
Roleplay from William Fitz Roberts

This morning

The citizens of Poryatown were gathered in the square before the villa, awaiting the daily address from their lord as he held court. Many looked round as they heard shouting coming from the direction of the white citadel, where the prisoners were usually kept. A roar of excitement went up as they saw the cart upon which a noble woman was tied, beaten and broken. The citizens looked up as William and his family stood out upon the balcony and raised his arms

‘Behold, a traitor to Luria, caught in the act of attempted murder of our heroic vice-marshal’ Bellows of rage and hatred went up from the crowd as they began to pelt Bellatrix with mud and stones. She was dragged onto the gallows that stood in the centre of the square, usually used for punishing common murderers and rapists.

William nodded for the hangman to get on with it. Next to him stood his twin daughters, who had grown much in the last few years in Poryatown and were close to their mother in height. Manfred was also there, looking on in disapproval. William muttered under his breath, so only Anne could hear ‘I told you, I always get someone once I have decided they need to go’

‘Indeed you did husband’ Anne said smiling, then frowned as the rope around Bellatrix’s neck snapped. ‘Oh for goodness sake’ she snarled as the citizens of Poryatown surged forward. Under the traditions of the city, if the hangman’s rope snapped then the fate of the condemned belonged to the will of the people. Sometimes they were granted mercy. Most times, however, the citizens enacted their own method of punishment, with sticks and stones and fists and boots. William turned as he heard Manfred vomit. He grabbed the youth, pulling him close ‘tell me, how are you Antonia’s son?!’ he growled, before pushing the boy aside and walking back inside, flanked by his daughters. He trusted that his people would deal with the traitor.

He nodded at the master carpenter as he passed and stopped for a moment ‘good work with the rope’ he muttered, handing the man three gold coins. ‘Thank you m’lord’ the man bowed and scurried away

Luria Nova


Mikael’s sword found his mark as the flat of the blade made contact with a peasant; he was having a hell of a time keeping the rabble at bay, looking at his formation he knew they would not be able to keep the press of peasants back much longer. The escorts lines where being jostled and pushed with the increase of numbers from the rabble.

“Countess, we must head back! It is not safe”

But Veronica had eyes only for the Gallows in front of the Villa. The gallows had been erected in the square at the front of the Villa and the mob of peasants kept surging into the square. She was brought back out of her daze when one of her Escort bumped into her, the rabble had forced him out of formation but it took him mere seconds to push back and finding his footing made some space between her and the mob.

“Countess! We must leave”

Veronica looked at Mikael, before scanning the square.

“There” she pointed.

The Escort shifted and started pushing towards a double story building with a balcony overlooking the square; the escort seemed to have enough of the rabble and was not kind in making those that did not wish to move regret their actions.

At the approach, Mikael pushed ahead and started banging on the door. “Open up in the name of the Countess Gardarr”

With no answer Mikael turned to some of his men. “Break it down” Two of his men stepped forward and started to bash at the door.

“Hold, hold I’ll open” a cry came from within. The bolts could be heard as they where slid open and as the door opened a crack Mikael pushed in and Veronica followed.

A scrawny man, a merchant by the looks of it was standing a few feet back wringing his hands, bobbing up and down.

“My apologies Countess, I did not hear, due to the noise, be welcome, be welcome” he gestured.

As Veronica’s Escort pushed in and secured the Merchants shop, Mikael tossed some gold coins on the floor and spoke “Show us the balcony” The Merchant eyes flicked to the gold lying on the floor before he quickly scooped them up and led the way. “It’s this way Countess, please if you will”

They followed the scrawny man up the stairs and through a sitting room leading to a balcony. Veronica’s escort took up some positions on the balcony as she stepped out to overlook the square, the merchant tried to join her but at a look from Mikael thought the better and retreated back into his shop.

It was chaos, while they had made their way to the balcony a cart had appeared carrying Bellatrix, she was disheveled, the dishonored dame looked like a wretch. Veronica’s eyes kept following the cart as a hush fell over the crowd. A voice echoed over the square.

‘Behold, a traitor to Luria, caught in the act of attempted murder of our heroic vice-marshal’

Veronica’s eyes left the cart as she looked at the man speaking; with arms outstretched the Imperial Magistrate was addressing the populous from the balcony of the White Citadel. If looks could kill Veronica’s gaze would have struck him down

At his words peasants went into frenzy and started throwing stones, rotten food and garbage at the prisoner. Soldiers wearing the livery of the Imperial magistrate took hold of the Dame and dragged her from the cart towards the gallows.

The noose was tightened and a hood placed over the dames head. “Not even any final words” Veronica muttered to herself.

As the hangman pulled the lever and the rope went taut, there was a loud crack as the rope snapped. Veronica’s hands went white as she gripped the railing.

Bellatrix was set upon by the mob, her body disappearing from view.

Veronica looked at Mikael. “If only our man had succeeded, poison would have been the most merciful way to end this fiasco. Any chance our man is still alive?”

“Let’s hope not Countess” he replied

The crowd was getting rowdy and a few stones took flight and scuffles were breaking out. “We better step into the parlour Countess, it might take some hours for order to be restored and we will be stuck here until then”

As Veronica retreated into the parlour she plopped down on nearby settee.

“I think I need a drink” a few minutes later she was sipping her wine with Belletrix execution playing over and over in her mind.

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: November 02, 2018, 02:23:07 PM »
Ciarin Tut

It had been a few weeks since Ciarin Tut was cleared of the Monsters roaming the country side. After the fall of her makeshift encampment and fortifications and her near death experience at the hands of the foul beast, Veronica had lost something.


For once she was naive in her believes but now she knew better, those that tried to warn her where right to do so. This land was invested with foul creatures that needed to be put down at any cost.

With the Winter cold tugging at her, shivering she pulled her cloak tight, she was standing at the toll bridge between Ciarin Tut and Garuck Udor helping some officials in collecting tariffs and inspecting goods for contraband.

With her presence and that of her soldiers providing security, the toll bridge was in peak operation, resulting in faster flow of goods and people eager to return home after the violence.

She noticed Mikael as he made his way closer, he was being accompanied by a messenger. Mikael instructed him to wait a few feet away as he approached her. “Milady, a messenger wearing the crest of the Countess Kaguya Fujiwara” Veronica studied the messenger before saying “You may approach” Mikael stepped to her side an arm’s length away; she studied him with some annoyance but did not call him out.

“Dame Gardarr, I bare a letter from the Countess Kaguya Fujiwara” bowing slightly he offered her the letter.

Veronica took the letter and carefully opening it she started reading.  “The Countess is too kind. Mikael, I believe we have done what we could at the bridge, we will be heading to the Countess Estate on her invitation. Strike camp and inform the officials we will be departing for Nishi Sagarifuji-dono.“

“Yes Milady” Veronica noticed he was still lingering and his eyes never left the messenger as he spoke to her. Tapping the letter on her lips she spoke to the messenger. “You will of course take my reply to the Countess”

“So I was instructed to do if it was required Dame Gardarr” he replied. “Very well then I will pen a reply, you will have it within the hour, until then get yourself a hot meal, you are dismissed”

Veronica’s eyes followed Mikael as he escorted the messenger, with a sigh she pulled her cloak tight around her and stared at the distant ships on the horizon.

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: October 15, 2018, 11:05:26 AM »
Ciarin Tut

Veronica laughed as the handsome man led her across the ballroom, his dashing smile and his fast steps across the dance floor made her heart race. Occasionally she would notice a blurred face as she spun and twirled as they danced faster and faster.

Faster and faster they danced, until she became as light as air, faster and faster they danced until they lifted up in the air. Magic … Veronica beamed, the man smiled and they danced. The walls and the roof of the Ballroom folded away and they danced, higher and higher into the Night sky.

The Night sky beckoned and the stars shone bright, still they danced higher and higher lifting over white puffy clouds. The man pulled her closer and as they embraced their dance slowed down. She was content in his warm embrace.

Something changed and it felt wrong, he was holding her tighter, and she was struggling to breathe.

“You’re hurting me … let go …” She pushed at him until she could lift her head. His smile had turned into a sneer, his eyes cold and his touch even colder. His mouth opened wider and wider and rows of teeth yellow and stained bore down upon her. His hands turned to claws and they pressed into her as his grip tightened.

Veronica tried to scream, but his embrace left her dizzy and out of breath, she mustered all the strength she could and freed her arms. She went for its face and dug her nails deep, pulling with all the might she could muster she left deep gashes, a foul pungent odor assaulted her senses as yellow pus flowed down the creatures face.   

The pus burned her hands, but it was worth it. Its grip loosened on her, she struggled and squirmed until she could slip from its embrace. She started falling backward; it felt like an eternity as she tipped away from it. Its cold eyes held her and its blood crusted claws reached for her. But it was too slow, she was free and so she plummeted down and down towards the fluffy clouds below.

Cold air assaulted her as she fell; fear enveloped her as she fell and so the clouds welcomed her not with a soft embrace but a cold lingering pain.

_ _ _

Veronica’s eyes fluttered open to the screams of men. She remembered now, she fell of her horse. She strained as she pushed herself into a sitting position, the cold winter snow seeping into her bruised body.

She reached up and touched the back of her head and flinched at the bolt of pain. She looked at her hand and noted the red crimson on her glove, slowly turning her head she noticed the blood stained snow where her head had rested. Frowning she lifted herself into a standing position. The world felt like it was spinning around her, she almost lost conciseness but pushed on pass the dying men around her.

She remembered …

It was early morning when they rushed the makeshift fortifications. She had ordered the line to be held but they were too many, her men loosed arrow after arrow, but the horde just kept coming the left flank fell first then the right.

Then they scattered.

She looked around her, her horse lay in the snow not too far off, hunching figures crowded over it tearing at it. They where to engrossed in their meal to notice her, she struggled through the early winter snow trying to make for the nearby forest. She was going to make it, closer she got, even closer still, yes the trees welcomed her.

Joy turned to a burning pain as she fell to the ground; she had been struck, crunching footfalls in the snow told her all she needed to know, scrambling on all fours she tried to get away. Pain shot from the back of her head as her once golden hair now rust colored with matted blood was pulled tight.

She fell backwards and lost vision for a second, as she lay in the snow, the beast slowly bent down towards her, is foul hot breath upon her. It lifted its club ready to strike the killing blow, Veronica covered her face with her arms and knew that this was it, she screamed.

The blow never came, the beast stood over her, and it had three arrows sticking out of his chest. It was staring at them in amazement before it fell backwards and bled out. Veronica felt herself being lifted.

“We have her, move out you sons of dogs, full retreat. We head deeper into the woods. Where is that bastard healer, get him NOW!”

Veronica blacked out.

Roleplay from Kaguya Fujiwara

The copse was not large, only a meager cluster of trees that broke the mostly endless plains of Ciarin Tut. But the undergrowth was enough to conceal Kaguya, Alfreid, and a couple other retainers. Fifty metres due south was a dry riverbed in which hid another handful of warriors. South again, a disused irrigation ditch with another group of men, and so on.

The last battle had gone ill, and the Fujiwara scion had commanded that her forces disperse. A difficult decision to make; Retreat was not a pill easily swallowed by Yamatai pride, but there was no sense in wasting the lives of good men. Three had thrown themselves to the wolves so that the rest could escape. Their yoroi would have to be retrieved and returned to their households after this was over, in keeping with the Yamatai tradition of preserving armour as family heirlooms.

In the meantime Kaguya watched and waited, counting meticulously the beasts as they roamed the fields seeking to sate their appetites on stray cattle or foolish smallfolk who had not had the sense to beeline home and bolt their doors behind them. Her face was slick with grime and sweat, and bitter with barely concealed frustration at her present impotency.

Still, the Countess of Ciarin Tut was not one to waste time in fruitless idling. Men had been dispatched - surreptitiously of course in ones and twos - now to scout the enemy, or to warn outlying hamlets of the approaching threat. It would not kill the beasts, but perhaps these efforts might mitigate the damage done to her holdings and people, or perhaps produce information that was of use to the rest of the army.

"Another scout has returned, milady."

"Indeed." A curt nod. No smile. "Captain, he shall be provided a sturdy branch, through which he must sketch the disposition of the enemy thus encountered."

Kaguya glanced briefly at the sunset as Alfreid hurried away. Slowly but surely, light was fading, and with it would come a sleepless and terrifying night. Her thoughts went briefly to Veronica; hopefully the Dame's surviving troops had managed to stash her and themselves away someplace safe. The Countess had no idea where they had gone, and the thought of a wounded Lurian noble - stranded within her lands without resources nor help - chafed on her sensibilities as a Lady of the Empire.

She grit her teeth and turned her attention back to counting the vile things, hoping that friendly banners would soon appear.

Development / Re: Adventurers No Longer Using Scrolls - Discussion
« on: September 08, 2018, 07:55:13 PM »
With all respect, first you torture, then you execute.

I have never had need to torture anyone in the game, i did not know that was how the mechanics worked. This was also the first time i have ever executed anyone. Those Militia was Peasant militia drafted today to try and fix the situation you placed us in. I was told to torture first but i didnt realize there was an actual point to doing it, i just thought of it as a dishonorable thing to do, so i skipped it.

Citizen Defense Force Formed
The Emperor has issued a draft, calling all citizens of the realm to join the citizen militia as a last, desperate means of defense against the invaders.

Forming 35 units with a total of 43379 combat strength, 7967 volunteers show up in Wudenkin. Production in the region falls 13 %. Those remaining in their homes grow depressed about their fates. The militia run independent through the region.

Josiah loses 7 points of prestige for showing this weakness.

I am not going to respond anymore, i'll see if it is still worth playing or just pause.  Congratulations you have got what you wanted, total and complete victory. Well done

Development / Re: Adventurers No Longer Using Scrolls - Discussion
« on: September 08, 2018, 07:26:35 PM »
Arresting and killing an advy is a pretty good counter.

So you are saying just arrest every single advy you see and execute them immediately, since how do i know what they are planning on doing in a region. Since i dont have any defenses against them just kill em strait out. You know how many people this will alienate.

See, chars can heal, walls can be rebuilt and regions or realms retaken or refounded.

Before or after you march your huge armies down to clear us out now that we are screwed. There are no more walls. There are no militia. There are no more troops left. There are no more Gold left. We will not get taxes , so those with a few men left will all dessert. What you did here was totally to wipe certain players off the map. You ask for your advys back after the fact, fine. But once you get them back we are still screwed and everything we have been playing for since the Fronen/Bara Khur civil war has been undone and made naught

Development / Re: Adventurers No Longer Using Scrolls - Discussion
« on: September 08, 2018, 07:04:54 PM »
I have been reading through the scroll lists.

From what i can gather the following was used to strike Wudenkin

4 x Hammerfall   (This ritual creates a hammer of mystic energy that bashes on the fortifications in your current region, damaging them.) There might be more but i got wounded right after so i didnt get all the messages - What if i might ask is the counter to this?.

??? x Accident    (This difficult ritual will cause another character to suffer from a serious accident, getting wounded in the process.) This must have been casted as hammerfall is not suppsed to wound players only fortifications. Since every single Bara Khur noble got wounded a few needed to be casted. Again how do i as a Player counter this type of attack?

4-6? Summon Undead (This scroll describes a ritual which can summon undead in your current location, possibly causing an undead unit to spawn within the next few days.) There was a total of +/- 14k Summoned - Again i dont have all the details on those.

If you want to play with magic fine, but then there should be counters and defenses worked in as well. From what i can understand there is no way for a counter to the type of "fun" you decided to use on us.

Development / Re: Adventurers No Longer Using Scrolls - Discussion
« on: September 08, 2018, 06:27:08 PM »
Not all of em got away, three got caught , but since all of ten of us got wounded some did get away.

Of the three that did this i executed two and one got away. I am very salty about the whole situation.  I understand that some people just wanted to have fun. But in you guys having your fun you ruined months of playing in trying to get our 1 region back to what it was before the invasions. Just 3 weeks ago we where back to 3 regions but was pushed back again and we were planing to attack another after this payday.

Seriously if you want to have fun on your Adventures , do so. But not at the expense of other players. By your logic the last ten players in Bara 'Khur should just pause.  If this is your attitude the island wont last long.

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: August 18, 2018, 08:25:42 AM »
Dantooine Ball

[He wishes to invite you to the opening of the Lurian Herald's main facility in Giask in the coming weeks.]

Veronica dismissed the Fitz Roberts entourage from her thoughts and looked at Andrea. "Oh forgive me Andrea, its seems this vintage is a tad too strong for me" turning to Mikael she says "Mikael please be a dear and dispose of this" as she handed him the wine glass.

Mikael nodded as he took the glass from her,"Of course Milady" Veronica smiled at him as he stepped back to mingle with the lesser Nobility, not too close but not too far away if needed. Turning to Andrea, Veronica hooked her arm in hers and prodded her away from where the Fitz Roberts where talking with the other Nobles.

"Oh Giask, I would love to visit the City, is it as marvelous as Askileon. I do hope that the straits from Askileon to Giask will be milder now that Spring has arrived. You know i traveled through the dead of Winter from East Island, it was a nightmare to be on a ship in that weather for weeks. Oh i almost forgot you recently had a baby, how exiting and you kept your figure, you must tell me your secret, not that I intend to be a mother anytime soon, but it is always good to know these things."

Veronica kept talking as she slowly moved to the other side of the ball room, Andrea in hand and Alessio trailing behind them.

Dantooine Ball

Veronica kept talking as she slowly moved to the other side of the ball room, Andrea in hand and Alessio trailing behind them.

"It is far more marvellous. Since I married Alessio, we spent many years together there living with his family. I cannot say I do not miss them, though Shinnen is almost equal in its beauty," she smiles. "Dear, was it not the Eastern Continent where your brother was sent to live with his cousin, the General?" she looks to her husband.

"It was," replied he, "But he has since passed, and now our dear brother is looking for opportunities of his own. He inherited a lion, of all things - can you believe it?" he looks back to Veronica.

"As for my secret," Andrea interrupts, "I had triplets my first time around. One small baby is nothing - well, with a small corset beneath my dress, that is." she rubs her stomach, looking for a buffet or any food.

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: August 17, 2018, 12:05:33 PM »
Dantooine Ball

Veronica came to a stop as she noticed Knight de Medici approach her. This was the first time she had the chance to really take him in, previously she had only glanced him from a distance at court.

He was accompanied by who she assumed was his wife, Veronica felt a blush as she remembered sending him a letter once stating that courting her would take more than just words, only to realize after the fact that he was in fact married.

["Hello there," he says, offering a gentle head bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Alessio de Medici, and this is my gorgeous wife, Andrea. She finds your dress beautiful. What might your name be?"]

Veronica beamed at the complement, “Milady’ de Medici … Andrea if I may be so bold, I thank you on the complement.”  Veronica took a glass of wine from a passing servant. “As for my name Sir Alessio, I believe we have met … in writing so to say.”

“I am Veronica, Veronica Gardarr …”

Veronica was waiting on a response, when she heard the Herald pronounce some new arrivals.

[‘Sir William Fitz Roberts and family’ the herald called out]

“…Fitz Roberts …” she whispered as she turned and looked at the new arrivals.

Mikael had also made a move closer towards Veronica; he was not too far off mingling with the lesser nobility, he came beside Veronica and whispered in her ear, his hand on his sword.

Roleplay from Alessio de Medici

The Ball

“I am Veronica, Veronica Gardarr …”

As Veronica was interrupted, Alessio paused waiting for the herald to finish, paying little attention to anything. Andrea, however, had observed Mikael's hand on his sword, perking an eyebrow, before looking over to the herald. Most curious.

After letting the hushed whispers pass, Alessio speaks up once more:

"Ah, so you are the Dame Veronica. It is a pleasure to meet you in the flesh - you truly have been graced. My darling wife wanted to tell you how wonderful she thinks your dress is. Can we ask who made it - we would like to get in touch with the craftsman and-"

Promptly, he is cut off by Andrea. "Sorry for his endless ramblings, my sweet. It drives me mad with him taking ages to get his point across. He wishes to invite you to the opening of the Lurian Herald's main facility in Giask in the coming weeks. If you would like, that is." she smiles, taking her husband's hand. She gives one final look over to Mikael, not saying anything.

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: August 16, 2018, 08:28:20 AM »
Luria Nova
Dantooine Ball

Veronica was late, without an attendant she had a hell of a time to get into her dress; she would make a note to in future always make sure one of her attendants would accompany her.

Finally done she ascended the stairs of the accommodations made available to her. Her Captain of the guard was waiting for her in his dress uniform and would escort her to the keep ballroom; he was flanked by her two personal guards.

Approaching him Veronica smiled “You look dashing tonight Captain” Mikael bowed his head “Milady, might I say your dress is most complementing”

Veronica twirled as she responded, “Oh it is beautiful isn’t it”, after the twirl she hooked her arm in his and said “Well lead the way”

He nodded as they set off towards the Ball

It was a cool night as they made their way towards the ballroom. Merriment, laughter and wine flowed in the courtyard leading to the keep. Veronica was elated to finally have some fun and not be stuck in a dirty war camp, she shuddered at that thought.

Veronica was so engrossed with the merriment she didn’t notice the couple ahead of them entering the ball room until they were announced.

"May I present the Messer and Madonna de Medici!"

Veronica’s head snapped back as she heard de Medici, the last time she saw him was at the Emperors court, thinking back to that day riled her up even more. Her eyes followed him as he descended the stairs into the ballroom. She did receive a letter from him not soon after which softened his actions towards her, but she was still irked.

Mikael approached the herald and whispering to him he stepped back and took her arm.

The Herald stepped forward “May I announce the Lady Veronica Gardarr of Askileon”

Veronica made her way down the stairs. She had decided to wear the dress she had made for the kings ball, a sapphire blue gown, with black lace trim, her red hair was cascading down the front of the dress and she was wearing the necklace the King had given her.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs Mikael withdrew his arm and bowed to her slightly before stepping away. Veronica stepped into the ball room proper.

Roleplay from Alessio de Medici

Reaching the bottom of the stairs Mikael withdrew his arm and bowed to her slightly before stepping away. Veronica stepped into the ball room proper.

Scrying the newcomer, Alessio strides towards Veronica, wearing a smile.

"Hello there," he says, offering a gentle head bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Alessio de Medici, and this is my gorgeous wife, Andrea. She finds your dress beautiful. What might your name be?"

East Island / Re: The War
« on: August 11, 2018, 10:57:33 AM »
Except FG is not treated like dirt and clearly does not feel as such, they will end up with friends unlike HM and they did not see HM as caring for them.

I am gonna have to polity disagree with this statement. Highmarch has more friends now than it had during its alliance with the South. Vix always hated the fact that Higmarch was draining their funds, at one point they completely stopped giving funds to its defense and even went as far as to withdraw troops to show Highmarch that it was dependent on them for its survival. Perdan broke treaties with Highmarch in regards to Meuse/Mullhouse and always just went back to the Perdan Mines issue when asked about it. (Even though the Perdan Mines issue goes back a long way, and has a lot of History behind it)

Lets not even talk about the Alara/Minas Nova vs Perloane/Vix debacle going on. Highmarch did warn Alara that this was coming long before we left the Southern Alliance.

As for Fallangard, there was never any intent to attack them or declare war until they started looting Highmarch lands. This is the saddest thing about this war, as i would say that no one in Highmarch wants to fight Fallangard, they where the only ones not planning to sell out Highmarch during the negotiations with the north. You should really have been more careful with your backdoor dealings in regards to putting Highmarch on the block to save your own necks. You left Highmarch no choice but to flip. There was no way Highmarch could have survived with the entire South and North turning on them to get the territories, this way Highmarch has a chance to survive , where before it had none.

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: August 11, 2018, 10:16:53 AM »
Luria Nova

Veronica was passing through Danturn Town, it was at most what she expected from a rural region. She had a small escort with her, after leaving most of her troops in Lupa Lapu.

Mikael had passed command to one of his subordinates, and insisted on accompanying her. Veronica pulled her cloak tighter around her. She was starting to dislike the ocean, the cold wind tugged and pulled at her and she felt the chill right to her core, Winter didn't seem to want to dissipate with the coming of Spring.

She was over the worst of her bought of sickness, though she still felt sluggish. So when she heard about the invitation to attend festivities at Sea Cliff Keep, she knew she had to get out of the cold miserable camps she found herself in. The more she thought about it the more she realized she was not made for the front line.

And really all this talk of monsters she has yet to see one face to face, they couldn't be such a menace if none was ever sighted. So she would order her troops to do what needed to be done, but she would go where she pleased, she was a Noble after all.

As the small party approached the Keep, Veronica's eye caught the cliff drop leaning to the ocean, she felt a chill again. A great watchtower could be seen and she noticed movement on top of it, her approach had been noticed.

Mikael spurred his horse closer to her as a guard stepped out to bar their way. Veronica pulled up her horse as she glanced at the guard making his way towards them.

"Hold, you approach the Sea Cliff Keep, state your business!"

Veronica turned to Mikael and then realized that they had not actually displayed her banners on approach.

Pulling down the cowl of her hood she brushed some of her hair out of her face and smiled down at the guard.

"I am the Lady Gardarr of House Gardarr hailing from Askileon on invitation from the Earl of Dantooine, Solomon Greybrook."

Veronica noticed another guard behind him talk to a young boy who immediately set of at running speed.

The guard lowered his head and spoke "Milady forgive my tone.." Veronica cut him off.

"There is nothing to forgive, you are doing your duty as you should, but if you would be so kind it has been a long trip and I would like to get out of the cold, please make arrangements for an escort to take us to our accommodations." 

Veronica pulled up her hood again as she slowly spurred her horse on and followed the guard as he made arrangements for an escort.

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint

Yesterday Evening:
After the evening meeting had passed, once the questions had been answered and the first course of food same through, Emyhr enjoyed talking with people of different backgrounds about the fundamentals of faith. However, time had caught up on the young knight and he had to leave the gathering for his other duties.

Emyhr gave his thanks to the priest and bid farwell to Sir Donald and the gathered minor nobles. Emyhr stepped out into the cold evening, jovial from the food and wine, he made his way to the main gate bidding farwell to the city of Askileon.

The Following Morning:

As the sun crested over the hilltops of the border regions of Nid Tek and Dantooine, Emyhr now warn out from the journeying that he had undertake that previous night with very little rest. Before long, the sight of the sea cliff keep came into view. It seems Emyhr was not the only one to arrive early as a small party led by a female noble was waiting at the gate, Emyhr did not recognize the crest of the noble that was waiting at the gate but none the less would approach with the normal formalities.

As Emyhr neared the gate, he could over hear slightly what was being said nearer the front.

"I am the Lady Gardarr of House Gardarr hailing from Askileon on invitation from the Earl of Dantooine, Solomon Greybrook."

Emyhr pondered over that name, he had heard of this recent arrival however had yet been able to meet here. Hopefully, Emyhr would be able to introduce himself before or during the event. For now, he allowed the dame to continue with entering before Emyhr would approach the gate.

"Earl Emyhr le Craint, here at the invitation of Earl Solomon. I have arrived early after requesting it of the Earl."

The guard looked the noble up and down before turning and shouting at the guards behind the gate. He waved Emyhr through the gate, unlike the previous noble, Emyhr was without a retinue bringing only his horse with him. Stepping through the gate, Emyhr looked around admiring the work that had been done by the earl since his succession, the keep that had been in ruins when the land was reclaimed was now beautifully rebuilt with grey stone.

Emyhr guided his horse to the stables that had been built within the courtyards, brushing it slightly before tying it up and leaving it within the hands of the stable boy. The Dame was now gone from his sight, Emyhr made his way out into the courtyard finding a place to sit and take the weight of his legs. Emyhr sat and waited for the earl, allowing the dame the first introductions, he admired the work that had been undertaken by Earl Solomon.

Roleplay from Solomon Greybrook

Two New Arrivals - Sea Cliff Keep Ball (Dantooine)
Veronica pulled up her hood again as she slowly spurred her horse on and followed the guard as he made arrangements for an escort.

Solomon was sitting at his desk, working through some necessary paperwork when a guard came in and informed him that Lady Gardarr had arrived.


With a spring in his step, Solomon put on his cloak and headed to the front gate of the Keep. For the ball, Solomon had his beard trimmed again back to the sharp stubble and slicked back hair. Furthermore, his black doublet with a grey linen shirt were complementary to the subtle but ultimately fashionable appearance - there wasn't too many occasion military noblemen such as he had opportunities to look their best outside of court. He had ensured previously that his outfit for the ball was prepared by numerous peoples in Giask and refined in Dantooine.

Approaching the gate, Solomon saw the Lady stand guard alongside one of the watchmen and another soldier that he did not know. Probably left command to a subordinate in Lupa Lapu. When within speaking distance of the Lady, Solomon stopped short and made a slight bow:

"Welcome Lady Gardarr to Dantooine! I hope the travelling was not too harsh. With the end of Winter, the weather should be easier to handle. However, the sharp chill from the sea breeze may take some getting to used to! I do not believe we have directly met before on a social basis, I am Solomon Greybrook, Lord of Dantooine and Marshal of Luria's Wrath. You are the first guest from the higher aristocracy to arrive for the ball on Monday. I believe there will be many more to come and that Luria will enjoy some rest-bite - at least for a few days. Your accommodation will be in the Guesthouses to either the right or left of the Keep. Please just make sure that you inform a scribe which one you are staying in. Each room is fit for purpose with thick rugs and duvets as well. There is a common room for each Guesthouse - which is only for aristocracy. There may already by some local nobles as well in the lodgings - there is plenty of room. Please feel free to explore the estate. If there is anything that you need assistance with, please just ask me personally or hail a local servant. The Greybrook Guard to my right will escort you. I look forward to talking to you more in the coming days my lady."

The Dame was now gone from his sight, Emyhr made his way out into the courtyard finding a place to sit and take the weight of his legs. Emyhr sat and waited for the earl, allowing the dame the first introductions, he admired the work that had been undertaken by Earl Solomon.

As Solomon was talking to his new arrival, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Earl Emyhr ride to the stables. Solomon walked and talked to Lady Gardarr for maybe a minute before excusing himself. Seeing the Vice-Marshal in the courtyard, Solomon walked towards him with a slight grin on his face and embraced his friend:

'Earl Emhyr! I am so glad that you have arrived. Come, walk with me around the estate. Tell me about your adventures or events that have occurred since we last spoke!"


Solomon walked and talked to Lady Gardarr for maybe a minute before excusing himself.

Veronica tilted her head and glanced at the earl as he walked with her.

"Earl Greybrook, I thank you for the welcome, and i would like it if we spoke some more later, it has been a long trip and I believe I will retire for the day."

Veronica noticed the Earls attention waver to a man riding towards the stable's. She felt a little bit irritated with that, but she smiled none the less as he left her to attend to the new arrival.

Following the guard she decided on one of the guest houses on the left.

Captain Mikael made arrangements for her baggage to be taken to her room and her guards stationed themselves in the common room. Once in the room she dropped onto the bed and pulled a thick duvet over her, it was quite chilly still.

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint

Not a moment passed by when Emyhr once again spotted the Dame however this time she was being guided by a familiar face. Watching them walk, Emyhr could see the refinement in the clothing between the two, for the first time meeting nobles who were dressed for a fanciful occasion rather than battle was soothing to the young knight. The two separated and Earl Solomon who was guiding the lady headed towards Emyhr.

'Earl Emhyr! I am so glad that you have arrived. Come, walk with me around the estate. Tell me about your adventures or events that have occurred since we last spoke!"

"Earl Solomon, it is good to see you again my Friend. I would love to join you, to be able to see the work you have put into this fine place would be an honour. I must apologies for my outfit, I have not had time to return home however I have sent word for my attendant to bring my outfit for the ball and he should arrive this evening."

Emyhr held out a hand in greeting, the two firmly shaking. Having their last meeting been their swordsmanship match, the atmosphere had a more refined feel with the preparations for the ball completed.

"It has been some time since our last meeting, matters have kept me busy and well traveled I must say. Just yesterday I stumbled upon the meeting organised the Priest Turin Eriksson, I accompanied Sir Donald as curiosity got the better of me. Now that the influx of beast is calming down, it gives me a chance to commit to these social occasions to which I am glad to be able to attend."

Emyhr looked over to the direction that the lady had headed towards before his eye caught a glimpse of the view created by the keeps placement.

"It seem I am not the first to arrive, I had not met Dame Veronica since she arrived however she has made quite a name for herself, I am sure she has some interesting tales to tell. I am impressed at your design capabilities, should I need an architect in the near future I know who to ask it seems. The keep is remarkable, a veritable impregnable fortress while keeping to the beauty of the area. Once the other nobles arrive for the ball I am sure this place will create a wondrous atmopshere."

Emyhr stopped for a second, now coming towards the entrance into the main building, he turned around to catch a glimpse of the entire courtyard.

"I must admit I am quite excited for this ball, never before have I attended such formal event. I even looked up a dance teacher during my visit to Askileon to prepare myself. Like you said, this will be a gathering of the finest men and women of the realm, it would be a disaster should I have not prepared. Enough about me though, how fares yourself? We are on the verge of great changes this season, as Earls ourselves we must be at the forefront of these changes to maintain our lands."

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: August 06, 2018, 09:06:44 AM »
Ciarin Tut

It had been a tension filled few days for Mikael, he was pacing outside Veronica's tent waiting on a report from the healer they had acquired from the Camp of Kiran Mir-Ashtan, Knight of Poryatu. The healer had approached his Lord with the request and the Knight had immediately ordered the healer to take on the care of the Lady Gardarr.

Mikael kept pacing, the guards eyes following him, they gave him a wide berth. He came to a stop at the rustle of the tent flap; the healer ducked out caught his eye and approached him.

“She is over the worst of it, the fever broke last night” Mikael drew a sigh of relieve. “She will need to stay in bed for a few more days at least, but I will still make my rounds until I am sure there is no chance for a relapse.”

Mikael clasped the healers shoulder gave it a slight squeeze and stepped past him into the tent.

The healer watched the Captain step into the tent, picking up his supplies he headed back to his Camp to report to his Lord. 

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: August 03, 2018, 09:23:36 AM »
Ciarin Tut

It was a cold winter morning that greeted the troops of House Gardarr as they approached the mustering grounds in Ciarin Tut. The locals came out and stared at the marching men, some in celebration others with skeptic looks on their faces.

Veronica didn’t notice, her hood was pulled up and her head bowed, she was in a daze. Her red hair was slick with sweat and clinging to her face, the occasional cough escaping from her hooded cowl.

Mikael kept glancing to her as her horse kept pace with his. He was worried, they had not made arrangements for a healer to accompany them on this trip, it didn’t seem necessary at the time, but that decision now came back to haunt him.

Mikael noticed his scout galloping closer, pulling his horse up him gave a quick salute “Captain, orders and dispatches from command” he gave Mikael a sealed pouch. “I have also been informed of our camp site, it not too far”

Mikeal glanced at Veronica again, her head was still down and she was swaying lightly in her saddle.

“Lead the way then”

Mikeal spurred his horse and the men silently marched on. The Scout led them through the amassed men and banners at the mustering grounds. Mikael didn’t have to time to look closely, but the camps where set up in an orderly fashion, each displaying banners indicating the Lord or Lady in command.

“Captain, from what I am to understand the army’s of Luria Nova are split in the camps, our camp ground is with the Emperors Will division. Ah here we are now it’s just up ahead” the scout told him.

“Take ten men and get the Lady Gardarr’s tent up fast” he told him. The scout gave a quick salute and spurring his horse forward he motioned some men to follow him; they broke off in a jog and followed after.

The men where efficient when it came to setting camp, by the time Mikael arrived with Veronica, her tent and the command tent had both been set up. The men split and started their duties, a latrine area being dug, cooking fires set up, sentry duties assigned and so on. Mikael let them to it; he had more pressing matters to concern him.

Dismounting he led Veronica’s Horse closer to her tent. She had not made a lot of sound except the occasional cough, handing the reins to a guard at the tent; he slowly reached up and carefully pulled her out of the saddle, gently cradling her in his arms he carried her in and laid her on her cot covering her with some blankets.

Stepping out of tent he motioned to one of her guards. “I want you to discreetly ask around for a healer and escort them here, tell them they will be greatly rewarded.”

The guard nodded and set off, Mikael went back into the tent pulled up a chair and waited. 

Roleplaying / Re: The House of Gardarr
« on: August 02, 2018, 11:14:37 AM »
Askileon Purlieus

Veronica knew her temper caused her more problems than she needed in her life. Oh that smug Emperor, sitting on his high and mighty thrown … he did have a nice roguish look to him though … no Veronica shook her head, she was still furious at him.

Yes, and she would show him. Except now she found herself in the “Wilderness” , she was riding a lovely white mare she had named Cloud, the only problem was she hurt all over, her legs hurt her arms hurt her entire body hurt even her nether regions.

Previous Day

Veronica was in a foul mood as she stepped out of the Carriage as it arrived at Chateau Pinean, her day had court had been a Nightmare. The Emperors not so subtle hints infuriated her. She would show him, she was a strong independent woman.

Snapping at one of the guards she said “Get me Captain Mikael, tell him to meet me in the study!”  The guard gave her a quick salute and jogged of to find the Captain.

“Don’t do anything hasty child”, Tess called after her while still getting out of the carriage. “Veronica? Are you listening to me?”

Tess found Veronica pacing in the study. “There you are child, stop sulking” Veronica glared at Tess “He thinks me weak Tess, and he all but came out and said so in front of everyone at court. Oh but I will show him, the pompous, loud mouth silly peach wearing Emperor.”  She kept pacing and took out her frustration on a waste basket, with one swift kick she send it flying and then the pain shot up her leg.

So that’s how Captain Mikael came to find the Lady Veronica jumping on one foot and uttering the most foul language that would even make a sailor blush.

“Veronica!” Tess shouted, “That’s no way for a lady to talk”

Veronica hobbled to a chair and dropped into it, massaging her foot. She looked up at Mikael. “Captain, ready the men we are going on a trip”

Mikael frowned as he looked at her “A trip Milady?”

“Yes a trip, we will head to this Askileon Purlieu so I can see these Monsters for myself.”

Mikael breathed a sign of relieve “Alas Milady, latest report shows no monster activity in Askileon Purlieu, so there is no need for you to make a trip, it would be but a waste of your time”

Veronica tilted her head as she thought “Oh, well then, we will just have to go looking somewhere else then until we find some. But we are going Captain. I will need a horse of course and provisions and something comfortable to wear”

“Veronica dear, don’t be silly. The Wilds is not place for a Lady of the Court …” That was a mistake, and Tess realized it too late. “Court? Who’s Court? That Snobby Emperor … I’ll show him.”

“No more talking I am in charge here and I decide what we do. Captain we leave at dawn”

Tess just watched as Veronica left the study “Captain, thoughts?” she asked Mikael.

Looking at Tess he said “The safest place for the Lady Veronica would be Ciarin Tut, the road from Askileon through Askileon Purlieu towards Ciarin Tut has been cleared of any monsters as per previous scout reports. It is also the gathering ground for the armies of the Moon Court. It would be an uneventful trip and once we arrive, any local threats should have been taken care of.”

“Very well Captain, you know your duty and it seems you where right about getting her acclimated to the situation in Dwilight. This should be a good starting point. But at any sign of trouble her safety comes first, understood?” 

“Understood Milady”

“We better get the Child a Horse … a fast one if you can manage.”

Mikael gave her a quick nod and went to make arrangements.


Askileon Purlieu, she hated this foul place. She shifted her weight around in the saddle, it didn’t help. A cold wind started blowing from the ocean, she sighed as she hugged her hooded cloak closer to her. The Light leather padded armour she wore kept most of the cold out but she still felt a chill. It was getting late and dark and she was hungry.

“HOLD! WE MAKE CAMP!” Captain Mikael bellowed out as the men on March went about their routine of setting up the camp.

Veronica was so relieved she could almost cry. Captain Miakel had dismounted and walking over to her he waited as she swung her leg over the saddle, gently he lowered her from the horse.

She thought she would die.

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