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Topics - Velax

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Helpline / Duke Squared?
« on: February 08, 2012, 04:22:29 PM »
This may be a bug, but I don't know, so don't bite my head off.

On stable islands the dukes of cities have that title appear twice in messages, contact lists, etc. So there'll be "Sir Maurus Barek, Duke of Nocaneb, Duke of Nocaneb, Ambassador of Arcaea". Is this a bug or something to do with the new estate system, where the lord of a city and the duke of a duchy are two separate titles?

Helpline / Extra Tournament Grounds
« on: February 04, 2012, 09:30:15 PM »
I built a Tournament Grounds in my city. I noticed I could only hold one type of tournamant - Swordsmanship or Jousting but not both together. Hmm, I thought. Perhaps if I build another Grounds I could hold both. So I build a second once, but no change. I read the Wiki and find out only a Ruler can hold a tournament of both Swordsmanship and Jousting. Okay, fair enough. But now, in my city, I have this:

Tournament Grounds
2 Tournament Grounds

As two separate buildings. Does the "2 Tournament Grounds" do anything, at all? And if I demolished the "Tournament Grounds" building, would I still be left with one building that says "2 Tournament Grounds"? Would it still allow me to hold a regular tournament?

Helpline / Travelling weirdness
« on: January 23, 2012, 07:13:29 AM »
Experienced this apparent bug when travelling on a water route between Unotosa and Soniel on FEI. On the second turn of a planned three turn move, my unit was 8 hours away from Soniel and I had 8 hours in my time pool. I "Delayed arrival" to ensure I didn't arrive early. At the next turn change I got this:

"Travel Report   (12 hours, 48 minutes ago)
Due to a large number of troops wishing to travel the same route, there is a shortage of ferries which causes a delay for you. You lose 4 hours due to the delay. The captain of your ferry makes a mistake in reading the position of the stars and goes astray which loses you a lot of time. It will take you 3 hours longer to arrive than you originally estimated.

A 7 hour delay, combined with the fact I could only travel a maximum of 7 hours (due to Delay Arrival), meant that after turn change I was still 8 hours away from Soniel with 8 hours in my pool. Annoying, but not buggy.

However, at the next turn change, I got these:

"Travel Report   (41 minutes ago)
Due to a minor storm on the way, you find the route more difficult than you guessed, and will take one hour longer for the trip than planned.

Arrival   (41 minutes ago)
You have arrived in Soniel, a Townsland region, currently "independent", i.e. in anarchy.

So I was 8 hours away with 8 hours in my pool and got delayed for an hour, so I'd assume that would leave me 1 hour away with 8 hours in my pool after turn change. Instead, I arrived in the region with 7 hours in my pool. For some reason it's taken the hour delay out of my pool after landing, rather than adding it to my journey time. I assume it's some mix up with the use of delay arrival and the 7 hour delay the turn change before.

BM General Discussion / Insult and run
« on: January 21, 2012, 08:24:38 PM »
I was amused by a recent exchange with one "Ragarn Valsgarde". He had made a request for gold, despite him having done nothing except sit in the capital for over a month since joining the realm, ignoring all messages sent to him and not interacting with the realm:

"Letter from Velax de Vere   (11 days, 22 hours ago)
Dear Lord Ragarn,

Can you tell me why I should have you sent any gold? You've been in Arcaea, what, five weeks now, yet you've made no effort whatsoever to integrate into the realm, join an army or even bother to reply to my messages.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Velax de Vere
Lord Protector of Arcaea, Earl of Soniel, Marshal of the Royal Arcaean Legion

11 days later, I received this message:

"Letter from Ragarn Valsgarde   (44 minutes ago)

Ragarn Valsgarde (Noble)"

"Noble has left   (44 minutes ago)
Ragarn Valsgarde (Noble) was seen in Remton, boarding a ship to Atamara.

I felt I should share it, given he decided to so very bravely run away after insulting me.

Helpline / Caravans and siege engines
« on: January 16, 2012, 01:08:16 PM »
Does anyone know which slows you down more: caravans or siege engines? And if you have both, do the slowing effects combine, or do you just move at the speed of the slower one?

Feature Requests / Allow marshals to message their vice-marshal directly
« on: January 14, 2012, 08:17:10 PM »
Currently the marshal of an army can message the sponsor, themselves (for some odd reason) or all/some members of the army. I think it would be useful if there was a direct option to message the vice-marshal. Perhaps it could replace the option for the marshal to message themselves.

Helpline / Message writing on the mobile website (testing islands)
« on: January 14, 2012, 04:33:34 AM »
I understand some new message writing system has been put in place on the testing islands. I don't know about the regular website, but on the mobile version I can't put "new lines" in. Any I put in the message get ignored when it's sent or during preview, so it all ends up in one giant paragraph.

The suggestion is to allow Marshals and Generals to see the number of siege engines carried by the army, on the "View Armies" page. It makes sense those in charge would know how many there are, as they're not exactly small, and it's a pain in the ass being forced to have every member of every army inform you how many engines they have.

Helpline / Incorrect "locked account" message
« on: December 28, 2011, 03:29:30 PM »
I log in to BM from various different devices in various different places, resulting in me getting a lot of "Failed access" and "session couldn't be registered" messages. Today, though, when I refreshed a day-old BM window on my phone, the page it took me to told me my account had been locked. My first reaction was something along the lines of, "Wtf?! What did I do to get locked?" But when I clicked on the login page and logged into my account, there was nothing wrong and I could access my characters normally. No lock.

What went wrong? How did I end up on the locked account page when I hadn't actually been locked?

Far East Island / Cathay takes a new direction?
« on: October 30, 2011, 06:37:16 AM »
I found these amusing. Signpost upon entering Cathay:

"The Kingdom of Cathay

Anatole betrayed these lands
Cathay was betrayed and destroyed by those who swore an oath to defend her
Anatole is a coward that lost his bid for the Cathay throne in a fair election,

And Cathay's realm description:

"Cathay has been betrayed in a most hideous way by he who was charged with her protection, Anatole through lies and deceit born out of greed and personal desires thwarted the wills of Cathay Nobles. Anatole lost a fair election for the Cathay throne, then he through lies and deceit stole away Cathay lands and Nobles to serve under his self created crown.
Anatole has no honor, while serving as Cathays General he attacked all of its southern neighbors provoking them into battles

Bitterness leads to the Dark Side, young padawan!

Feature Requests / Small Delay Arrival addition
« on: October 15, 2011, 06:54:31 PM »
Would it be possible to put the "Delay Arrival" option on the screen that appears after you've chosen a destination region? Currently to delay your arrival, you have to click the Travel tab, choose your destination, then re-click the Travel tab and choose Delay Arrival. Putting it on the screen that you get after you've clicked your destination would simplify things a bit.

BM General Discussion / Friendly rebellion - A case for the Titans?
« on: October 13, 2011, 02:57:00 AM »
Without going into detail about the players and realm involved, recently there occurred what appeared to be a "friendly" rebellion.

1. The ruler moved out of the capital.
2. One turn later, the duke of the capital declared a rebellion.
3. The duke sent a message to rulers of surrounding realms saying the rebellion "was not a hostile one".
4. Three hours after the rebellion started, minutes after turn change, the ruler gave in to the rebels and was autobanned. The rebels didn't take the capital, the ruler specifically gave in.
5. The former ruler immediately started travelling back to the capital.
6. Within two turns the former ruler was unbanned and rejoined the realm.

I don't know why someone would do this rather than just step down, but it seems pretty clearly to be a rebellion planned with the involvement of the ruler. Does this go against any rules of the game? Should it be reported?

Helpline / Sea routes and capital distance
« on: October 10, 2011, 04:37:56 PM »
When determining whether or not a region suffers from being too far from the capital, are sea routes counted before land routes if both exist? For instance, if a region is two regions away from the capital via a sea route, but five via land route.

On a related note, is it the number of regions that determines whether a region suffers, or actual distance in miles?

Dwilight / Zuma adventurers
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:21:36 PM »
I remember not too long ago it was possible for adventurers to change allegiance to the Zuma when in Zuma regions. That option appears to have disappeared now with the message "Change Realm - this is not a realm you could join." I never dared do it (didn't want to get banned from Asylon) but are there any adventurers who did join the Zuma? What happened?

Feature Requests / A change to the way Actions/Orders/Command are listed
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:07:10 PM »
At the moment it seems completely random which actions get listed under "Things you can do" and which under "Things you can not do" in the Actions, Orders and Command tabs. There are a ton of actions that might be unavailable but are still listed in the "Things you can do" tab. For instance, I click on the Secession link and am told "You have only been appointed recently. You definitely do not have enough knowledge and control of this place yet to do something as daring as a secession." So why is it listed as an action I can do, when very obviously I can't do it? "Pay your men" is another one. That's still listed as a thing I can do, even when all my troops and paraphernalia are already paid.

I suggest two changes. First, that the actions available actually reflect what you can currently do.

Second, that you be able to click on the links under the "Things you can not do" and see the information in there, even if you can't make any changes. For example, you're not, for whatever reason, able to make ox cart transfers in the "Warehouse" when you're travelling. Okay, fine. But it seems completely bizarre that you have no way to find out how much food you have in your warehouses when you're travelling, because you can't access any of the trading actions. Or find out how much it would cost to build a Scouts Guild under "Economy" while you're travelling, and so on.

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