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Topics - Velax

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Helpline / Religious takeovers
« on: September 12, 2011, 04:11:39 AM »
Kindara in the FEI are attempting to take C'thonia's capital. It's been very annoyingly difficult, but I think we're getting there.

The issue is the duke (former duke if we take it) is a priest of a religion with some 89% following in the region. If we take the city, is he going to be able to do an RTO immediately to take it back? Or will the troops we have there stop it?

What happens if the region is driven rogue rather than converting to us? Will our troops still stop an RTO or will they stand aside because the region will be rogue rather than belonging to us?

Helpline / New migration code
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:39:02 AM »
This was in my region report from this turn:

"Beziers: The population is growing 186 people through new births and immigrations. 267 people are leaving the region for the open lands nearby."

My region is less than half full. Yes, there are regions around with lower populations, but are peasants really going to go, "Hmm, I'm currently living in this region that's only 45% full, but I really want to go live in that region that's only 28% full. There's much more space there."

Feature Requests / New message sending option
« on: August 11, 2011, 04:11:41 AM »
I'd like the option to be able to send messages to multiple groups at once: for instance, all nobles of my realm as well as all nobles (of any realm) currently in the same region as me.

I'm sure people can come up with plenty of uses for this, but the reason I thought of this is for RPs. Currently if you want to send an RP to people in your region (RPing a battle you just had, for instance, that you want to send to enemies and well as realm mates) as well as everyone in your realm, those who are both members of your realm and in your current region are going to receive the RP twice, which is annoying.

BM General Discussion / Maintenance
« on: August 09, 2011, 04:39:37 AM »
So did the maintenance actually happen? It seems to have ended quite early, if so.

Helpline / Bold and italic text
« on: August 06, 2011, 03:32:09 AM »
I just recently figured out you can use / in place of <I> and * in place of < b > when writing messages in BM. Makes it a hell of a lot easier when playing from a mobile device, let me tell you. The thing is, for no reason I've been able to figure out, sometime it just doesn't work. The symbol / or * appears instead of the italicised or bolded text.

Are there exception characters that cancel out the italics/bold characters? Or something else I'm not seeing?

Far East Island / The northern war
« on: July 30, 2011, 08:50:40 PM »
So, any bets on who'll win the war? Loosely, it's Arcaea and Ohnar West vs Greater Aenilia, Zonasa, Arcachon and Kindara.

Personally I think Arcaea's slowly winning it. Anyone think differently?

Helpline / A ton of accounts locked by the GameMaster
« on: July 17, 2011, 06:44:37 AM »
It looks like 7 Arcaean player accounts have been locked by the GameMaster. I'm not about to go through every single player account in the Far East, but one Arcachon and one Arcachon/Zonasa account have also been locked. What's the deal? There can't be that many multis, surely.

Helpline / Who sets the realm share of taxes?
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:07:30 AM »
Who is it that determines how much gold the individual regions and cities send "To Realm" and "To Duchy"? Is it the Banker, the dukes or the region lords?

Helpline / Banner design tool
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:39:05 AM »
Would it be possible to have the tool used to design banners uploaded somewhere, perhaps the wiki? I'm not likely to be sponsoring an army any time soon, but I do have marshal characters that would like to be able to have input into what the army banner looks like, but currently I don't really know what my options are.

Plus it'd be cool to be able to just play around with it and see what you can come up with.

Feature Requests / Allow army marshal to see amount in war chest
« on: July 08, 2011, 02:31:26 AM »
The subject explains it all really. I think it would be very useful if the army marshal could see how much is in the army war chest. It's not usurping any sponsor abilities as he can't add gold. All he can do is see how much is currently in it.

Helpline / Archer targeting weirdness
« on: June 22, 2011, 07:37:49 PM »
Seems like I've found yet another...oddity when it comes to archer targeting.

Recently (this turn) there was a battle in Nahad in the Far East. During the first turn, one of the Arcaean ranged special forces units that started in the front row "moved closer to get better shots". Not out of the ordinary. What was out of the ordinary, was that this apparently caused every enemy ranged unit (6 of them) to target that unit, despite the fact that 23 Arcaean infantry units that started in the front row also moved forward.

So I'm assuming that because ranged movement and attacking occurs before infantry movement, the special forces unit was considered to be in front of every other unit and so was targeted by every enemy ranged unit? Am I reading that correctly? Will that be fixed in the upcoming ranged unit changes I remember reading about? It wasn't my unit, but I imagine it sucks rather heavily to have 27 out of your expensive 30-man SF unit nailed in the first turn due to something like that.

Battle in Nahad: [Scribe:226427|c67e9d56586708cd]

Far East Island / Dude, where's my C'thonia?
« on: June 21, 2011, 06:09:53 AM »
So, what's happening with the rebirth of Nighthelm? They're down to 12 nobles and have a "massive" 4000 CS in mobile and militia forces. Are they just dying out? Perhaps they need a good war to get the excitement flowing once more...

Helpline / Archers firing and meleeing in the same turn
« on: June 15, 2011, 08:38:09 AM »
If archers fire at an enemy and are then engaged in melee combat in the same turn, do they deal fewer hits in the melee? I ask because this happened in a battle report:

Turn 9:
Personal Bodyguard (2) fire on Peasant Militia (3), scoring 290 hits.

Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
Personal Bodyguard (2) score 73 hits on Peasant Militia (3).

Turn 10:
Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
Personal Bodyguard (2) score 151 hits on Peasant Militia (3).

Turn 11:
Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
Personal Bodyguard (2) score 151 hits on Peasant Militia (3).

Turn 12:
Close Combat (Attacker Line 1):
Personal Bodyguard (2) score 130 hits on Peasant Militia (3).

And so on. They were attacking the same enemy unit (there was only one), but there's a huge difference between the hits dealt when they also fired and the hits dealt when they didn't. I'm not complaining, as it makes sense, I just want to know if that's the reason for it.

Feature Requests / Adventuring in groups
« on: June 10, 2011, 12:13:15 PM »
My adventurer on Dwilight is currently travelling around hunting monsters with a friend of his, another adventurer. We occasionally come upon a group of monsters (usually with an alpha) that neither of us can handle and we thought what a good idea it would be if adventurers could hunt together, as in two or maybe three adventurers taking on the same group at the same time.

How it would work mechanics-wise...well, there are a number of ways. Perhaps it would be like a unique item trade or a duel, only instead of "Gertrude has challenged you to a duel of honour till surrender" it would be "Gertrude wishes to hunt group X of some monsters with you. Do you accept?" And if you accept, assuming you both have enough hours, you would take on the group with an increased chance of success due to there being two of you.

Another way could be the ability to make other adventurers your "buddy". If both adventurers agree, then all hunts conducted by either buddy, as long as they're in the same region together and they have enough hours, would be done together. Being buddies would be permanent until one adventurer manually ends the partnership.

Rewards would be split, with unique items handed out randomly (the winner could always just give it to his partner if he wanted).

I've been noticing a recurring problem with cavalry charges. Namely, if the enemy unit is three lines away from a cavalry unit and moves forward one line, that friendly cavalry unit will move forward two lines and hit the enemy without charging. It seems particularly common when fighting monsters/undead for some reason, but happens in normal battles too. From a common sense perspective, it's a bit off. Cavalry don't just wander forward until they walk into an enemy unit; they'll see the enemy from a distance and charge into them.

An example from a recent battle:

(47-P)     (22-I)                          (21-I)
(21-C)     (23-I)                          (5-I)
                (16-I)        EMPTY        (2-I)
                (17-I)         LINE          (15-I)
                (60-I)                           (34-I)     
                (11-A)                          (32-I)
                (21-I)                           (11-S)

Personal Bodyguard (6) ride on, closing in on the defenders.
Broken Crowns (1), Peasant Militia (5), Copper Guard (2), Zarius Zurelions (9), Iron Guard (4), Secret Pumas (7) and Front Liners (3) advance towards the enemy.
Knights Of Anhanger (11), Royal Caesarion Greatswordsmen (12), Chosen Meliorist Swordsmen (10), ~~V~~ (16), The Wolves (15), The Cohort of Purification (14) and The Cobalt Guard (13) advance towards the enemy.

Close Combat (Center Line):
Personal Bodyguard (6) score 314 hits on The Cobalt Guard (13).
- That's definitely not charge damage from a 420 CS cavalry unit.

Could a change be implemented that makes cavalry move last, so the game can determine if enemy units will be in charge range this battle turn and so allow cavalry to charge, rather than walking into the enemy and doing a normal attack.

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