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Messages - Valast

Colonies / Re: Can the colonies bounce back?
December 10, 2013, 04:35:57 PM
Barrons, have you joined the Colonial Senate yet?
Going to see about trying something new in the Colonies now that all the realms are in the Colonial Empire err I mean Senate.

Working to see band infiltrators have the option to buy back the ban so that we can keep infiltrators around more.  I know it does not change the slower pace of the Colonies...but still keeps infils from risking death as much until they are trained.
Colonies / Re: Can the colonies bounce back?
October 01, 2013, 10:15:28 PM
Quote from: James on October 01, 2013, 12:19:58 AM's not an Empire!!!

Of course it is not an Empire James (all smiles)...

No it really is not.  The title of Empire was started by me sort of by accident.  Looking for a way to communicate the idea to everyone from the perspective of a barbarian Queen.  The idea was to call it something that everyone could associate with.  Had I called it the unified colonial established NATO UN organization of battle and love...well it would take to long.

If everyone can imagine an ancient UN then we would be close.

Besides, the whole thing will never last long... but it will give us a chance to figure out some Colonial standards we want our island to live by.  Other islands come up with little tidbits here or there that they deem socially acceptable, but the Colonies need that extra thought to make sure we encourage all character types to stay.

In other words how do we keep people from getting frustrated and leaving or being booted/run out.

The answer is reforms to our society on the island.  Reboot the realms while we let everyone join the senate to discuss things.  Find a way (that is not keeping track of all the infiltrator actions for every infiltrator) to be accepting and forgiving using game mechanics while still holding the awesome IC grudges that make playing fun.

I put out some ideas at the start of all this but refused to go into too much detail because to be honest this is not about me...not about James (who must kneel before the Empress)... this is about the Colonial society of characters and really the players also.

As for growth, think from the perspective of a new player.  You see a island that is one turn a day but beyond that it only has four options for realms to join.  Change that to having 9 or perhaps even 10 (if only the Arak Castle was in play) realms to choose and the island appears more appealing.

Along with the Colonial Senate (which I hope will help to keep everyone in communication so that small noble count realms will not run low on political intrigue) we should see guilds with cross realm memberships...  More duels to satisfy honor... more Tournys to entertain...

All of this is a very important and very big change I think anyway.  IF we can reign in Ares and Garm that is...before they try to eat the world.
Quote from: Anaris on September 25, 2013, 05:34:35 PM
Time, yes. But egamma has been consistently using the argument of limited energy, not time.

We should argue more about definitions of words and how they improve arguments on a forum...  You understood the meaning behind what was said but you argue about it because the word energy was used instead of time?

I think you argue just because you enjoy it.  I have not seen a positive thing from you in a long time.  I believe you should reconsider your attitude towards the world around you.  Not meant to be offensive, but consider the negative energy you put out to everyone (no not time... Energy).  Hubris and negativity.
BM General Discussion / Re: You then, vs You Now
September 04, 2013, 04:12:09 PM
Quote from: Ketchum on September 04, 2013, 03:16:55 AM
Which make me much more friendly and helpful to all the new players :)

Oh Whatever Ketchum!  We know you are the most evil of us all!
BM General Discussion / Re: You then, vs You Now
September 03, 2013, 07:59:55 PM
Then: 27 year old veteran, 5 years into my career, married with one child...

Now: 38 year old veteran, 15 years into my career, remarried after the death of my first wife, three children (18, 11, 3...sonofa).

This game has been here for me through the toughest and some of the greatest moments of my life.  It has taught me some of my life lessons... and how to manipulate the masses to trick the world into accepting my domination.  OOOR that may have been my government that taught me that.  *shrug* either way...look out world!
BM General Discussion / Re: The Way Forward
September 01, 2013, 11:05:31 PM
I just want to point out... that the majority of people who argue so strongly for doing nothing are those who have titles or whatnot on your user name.

Those titles are also something that gives you a sense of power or authority over anyone else on the forums.  When I read your posts...they sound as if you know everything...most times very critical of what you are commenting on.  It seems the more titles you have under your name, the less you are willing to accept being wrong.

The forums have become a place to be told you are wrong or stupid...your idea sucks or has been said before.  It creates an atmosphere of oppression. 

Go back and read this thread we are on here... every time you pick apart a post you sound like lawyers... that is not fun and the game and all associated with it is supposed to be fun.  You are dealing with human beings... not numbers and equations.  The game is a social project so feelings and grand philosophical ideas are what sends it above and beyond a text based RP game.

Because of that you can not analyze your way through all the problems the way you could other games.  You must look into the hearts and minds of the players.

BM General Discussion / Re: The Way Forward
August 29, 2013, 02:18:26 AM
Quote from: Tom on August 28, 2013, 01:55:23 PM
No, because every constructive discussion always gets hijacked by some pet issue. If you didn't share my opinion on forums before, maybe you do now. ;-)

I am ready to wad the forum up and trash it... It always seems as if a couple of people with way too much time force opinions on others in a forum war... not commenting/ignoring on some to kill discussion or picking apart posts because it gives them a feeling of power and involvement. 

The less time people spend in here the more they can spend in the game.  Get board in game, then figure out wish list/bug fix/invite friends to play...

Damn but the old days were better...even with in game messaging flame wars.

Only reason I can think to keep it open is for communication of newbs for help...  but then again we have the wiki which is a much more pleasant place.

This place is a heap of hubris and tripe.

Everyone should have personal interest in mind with every action.

We really do need a more publicized and rounded out RP guide.  Show people how to see from a perspective.
You can also break a power gamer into a couple of categories...

The minimaxer... Who uses 'the math' to figure out exactly what it will take to 'win' an encounter/war/whatever...


The manipulator... Who is, as the name implies, working the social angles to 'win' an encounter...

You see a lot of minmax talk in the forums...from dev. and players.  You normally see a social aspect post go unquoted and commented on.

The result is you have a game being developed by mechanics/numbers people that leans to favor those people.  They then try to compensate the balance by using more numbers and calculations...

That is the game balance that is out of whack.  We have gone away from this game being a social experiment.

BM General Discussion / Re: Limited Wars
August 21, 2013, 07:19:33 PM
If some tactics took cohesion to pull off....  We know that smaller units build this at a faster pace, I wonder if it is possible to use the same sort of thing BETWEEN units.  Not listed for everyone to see perhaps but still something that would understand how well units work together.

Not just the use of encounter settings that are controlled by players but something at a social/common/humanistic level.
BM General Discussion / Re: Rethink the roleplay forum
August 16, 2013, 07:44:27 PM
What ever is done... It may not be a bad idea to put up a sticky with some links to make a RP Writing Guide.

A now quiet game that I was once very active in has some well written categories (which they used for a class setting to help anyone interested in developing better skills at witting and RP).

Includes topics such as: Creating Flow, Creating Memorable Characters, Consistency, Using the Senses... and on.

*shrug* I believe with better encouragement we could see more writing coming from players... As long as that is encouraged by peers rather than blasted.  More people would read them also if the quality was better in some cases.

BM General Discussion / Re: available character
August 14, 2013, 04:09:59 PM
I am with Revan... Colonies are going to be a very interesting experiment.  Going from constant stagnation to extreme chaos.

Birth of 5 realms in the weeks to come.  Also creation of a Infiltrator friendly atmosphere.  Priestly rights across the island. and a balloon and new born puppy for any immigrating children (if you are moving into Outer Tilog you can even have bbq sauce for the puppy!)

BM General Discussion / Re: BM Logo
August 12, 2013, 08:40:59 PM
NSA is watching you appreciation day!
BM General Discussion / Re: Land of the Active Dukes
August 11, 2013, 07:11:36 PM
 ::) I knew.  but yes could have created a terrible bit of a problem were I not omnipresent in the Colonies... or at least sneaky.