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Messages - Arrakis

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Luria has had this one spinning up and ready for D'hara: :p

Nice one ;)

Yarr...big battle on the horizon. Church hordes are many but Niselur stands strong. :) I am sort of scared that Leopold doesn't get killed since he is a hero. This is the first time I have a fear of losing a character. Must be doing something right I guess.

Dwilight / Re: The Great Dwilight War:Astrum army enters Niselur
« on: July 05, 2013, 11:04:41 AM »
Chateau Saffalore is an outlet for all the political frustration to air out. The city has little value per se. Too bad you want it!  :P

Dwilight / Re: The Great Dwilight War:Astrum troops raid Niselur
« on: July 03, 2013, 10:28:23 AM »
There have been no raids per se. Just one lonesome Astrumese noble moving through our northern lands but hasn't yet done any looting at all. Probably a scouter.

On another note, how is the player retention working for all? Niselur so far got only 2 new nobles, while I've noticed Astrum and Morek slightly bit more. I was hoping that the stakes of this war would attract much more players than this. Forum advertisement doesn't work, out of game forum advertisement is not much better, either. Lurking on IRC and wooing players seems like top of the game strategy these days. Any ideas how to bring in larger number of players? Without increase in the player base of Dwilight this war probably won't reach the magnitude I hoped it will.

Dwilight / Re: Aurvandil
« on: June 30, 2013, 01:00:35 PM »
What happened to Allomere? I don't get it how a realm with so many nobles can have such a bad domestic situation. You have but a few appointed Lords.

Light of the Maddening Medugnatos changed class to warrior and is probably going to be elected Regent of Corsanctum...

I can't help but notice that Brance did so too. Changing classes out of convenience was always something I frowned upon. Changing to warrior class after a lifetime of preaching and 'using-your-words-as-your-profession' does seem a bit out of place.

This is for my Duke but not Margrave.

Secession - You must be in the city you want to declare as your new capital.

Not sure whether having a Lordship within your duchy is a prerequisite.

I believe you need to be in the city if you want to secede. Can't do it from anywhere else.

Okay now that's bologna.

Leopold doesn't respond to messages half the time, and has a long track-record of silence and non-participation.

There is a perfectly good reason why Leopold doesn't respond to Hireshmont's private messages. Because he has nothing to say to him. Hireshmont thinks of himself as if it is his god given right that everyone should keep him in the know of everything and politely reply to every mumbo jumbo he mutters. Leopold simply doesn't want to entangle himself in any endless debates with someone as verbose as Hireshmonnt, for it is simply a waste of time. The two have already agreed to disagree on the nature of the crusade against Phantaria, and the fact that that was the breaking point where Elders and Leopold drifted apart, why should he waste ink on any of them? The negotiation part was clearly over when Leopold was pushing for repercussions for the failed crusade while the Elders decided to continue with their lives as if the crusade never happened.

You've tried to include your realm-mates. That ain't everyone. Now I don't see any obligation to include everyone, so I don't think what you're doing is wrong. But it certainly isn't true. The whole reason we are where we are is because Leopold doesn't include others and doesn't want to include others.

I did include those I considered important for me. Niselur's nobles, allies and friends. Even the Church knew that things were gonna happen. Pardon for not running a PR agency, but I think I have included all those that needed to be included.

Niselur and Asylon have some real stellar RPers: problem is they're people who really like to play a character who's piously and sacrifically devoted to messing up the things other players have spent years building.

As someone who had a very important character in SA and who has done a lot to help build SA to what it is I am unsure if your attempt of moral superiority is really necessary here. Boreal was spreading SA across the north while Hireshmont was busy rebelling in Melodia and what not, and when Bloodstars were a very unfamiliar term to a young republican he was. I am aware of the amount of energy and dedication that has been invested into SA, but to hint that because of that we should avoid certain IC events is simply preposterous.

Your entire problem with all of this is that you're having crazy fun with SA in its current shape and form (firm, entangled federations that form eternal peace and therefore ensure the Elders enough power to do as they please), but others, and I dare say vast majority, doesn't. You're mistaking your perception of SA for everyone elses. 'Tis why you can't understand the excitement this war is bringing to practically all of Dwilight, which I believe is a very good thing for the entire community.

The notions that SA will be destroyed simply because some of the borders might be redrawn is really a hysterical observation. Especially since no Niselurian will purposefully destroy any temples or arrest any priests unprovoked, as has been ordained by Leopold to his nobles. After all, the war has not yet even properly developed and from my perspective it will be an even one - which was my goal all of the time for easy gangbangs are not what I envisioned for Dwilight. No need to go crazy and threaten with leaving the game; that's just bad sportsmanship. The excommunication that occurred is likely to have worse effect than what the Elders hoped for. In fact, with this they are probably destroying the Faith faster than Leopold ever could even if he wanted to. I guess time will tell, eh?

The fact that some are being judgemental about the Niselurian casus belli is really a negative approach to the game events. I have done massive preparations for this, tried to involve everyone IC as much as I could and done the best I could to tell a believable tale. Granted, I didn't manage to do it perfectly for that would take double the time. Time which I don't always have. But if our casus belli is not to your liking, then tough luck. Until you can do it better your objections don't really matter. Browsing over European history everyone could find similar wars based around these sort of events, so I believe it has been done in the spirit of the game and SMA. In the center of the war is the clear distinction between two sides thinking they know better what the faith is, and have decided to battle over it.

Since SA sort of covers all of the island, and almost all of the island is in war, naming it Astroist War (1st? probably, but it is too early to name it that) sounds like best to me.

Dwilight / Re: The Great Dwilight War
« on: June 26, 2013, 09:25:51 PM »
It is Niselur, not Nisular.

BM General Discussion / Re: Best realms to join on June 2013
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:38:29 AM »
Niselur, of course. The realm has been the focus of all of Dwilight through entire of June, but July is really when the fun will kick in. We're the spearhead of the strong coalition that will lead the kingdoms of the west to freedom against the theocratic oppression. We've built a massive IC storyline, have an interesting and unique realm theme and we've built a respectable army in the wake of the greatest war that Dwilight, and probably Battlemaster, will ever see. Much is at stake, but the gains we can have are definitely worth it. All those looking for a memorable BM experience and are ready to write history, set your course for Niselur. Plenty opportunities for land and battles are just on the horizon!

Dwilight / Re: Sanguis Astroism
« on: June 22, 2013, 01:09:23 PM »
What happened, to be honest, is that the players/characters who built SA left. Not all of them, but most of them. There was a time when it would have been inconceivable for Niselur to defy the Church this way, or for Astrum to find itself in this position of weakness. It wasn't all that long ago that both Kabrinskia (as it was then) and Niselur were client states of Astrum. It is sheer passivity that has allowed the present state of affairs to come to pass. Leopold's rebellion should have been crushed without mercy, and FR should have been brought into line more carefully. Unfortunately, the personal relationships that once bound SA together (for example the Brance-Rowan-Bustoarsenzio relationship) have ceased to exist, and without them the fabric that bound the Church together is slowly eroding.

I agree with this observation. When the pillars that built SA departed the foundation of characters on which SA was built was gone, and some new people, perhaps unproven in the eyes of the Church, have taken the leadership. But it is worthy to note that these characters have left for a reason. SA has reached its height and there was nothing left to do. Dwilight was conquered and trying to control such a massive core of nobles that SA became was exhausting and unrewarding task. The blob was just getting bigger and bigger and regular players simply don't have enough time to devote to control this mass of commotion and regular unrest on daily basis. If they tried, they burned out, which is what I believe happened to Brance when he was the Regent. If Brance couldn't do it, who is probably the most respected individual in the history of SA, I don't think anyone ever will. Without firm leadership that everyone looks up to this mass of nobles become dissatisfied when they're ordered around. It is simply how nature of players and characters works. Mordaunt failed to provide this leadership to the Church and other candidates for the Regent were even worse. Now, when someone like Hireshmont - whose reputation is stained and dubious - becomes the most vocal proponent of the Church, which makes him de facto a leader-in-command, it is only natural that the foundations of the Church start falling apart. Every Empire reaches its zenith and so does SA. But after you surpass that point, there is only a long way down to go. I don't think SA will die out, that would be a great shame. But I think things will change if this war makes the effect I am hoping it will. For better or for worse, it is hard to say. I don't think anyone knows for sure what will be the result in the end. But I believe that as long as we're having fun traveling - the destination is less important.

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