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Topics - JeVondair

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Feature Requests / Adding Female Names for Unit Captains
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:17:22 PM »
Title is self-explanatory. I've noticed that many of us often roleplay with our captains as NPC's, all of whom are uniformly male. I, for one, would like to bring a little diversity to the list.

East Island / EC Meme Inc.
« on: December 21, 2016, 09:37:12 PM »
For my 800th post, I've begun to realize that my Boredom-to-Creativity index is starting to become a problem...

If you, like me, feel the need to meme from time to time, dump it here!

Roleplaying / Ashes of Xavax
« on: December 21, 2016, 06:40:58 AM »

ASHES OF XAVAX: A Roleplay - Part I

They came at first light. The sentries had been killed. The alarm towers silenced. The Defenders of Xavax did not know they were under attack until fire arrows lit the pre-dawn sky, raining down upon the Palisade.

But even at the worst of times such as these, the Xavax were no easy prey...

Godric Tórrarin ka Habb, Vice-Marshal of the Phoenix of Xavax, was the first to man the defenses, rallying what troops they had to meet the horde of bandits that suddenly poured from the forests of Enubec. Talon Lionel and Xerarch Selenia were right behind him, alongside Prince Hector Serpantis Tandaros and Knights Julian Emily, Victorique, and Viktoria. Together, these 8 faced off against more than double their number, forming a shieldwall to protect their ruler.

Before the attackers reached bow-range, they stopped and a single speaker stepped forward. Selenia could not make out who he was, but she heard the voice
"WRETCHES OF XAVAX! It seems we caught you with your pants down again!" Mumbled chuckles reverberated through the enemy lines. "Perhaps you'll see reason and bend over easily this time?" Selenia could not see the gestures she was sure accompanied the words, but they were met with outright guffaws from the bandit lines.

"MAYBE IF YOU HAD ANYTHING SUBSTANTIAL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS...OR BETTER YET, BETWEEN YOUR EARS-" Selenia shouted back "We Xavax might have cause some for concern!" Her jibe found a mark among her own soldiers, rousing them to mirth that even the bandits could hear clearly.


And so the bandits came

and came

and came

The Defender's of Xavax, outnumbered though not outmatched, were nevertheless whittled down. Selenia hereself was the first to be wounded by an errant blade that somehow found it's way through the growing cracks in the shield wall. Growling in pain, she fought on. But the conclusion of this battle was already written. Lionel and Godric both suffered wounds as the defenders were overwhelmed. To their horror, Selenia and her Fearless fought on, foolishly holding the line while the wounded withdrew. Indeed, she fought on until she was the last noble of Xavax standing. The Xerarch was slowly enveloped, and their bloodied blades went to work...
And then for her there was only darkness.

Xerarch Selenia of Xavax fell that day. Cut down by High Justice Walsh of Minas Nova. The bandits broke through the defenders, singing, crowing their victory as they sacked the city.

ASHES OF XAVAX: A Roleplay - Part II

Godric Ka Habb was a man that new himself. He knew he knew his men, he new is oaths, and he knew his god.
And so it was that the Old Tórrarin knew his duty.

There was no way, no way in all the hells, that he was going to leave his liege Selenia's body on the field for thos carrion thugs from the west to pick over. He gathered his fiercest fighters, those few that were not wounded, and set out amid the confusion of the Sacking of Xavax. The bandits had spilled into the city, looting wantonly. Most were drunk to insensibility, and those few that wandered into his path were ruthlessly cut down. Every time his men spilled more bandit blood, Godric's grim expression cracked the barest smile.

Before long, they'd reached the Palisade where Selenia had fallen. Bracka, Alara's Captain General, had set a couple guards to watch over the Xerarchs doubt to ensure that she could desecrate them herself once she had the time. They died quickly and painfully, grabbed and castrated where they stood, their throats slit and left to bleed out while Godric himself collected her body.

The former Arbiter of Xavax was by no means a small man, but even he was surprised by how....small...Selenia seemed now. Tiny really, she could not have been more than 5'4 and barely any heft at all to his great arms, even in armor. His men formed a cordon around him as they slipped through enemy lines and back to the city, to Tórrarinhall, the very estate Selenia had granted to him in the earliest days of Xavax,

The Hall was far from the merchant district, where the majority of the bandits were reveling. Taking no breaks and accepting no aid. Any bandits that got in his way, died. Any peasants that recognized his burden and tried to touch her, died. Any servants that did not make haste to get out of his retinue's way, died. And with none of its great fires lit, it seemed a cold and imposing place unworthy of interest...just as Godric had planned. He carried the Xerarchs body the entire way himself. He did not take rest until he'd laid the Xerarch's body down himself in stately repose upon a berm built up over one of the great firepits beneath a smokehole in the Hall's ceiling high above from which sunlight filtered down, caressing Selenia's features as though trying to stoke the fires that once burned within her.

Godric's gaze hardened at the sight. He was no stranger to death. There was no hope. This was the best he could do for her. This and kill as many of the bandit bastards that did this to her as he could possibly get his hands. Their mothers he vowed silently will weep tears of blood when they see what I've done to them...
"Glory to Xavax" he muttered under his breath as he stalked out of the Hall.

ASHES OF XAVAX: A Roleplay - Part II



The sensation of Falling

She was freezing, burning, suffocating...and the harshest of winds howled around her. Through her.


She had no eyes, and yet felt them flutter open. She could see nothing but darkness, an infinite blackness through the eternal howling of that fearful wind. And yet...she could make out...lights. Tiny lights, like stars, being blown by the wind.

There were thousands of them. Millions of them. An untold number of lights being swept into and through that black abyss by that howling wind.
And, like candles and twinkling stars, they were being snuffed out.

She had only just enough time to realize this before she was caught up in the maelstrom herself, snatched by the wind like a leaf in autumn swirling ever deeper into the unknown. The wind tore at her, trying to rip her apart, to blow her away and scatter what was left of her. But she fought it. She fought the temptation to give up and be blown into Oblivion. She was frightened, terribly so, just as she had been on the day that Litch had come for her on Madina, or when that Judge of Falkirk that had killed her husband and then captured her. She spun end over end, weightless but feeling as though she were being crushed and shattered. She let the pain of it, the fear of it, pass through her. Mastering it as Lionel had taught her her all those years ago. She focused as best she could, delving deep into the ether within herself. Harnessing the pain and fear to fuel her rage, fighting for any sort of purchase against the wind. Though she tumbled, her vision remained clear. She could see the other lights growing closer, collected into a jetstream by the ruthless howling. And in those little lights, she could see...expressions, faces. As if to mock her, one of those lights was pushed closer to her than the rest. Lighting struck her as she recognized the face of Xander, the Captain of her Fearless unit who had been with her through it all. His visage was a mask of terror. He could not see her, though she struggled, could not hear her, though she shouted, and she watched his eyes roll up into his head, watched as he visibly gave up. And the moment it happened, his light, his soul, winked out. Shredded by the merciless wind and swelled forever into the darkness. He was not alone. Hundreds of souls followed him into oblivion, and Selenia could feel that fate tearing at her as well. Her anger evaporated, overwhelmed by a renewed fear within her that was ten times as strong.

She screamed then, screamed like she had never done before. Even when monsters had been near to devouring her, when undead had surrounded her, when assassins and traitors had cornered her, she screamed. And her frightful sounded melded with the millions upon millions of souls around her, forming the very wind that drove their lights blazing to extinction, each lost to their personal despair.

Selenia imagined wrapping her arms around herself, curling into a little ball as her spirit streaked like a comet through the abyss. And just when she thought she could take no more, a sound like a tiny silver bell somehow rang through the darkness and the howls of the damned to tickle her ear. She knew that sound and instinctively reached for it, longed for it with all the might her soul had left.

She knew that sound.

She loved that sound.

She grew closer to it, letting the crystal clear, clean ring of it guide her and envelope her. It was the sound of daylight, composed of many notes...the playful yips of Gia's wolves, Kin Hyral's secret smile, Uthred beaming in the corner, Caedwyn singing the song...welcoming...welcoming...


The silver bell, and all the notes that made up its sound, was the voice of her son laughing in her arms the day he was born as her closest friends and retainers croweded in to greet the her beautiful little Prince...

Somewhere distant, she could hear Uthred's familiar voice..."She is one of ours..." And as if by some command, that horrible, soul-scything wind fell silent, the blackness fell away, and was replaced by white. EVERYWHERE white, with no up or down.

She was somewhere else, she could feel it, and the Great Terror was faded. This was not Xavax...

ASHES OF XAVAX: A Roleplay - Part IV

No Up.

No Down.

Just an endless expanse of white. She shouted, but her voice echoed off of nothing and unto a million nowheres...only to reverberate back to her, swelling like a great wave..gentle at first...but becoming a towering invisible force with 1000 times the volume, forcing her down to a knew with hands clapped about her ears.




Selenia opened here eyes. She blinked, she could blink! Instinctively she smiled, shaky with relief, but the muscles in her face felt odd, as if they were not used to her using them that way. She shrugged off the sensation, content to simply breath. She swelled her chest with fresh mountain air, but even this felt strange, as though her longs were subtly different. And was that mountain air? She looked around, but there was only whiteness. She looked down, and her paws crunched into fresh snow. Even as this registered, the vision expanded. She watched as a true mountain god-like proportions revealed itself beneath her. The limbo whiteness gave way like clouds of mist to reveal crags that could swallow cities, aglow from within with the blood of the mountain flowing miles and miles beneath her. Power seemed to thrum from the glowing crags of the great mountain, glowing brighter reds and oranges, a rumble like a thousand thunders trembled through the rock, its voice so deep and powerful that Selenia's first instinct was to quaver in abject terror at the force of it. She grimaced, showing all her teeth and fangs as she bowed her head, shut her eyes and curled her tufted tail around herself.

The rumbling grew greater. Avalanches of snow and rock shook from the mountainsides, falling into the deep crags to explosive effect. Great clouds of steam made mist from the snow, hitting the magma far below rose before her, backlit to fiery hues of red and orange and gold. But the mist did more than simply coalesced to a single point, a broiling sphere, revolving around an epicenter in the sky before her her, rotating like a broiling storm of clouds and flame and light. Growing exponentially with such explosive fury that the thunder of a million Cavalry would have been lost within it.

Eyes closed, Selenia did not see the primordial god-thing forming before her, lost as she was in her fear of it. Then as though summoned The pall of the silver bell again tolled through her mind. Her son, she could feel him as though he had a golden thread of magic tugging right at her heart...and something more. She felt it as she felt her own heartbeat, and was reminded that this, even this, could not have been worse than the Abyss.

Selenia opened her eyes and looked. She was still alone atop the pinnacle of that monolithic mountain, but it was alone in a night sky aswhirl with stars and galaxies, seeming to float through the endless pocket of sky. But this time, those little lights were stars, not souls. Before her, the sphere of roiling fury and light floated, planet sized. It's radiance bathed her in the heat of magic equal and opposite the fury of the Abyssal wind. Selenia felt...strengthened, rather than shredded, and at the core of her, the silver bell rang ceaselessly in her heart, helping Selenia to grasp her boldness again. She looked square at the sphere before her and knew it to be alive.
And then it roared

It was the only word Selenia could think of to put to name the sound it made when she finally faced it. It was like the thrumming of the Great Mountain combined with the searing, life granting heat of the sun. The sound of a fire great enough to hold back the tides of the deep sea itself. It hit her like a comet, stunning her senseless. For a moment, she lost all sense of who and what she was, everything she had ever been was blasted and seared for the constant, joyous ringing of the bell at the core of her being. Her essence, her very soul, refused to be parted from it, wrapping itself protectively around it, formlessly at first, but gaining strength as she reformed herself with a Will she had not know she possessed. Black lips curled back in a fierce snarl, razorsharp black claws unsheathed from four paws, slashing into the very rock of the mountain side, bracing her from being blown away from the primordial's might. Great muscles rippled along her legs and shoulders and her tail streaked in the wind of god-thing's fury as she reared her head, opened golden eyes glowing with a might and power all her own. Alone atop that titanic mountain stood a lioness, golden. She was less than a kitten compared to what she faced, barely a speck. But she had Endured. Fearless, she bared her teeth in hope and rage...

And she



Comparatively, it must have been no more than a drop in a bucket. But she was heard. You see? a familiar voice spoke from the ether. I told you...
And then there was a blackness that swallowed her world yet again. But this time, Selenia, awash with magic, felt no fear. The silver bell still tolled, summoning her, guiding her like a lighthouse to a lost ship. She could feel her formless self smiling as she drifted through the warm, comforting dark, her body shining golden all its own and radiating the energy of her rebirth. But she thought of none of this...only of sleep.

And of waking...

ASHES OF XAVAX: A Roleplay - Part V
Agony was her entire world. From the tips of her toes to the pinnacle of her skull, everything was a fire with pain. She felt as though an inferno had ravaged her tortured lungs as they expanded for the first time in to long, at last drawing breath. Her back arched with the sudden flash of torment racing through her veins as her buddy greedily sucked down air, forcing her chest to expand further and spearing each and every one of her nerve endings in the process.

A deluge of sensations flooded her senses. She felt true summer sunlight on her skin from above, smelled the scent of cedar pine and mead and sweat and dried blood. At first, she could see nothing, her face a tortured grimace as someone gently placed a damp towel over her eyes to help moisten them, at last allowing her to blink. She turned her head to face whoever it was, slowly turning her body to lie on her side. She reached out with a paw to brace herself...only to find that her simple human hand was not strong enough. Gravity took it's course and Selenia fell off the berm, igniting a renewed firestorm of anguish as she collapsed on the floor below.


Someone racing to her side.

Her head cradled in a lap.

Moisture...WATER! on her lips. She drank gratefully, croaking in protest when the bowl was taken from her. "Not so quickly, my Lady, or your body will make you pay for it."

"Jer...Jeroen?" She said raspily

"The one and only, freshly returned because I heard those Perdanite daimons were up to their old tricks."

"Wha-" Selenia gasped, eyes darting wildly. Darting down to her hands as if to confirm they were indeed hands. Fading sigils of eldritch power, the healing magic Jeroen used on her, were still fading into her rejuvenated skin like glowing tattoos...not onlike the Fountain of Youth Magic Scroll she'd used on herself in order to safely give birth to her son.

Her Son!

Selenia jerked, trying to sit up, but her muscles refused to obey and Jeroen restrained her before she could hurt herself again. "Try not to speak, my Lady Xerarch," Jeroen hushed her. "You've had a rough night. You're very fortunate Sir Godric went out and brought you back to Tórrarinhall. And you have the gods-own luck that I was here and just so happened to have a magic scroll to help. Yes, yes, very lucky indeed. Why I even-" But Selenia, he saw, was struggling to even remain conscious. One final word escaped her lips.

"Hög-ni..." she struggled.

"We'll find the prince and bring him to you, Xerarch." But Selenia had already gone limp. This time, though, her chest rose and fell steadily. He checked her pulse, satisfied that it was even. He allowed himself a moment to marvel at the irony of this woman, who ruled a realm that had taken the Phoenix as its symbol, and how she literally embodied that symbol now.

When he was sure Selenia was in a deep, healthful sleep, he summoned help at the top of his lungs. Servants and warriors came running, blades bare and expecting trouble, but skidding to a halt at the sight that greeted them.

"Send word far and wide" Jeroen declared. "The Xerarch Lives. And when she wakes up, I'd hate to be her enemy" There was a moment of stunned, almost reverent silence before Chaos broke out as questions were asked and answered and orders issued and obeyed. Tórrarinhall came alive around them. "Especially one of those damned dirty Perdanites..." Jeroen whispered quietly to himself, smiling at the thought.

Roleplaying / The Phoenix's Firstborn
« on: October 29, 2016, 09:42:29 PM »

Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   (5 hours, 27 minutes ago) [size=80%]Message sent to everyone in the region Xavax (12 recipients)[/size]

The night was deepening as the Xerarch's entourage was rushed through the city's western gate. Despite the lateness of the hour, the air rang with the sounds of work in preparation for the celebration Margrave Eoin had ordered to commemorate the peace with Perdan and the subsequent wedding announcement.

All the noise served nicely to muffle Selenia's sudden cries as her child made it's impatience to be born known, as though it too desired to attend the festivities. She was in labor...

...and struggling.

The Xerarch's physicians had forced her to accept a carriage, much to her chagrin, during this final phase of her pregnancy. It thundered down the cobblestone streets, comfort sacrificed for haste. In it's wake, knights of Xavax swept behind and spread out before, loudly clearing a path. The ride was jarring. Selenia's world narrowed down to herself, quietly humming to her child to please be patient. So focused was she that she hardly knew who was around her at the time, and barely registered when the carriage finally halted in the Palace courtyard.

Knights dismounted, some running ahead to prepare the way while others stood guard. The door to the carriage was opened and her physicians were gently guiding her towards the door when a particularly strong contraction doubled her over and her water broke. She would have fallen from the carriage had strong arms not caught her and swept her up. More hands joined, her loyal knights, carrying her to the Eerie as she cried out in pain. The spoke words of comfort, strength, and encouragement to their Xerarch as they started the long journey to the Royal Apartments in the Eerie...the tallest spire in all of Greater Xavax...

It was going to be a long night.

Feature Requests / Approved: Judges and Ransom
« on: October 26, 2016, 04:43:28 PM »
Judges should have the option to pay a ransom to an enemy judge to secure the early release of prisoners

We all know that when going into battle, its important not to have much gold on you, lest you be captured and it stolen. Then of course you sit in limbo for up to a week. I'd like to propose and additional avenue. I think judges should have the option of negotiating and paying a ransom for the release of prisoners. If my king is captured and my realm NEEDS his leadership, I as judge should be able to negotiate his release

As with all my posts, I feel this would add more dimension to the game. In addition to a sense of realism, I believe the new dynamic would add a real sense of excitement to capturing someone important and facilitate realm-wide discussions (in order to raise the funds to PAY for a ransom) as well as inter-realm communication.

Maybe we can even go a step further and set up an extradition option where if I capture someone in battle who has a ban from another realm, that realm can pay me to send my prisoner to them for punishment. Of course, their would be a transit time that would allow the prisoner more time to escape. I'd make a separate post for this, but it all boils down to first implementing this ransom thing.

Conversely, maybe we could implement a feature where I pay the enemy judge to hold the prisoner for LONGER, double the guard to prevent escape, etc. Maybe I don't like the prisoner, maybe the prisoner is my king and I covet his throne. I would love to see something like that happen.

Possible Downsides or Exploits:
I really don't see how this can be abused as it requires two judges from different realms to agree on something

Feature Requests / Rejected: Assigning Heirs
« on: October 26, 2016, 03:22:02 PM »
  • Summary: I'd like to see a system where characters can assign heirs to inherit their titles if incapacitated
  • Details: My idea is for a new Ruler/Command option, maybe under government rules, where we can select who can assign heirs (Ruler, Duke, Lords, or NONE)
  • Benefits: I believe this adds an official RP flavor to the game mechanics, particularly for non-republican realms that don't really do elections. Realms and regions whose rulers go inactive are automatically replaced instead of the drawn out election period, upcoming knights have something to look forward to (or if they are malicious actively work towards), and I like the idea of a game-supported line of succession. Maybe we can even add a generated title for the heir like Heir to Ruler/Country/Duchy/Town, etc. Which would lead me to my next posts about Judges and Ransom (for later :-). Maybe even a tool to use for adventurers, although that might be going too far
  • Possible Downsides or Exploits: I can see how placeholders might try to exploit this, and also how "incapacitated might need further definition. Like instead of simply being captured or wounded, it only triggers if the titleholder goes inactive, is banned, or killed.

    Roleplaying / Character Personalities
    « on: October 20, 2016, 06:50:57 PM »
    I was recently motivated to pen down a bit about my main's personality as a roleplay tool, should I ever choose to use it. I thought I'd start with the general framework provided by the Zodiac and settled on Aries for Selenia. Growing curious, I looked at her character generation date and found that her birthday was April 9th...that she actually IS an Aries and I've played her that way this entire time! I'll get more into it as I pass the time, I'll look into other Zodiac/Personality types and flesh out a chart for her wiki. But I thought this might be an interesting topic for you all to share in on.

    This, of course, lead me to wonder about your characters. Who's what?

    Feature Requests / Under Debate: Customizing Feudal Titles
    « on: October 10, 2016, 06:55:09 PM »
    Customizing Feudal Titles

    Grant the Ruler the ability to change titles of lords and dukes to match/develop realm-culture

    If this topic has already been broached and I missed it, I apologize in advance. I would like to see a discussion about implementing title changes in-game. Currently, the ruler has the ability to change the title of the realm council. I would like to see that extended to being able to customize regional lords as well.

    IMO, being able to customize lord titles may go a long way towards cementing individual realm cultures. I believe there is a reason why players are excited to be called something other than King or Queen. Having that unique feel can go a long way towards contributing to a roleplay environment. Furthermore, I think the implementation of player-generated, non-standard titles like we see in guilds, for example, will make intra-realm interaction a bit more flavorful. For example, Marquis instead of Margrave, master instead of senator, etc.

    Possible Downsides/Exploits:
    Right off the bat, I figure that different titles will make it difficult for outsiders to interpret or acclimate to the hierarchical structure.

    Roleplaying / Cat out of the bag: A Xavax RP
    « on: October 03, 2016, 06:02:10 PM »

    Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair 
    message to all nobles of Greater Xavax

    Selenia was out among the people in Priotness when she stumbled, hands shooting to her abdomen as she doubled over. The peasants did not notice, so drunk happy were they to be in the presence of the Xerarch. But Selenia's guards noticed immediately Nobles of the Phoenix Court noticed as her entourage was hustled to the manse the Xerarch had appropriated...

    You here rumors that while the Takeover continues, the Xerarch has not been seen among the people since withdrawing yesterday...

    While the nobles of Xavax are good at keeping their secrets, the commoners lack the same training. It is said by the brother of the tinker merchant that married the seamstress whose nephew visited a local tavern in Priotness where he overheard that the doctor who had apparently been rushed to attend the Xerarch in secret said, while deep in his cups, that she was possibly in the early stages of a pregnancy...

    South Island / New Beginnings
    « on: September 30, 2016, 07:23:25 PM »

    (Speculations welcome!)

    Feature Requests / Rejected: Royal Edict / Decree
    « on: September 27, 2016, 06:10:20 PM »
    I'd like to see a new message type for rulers to use when making official announcements to the realm. Maybe give it gold background for DECREE in the same fashion that reports are blue and orders are red, etc.

    Roleplaying / The Feast of the Black Swan
    « on: September 11, 2016, 01:30:39 AM »

    Roleplay from Beck Mozzoni   (3 days ago)message to all nobles of Greater Xavax

    As Lady Beck receives the last letter, she realizes the increasing number of nobles in the city.
    - A lot of nobles, young and old, have just arrived in Isadril and there's a huge battle in the horizon. Captain Paulus, send a messenger to every noble of the Imperium in the city:
    "Great party tonight at the Black Swan Inn.
    From midnight to last man (or woman) standing."
    Roleplay from Selenia JeVondair   [size=-1](2 days, 22 hours ago)[/size]message to all nobles of Greater Xavax[/size]

    As was her habit, Selenia rode at the head of her warriors. There was once a time when she hated horses and everything to do with them. But as she aged and took on the responsibilities of ruling, learning ho to ride had become an uncomfortable necessity. That had been years ago. Now she actually enjoyed the feeling of cantering at speed, but those days were rare indeed as a Xerarch's work was never done. A contstant stream of couriers on horseback bearing livery from over a dozen noble houses streamed to and fro, bringing her messages from near and far with great haste. Her Captain, Xavier, intercepted the more mundane items: Logistics reports, disciplinary reports, and so on. He noticed Selenia gazing off into the distance, her eyes narrowing, and guessed where her mind was.

    "The Gilded Company falling behind, Your Highness. Just received a report about gypsies blocking the road. They should still make Isadril shortly."

    "Who commands?"

    Captain Xaviar thumbed through his pallet of notes, prompting Selenia to guess that it must be one of her new knights if he did not know them off the top of his head.

    "That would be...ah...ah yes, that would be Sir Nicolas, Highness, lately knighted of House Harkle. Apparently he road ahead to the Marshal's tent outside the walls. I've already informed him that you commandeered a wing of the Ducal Palace in the city proper should he wish an audience."

    "Hmph." Selenia replied, ending her line of inquiry.

    "Ah, there is a small matter for your attention Highness. An invitation sent out from Lady Beck-" He handed Selenia the note, well, more of a broadsheet flyer really, with naught more written on it than PARTY AT THE BLACK SWAN!

    Despite herself, Selenia chuckled. "That old dame has seen more than seventy winters! What business does she have at a tavern?"

    "I'm sure I don't know, Your Majesty. but-"

    "But nothing, Xavier. I think I may find out for myself..."

    "Uh...Your Majesty, while I am sure you would be well received, with Talon Lionel out and you covering for him, I don't believe I can fit that into your already busy schedule."

    "Oh." Selenia said. It wasn't quite a pout. Warrior Queens did not pout. But Had Selenia not been Xerarch, an Empress, it might could possibly have been understandably misconstrued as a pout. SHe said nothing further, returning her attention to the growing battlements of Isadril in the distance.

    Xavier silently reminded himself to set an extra guard detail at the Xerach's quarters tonight.

    And the Black Swan too, for that matter...
    [/size]Roleplay from Beck Mozzoni   (2 days, 7 hours ago)message to all nobles of Greater Xavax

    Lady Beck wakes up in the afternoon right before sunset. The party lasted all night long and she came to her tent after breakfast.
    -Captain Paulus, order the men to train and get ready to fight. Anything urgent before sunset?
    -No Sir. We have received a scout report of Leibo. It came from Xerarch Selenia.
    -The party was successful but some of the nobles were still travelling and unable to assist. Also I know the Xerarch didn't want to be seen at the party. Send a new message:
    And don't write the last sentence in the messages for Lord Tharan and Lady Kin.

    Roleplaying / Light from Night
    « on: August 11, 2016, 10:15:21 PM »
    Roleplay from Rania Eastersand JeVondair   (3 hours, 30 minutes ago)
    message to all nobles of Shattered Vales

    A week had past with Rania lying, unmoving, in Lord Rythan's manor. A pair of midwives, themselves a mother and daughter, kept a steady watch over her, worried that her pregnancy might be in danger. Every so often, someone would peak in and check on her. Nurses changed her sheets and bathed her. Healers came and went, flustered. Sir Kethan would stop by every once and a while when his duties allowed, but for the most part the insensate mother-to-be was left alone.   

    It was during the younger midwife's shift that Rania went into labor.

    The nights had been quiet since Aletha and her demons had left Creasur; it was wildly known that the daimons had been steadily loosing their power. Some even whispered of an end to the invasion. In her absence, the Empress and most of her men-at-arms had also left the city walls to recapture lost territory. The city was emptier than it had been in months. Most of the castle had gone to bed. Unbeknownst to the people of the Shattered Vale, Aletha lay dying beneath the walls of Reeds. And it was in that rare silence that Rania stirred.

    It was just a tremor at first, the younger midwife, Pella, dozing at Rania's bedside, was not even roused to wakefulness until the dame's low moaning rose in pitch and vigor. Pella gazed about sleepily, accustomed to Rania's silence. Her bewilderment did not last for long, however, and she determined in short order that although Rania herself still slept, her child had awakened in her womb. "IT'S HAPPENING!" She yelled to summon help as she grasped Rania's hand. Pella looked at Rania, whose expression fluctuated with pain, and wondered briefly what dream or fever could keep a mother from missing the birth of her own child.

    A full day passed as Rania's child struggled without the help of it's mother. Rania looked exhausted, her sheets soaked with sweat, and STILL she had not awakened. The staff were little better, and weighed down by helplessness. Pella's mother Escaba, the senior midwife in Creasur, had arrived within hours and stayed throughout. "There is nothing we can do but wait," She'd said heavily. "If we cut, we'll loose the mother, sure as sunrise. If we try to force the child, it will get stuck without the mother to push."

    "But mother," Pella interjected, "if we do nothing for too long, the infant is at risk of choking itself with it's own cord."

    "I know, child, I know." Escaba patted her daughters hand, clearly worried. Even she had never seen anything quite like this.

    And then the ground shook.

    It was a gentle thing at first. Barely perceptible. Not unlike how Rania had slipped into labor. On the other side of the world, a wrath like the Hammer of a fiery titan split the South Island asunder. Thousands were suffering, dying, screaming. And in the moment of their greatest suffering, as know one in Creasur could possibly know, Rania screamed with them. Blazing into wakefulness and in a world of pain. Her mouth was dry, her throat was hoarse. She was weak and clammy and hot all at once. As if sensing it's mother's wakefulness, the child seemed to redouble its efforts to be brought into the world. Hands grasped at Rania's wrists, pinning her down. She fought, weakly, but relentlessly.


    She didn't know who was speaking, and there was a sort of animal terror in her otherworldly black/gold eyes as they darted about.

    "Push, Dame Rania!"

    Rania focused on Escaba. The senior midwife's voice was calm, but commanding. She was a stranger to Rania, however, who did not seem to know where she was or what was happening.

    "Breath, Dame Rania! Your baby is wanting to be born! Calm!"

    But Rania was not listening. She was already withdrawing back into herself, back into the dream. Reaching for the Deep Song that had become the core of her since the day she'd died.


    She heard her name and new she was close, in her mind, she hummed in tune with the Song, following it to its source, away from the world again.

    "Mamma-" Pella yelled as Rania's eyes rolled back into her head. "We're loosing her again!"

    "The baby's too far...If she goes out, it will be stuck. If that happens..."

    The song roared through her, filling her up again with light, gold and warm and sweet as sunlight. "Go now. Bring them all to me. Share the Song"

    "Hold her down, Pella," Escaba commanded. The daughter obeyed, securing Rania as best she could.

    "Wake up, Dame Rania!" Escaba slapped her.

    The Song fades, the Light grows brighter.

    "Wake up!" <SLAP>

    You will show them, prepare the way for me.

    "WAKE-!" <SLAP!>

    Bring me into your world.

    "UP!" <SLAP!>


    On the other side of the world, a great KABOOM ripped the South Island apart. In that instant, in the guest room of Creasur's Manor, Pella and her mother Escaba were thrown from Rania's bed by a force they could neither see nor explain. Every candle went out and their heads cracked against the walls of the room. For the briefest instant, Pella's vision went gold, and she could not tell if it was from the impact or an actual source of light before she lost consciousness. Both women crumpled to the ground, unmoving.

    In the sudden darkness of the guesthouse, the squalls of a newborn baby rang out...

    BM General Discussion / On the Nature of Duels in Battlemaster
    « on: July 12, 2016, 08:28:02 PM »
    Hi Everyone. I write with the intent of this being a short thread. My question is, in character, when is it appropriate to decline a demand to duel and at what point is doing so considered dishonorable or cowardly?

    For years I've played the game without specific clarification, but I operated under the assumption that a noble who was higher in the chain, like a Duke, would be able to decline a duel from a mere lord or knight with no problem. However, a Knight or a Lord that declined to duel a Duke would and should be remarked upon. Then there's the matter when party A offers clear insult to party B but then declines a demand from B to duel. How is/should that be viewed IG?

    I ask because consequences for declining duels are not (and should not be) enforced by game mechanics, but I wish to gget a better understanding as a player as to what sort of responses/observations a character should make when this happens IG.

    Questions & Answers / Emmigration
    « on: April 16, 2016, 05:52:17 PM »
    Feel free to utilize this thread for related questions. Mine question is Is there a reason I cannot move a character from the East Continent to the Far East Continent?

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