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Messages - Chenier

Pages: 1 ... 481 482 [483] 484 485 ... 532
BM General Discussion / Re: Reappointing inactive Dukes
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:21:33 AM »
Other Magistrates can chip in if they want, but I feel reasonably confident in saying that, for myself, I'd favor a "case or controversy" limitation for the Magistrates. Indeed, I think the standing requirements for the US Supreme Court (injury, causation, redressability). Meaning my thought is that we would require an actual complaint be brought by one player against another player for a specific instance of a behavior.

Again, other Magistrates may disagree. It's a new system we're still working out. But that's my thought. If the Magistrates wade into addressing hypotheticals we will have an endless workload.

I tend to agree.

BM General Discussion / Re: Too much peace too much for Dwilight
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:19:27 AM »
I think this is true...

Though, frankly, that would require that D'Hara go to war with Caerwyn, or Madina, or Barca, or Terran. War with Caerwyn or Madina is imaginable and not completely self-destructive. War with Barca or Terran would make no sense at all.

Honestly, again, this has a lot to do with D'Hara's geography. Its high urban density combined with controlled border corridors (narrow land routes with allies, long sea routes) renders it uniquely secure from external attack, uniquely dependent on external trade, uniquely unable to acquire sufficient domestic food supplies, and uniquely unable to engage in aggressive warfare. Code that makes a great deal of sense elsewhere will have disorienting effects on such a distortionary realm.

Which is why I believe that the effect of TMP on tolerable taxes should take into account the realm's food supply ratio. D'Hara, or other city-states (say Rines seceded but could not convince adjacent regions, or enough of them, to join) need high tax rates to feed themselves via imports, and these are often the realms where war is the least feasible.

Feature Requests / Re: Change the government without a revolution
« on: July 18, 2011, 05:16:57 AM »
Especially when moving toward more democratic forms of government.

Mostly. I'd concur the shifts to more autocratic governments were the consequences of a strong group spearheading the change and imposing themselves on others, though.

Dwilight / Re: Civil war in Madina
« on: July 18, 2011, 04:59:11 AM »
Well. The Madinan Civil War has certainly just seen a major change, what with Fissoa reversing its position. I gotta say, I'm bummed about it, because the alliance to contain Madina was quite entertaining, and the hissy fits across the Candiels Straits are fun to read... I'll be sad if Aurvandil is destroyed.

Blame Aurvandil for sucking at diplomacy so much.

Development / Re: Magistrates and the courtroom
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:06:18 AM »
Not necessarily obvious, I know, but that's the correct form.

I first wrote that, but then said to myself "Nah, that can't be it". :P

BM General Discussion / Re: Reappointing inactive Dukes
« on: July 17, 2011, 05:36:20 PM »
Wanted to see opinions on this - used to see it from time to time when I played before, and might be seeing it again:

We all know that in a great many realms, Dukes are the long-time friends of the ruler, hardly ever change, very often never say a word,  etc.

Occasionally, they go inactive. And the ruler "hems" and "haws" for a few days about making a decision, and then Oh, look! the player logs back in, "IC claims" is used as an excuse, and the character is reappointed to Duke.

Now, in my mind, this is circumventing a rule created by Tom specifically to aid turn-over in positions and let more people become involved, and so the ruler should be punished.

That's my opinion - what is yours?

From my experience, this means that the ruler has OOC contacts with the player, such as with MSN, and when this happens they try to get in contact with the person via OOC means to get them to log in again to re-appoint them.

Kinda sucks, but I think that's how it is.

BM General Discussion / Re: Too much peace too much for Dwilight
« on: July 17, 2011, 05:03:36 PM »
Holy crap, the tax effect is insane. My tax rate was lowered to 8%, and I'm the capital of a medium-sized realm, and I still get: "The tax rate is unbelievable, insane, stupid and outright robbery".

My tax rate is usually twice that. Stats have now dropped like crazy...

This gold is feeding you, stupid peasants!

I really feel that the tax toleration of TMP should take into consideration the realm's food supply (production/consumption ratio).

Development / Re: Magistrates and the courtroom
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:59:34 AM »
Indeed. In the future, a news sticker item would be an excellent idea.

Though that might create an overwhelming tide of Magistrate applications.

Non-forum users should be made aware of the change. They also should have a chance to present their candidacy, though their absence from the forums would likely be taken into account.

Feature Requests / Re: Change the government without a revolution
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:57:33 AM »
Easy isn't the word I'd use to describe it. As ruler, you can exile the Duke of your capital, but that doesn't mean you should or can do it on a whim. The same thing goes for changing government settings.

Every time I've changed government settings, I've met fierce opposition and had it become a focal point for loud opposition to my rule. In one case, even mooting the idea of change got such a bad hearing I'd probably have faced rebellion. Any Ruler might be able to push those buttons, but I reckon it's a rare realm were they can get away with it lightly.

I'd probably go the other way and say that it makes it harder to change things. Especially those realms where they've changed to elections when before appointments or elect once used to be the norm. Everyone's a democrat.

I've never seen significant resistance to government changes.

Feature Requests / Re: Double Signatures from New Players
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:56:02 AM »
I asked him why he signs his name twice. He said, "It's just something I started doing, and fell into the habit of, I guess. When you send messages, the game automatically signs your name for you, but there are times when a little more is either needed or desired. It adds something (to me, at least) more personal, adds emphasis to the character itself, IMHO."

Double facepalm.  :o

BM General Discussion / Re: Making Stuff Happen - A Rant
« on: July 17, 2011, 04:53:39 AM »

I also prefer such kind of ruler, believing they can make more stories and thrills, but the problem is that you actually cannot be neither tyrant nor overly strong ruler, as ruler has no powers.

so, knowing that ruler is weak, many will often complain loudly against every bold speech. and that is when tension is relieved before even creating any in-game event.

if such tyrant would have real power, many will fear of opposing him directly and publicly, but would have strong incentive to work against him behind the scene by all available means once he crosses the line.

for instance, if ruler would annoy lords too much, they would overthrow him and reform to republic, or if all nobility took arms against him, maybe they would decide to make democracy. however, such scenarios would make sense if there would be distinction between tyranny, monarchy, republic and democracy in way of real council powers. than every realm would find balance for herself, with many internal conflicts; sole distinction of ruler power in different regimes could easily become driving force for very dynamic internal political life.

Being ruler, judge, and duke would help with that. ;)

Beluaterra / Re: 'Beluaterranism'
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:27:26 PM »
You realize that's a bit like asking where and when someone is throwing your surprise birthday party, right?


Beluaterra / Re: the conflict looming
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:26:54 PM »
Of course.  The one realm who also has a history of siding with the daimons is usually among the first to call for Sint's blood.  Right, Chénier?

Are you talking about Enweil? Because Enweil only allied them to fight the monsters, and never fought against any human realms.

Sint, on the other hand, allied with the daimons to kiss their asses, and did not fight any invading forces. Not comparable.

Enweil also did not ally the daimons in the invasion before that, and especially did not worship them as Sint did.

BM General Discussion / Re: Making Stuff Happen - A Rant
« on: July 16, 2011, 08:25:21 PM »
Heh, great game indeed.

But so dreadfully long. :O

Development / Magistrates and the courtroom
« on: July 16, 2011, 08:20:12 PM »
I have been playing very actively since early 2008, and I would greatly enjoy the opportunity to give something back to the game. I presently have 4 Trust medals:


By the way, this post is somewhat hard to find. I had to hunt around for it once I guessed that it existed when I saw Chenier's Magistrate avatar, and could not find it at first. I would expect relatively few people to stumble across it without actively looking for it. You may want to post a link to this thread in Announcements and/or in the Titan System Revelation thread.

I must agree with this. This change wasn't announced on the news sticker, and I myself, despite knowing this change was coming, only stumbled upon it by accident by looking at "unread posts since last visit". Only regulars of the forum can know about this right now.

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