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Messages - cenrae

Helpline / Re: Two Questions About Adventurers
September 26, 2013, 10:49:20 PM
Ooh yeah I have had some created by sages. I forgot about that as I have not seen that option in a while as I have been mostly scroll hunting with my Dwilight advy. Probably made 8 our so scrolls in the last 6 months.
Helpline / Re: Two Questions About Adventurers
September 26, 2013, 08:59:57 PM
Quote from: Indirik on September 26, 2013, 12:57:53 PM
1) Maybe someone else already found it, and didn't tell anyone.  Especially possible if they wanted it, and it was well-known that someone else lost it.

2) Maybe the RNG doesn't like you this week.

All very possible. Its just a little bit frustrating when you know a lost item was there. Those that went there all shared the same message group and 'likely' would have infirmed the owner.

Personally after playing 4 adventures for 4 years, alphas is the only way I have found items. Just have a hard time believing others found then by gathering or investigating. And no one updates the wiki if that has happened.
BM General Discussion / Re: Promoting M&F Crowdfunding
September 26, 2013, 05:15:48 AM
Ill be promoting on my games I'm in. I also contributed and it felt good. I've never done so th BM but have thought about it. Might and fealty has the potential to be so much more, but to be honest if it did become a subscription im not sure how long I would play.
Helpline / Re: Two Questions About Adventurers
September 26, 2013, 05:10:41 AM
Well I have spent days gathering, investigating, and scouting a region with a known lost unique item but have had no luck whatsoever. How hard is it to find items anyways? I know I was not the only adventure doing the same, at least 2 others did as well.
I of course said when there is no message or the need to write one....then I look to the forums. Do not put the burden on me to stimulate the game. I do my fair share and am by far the most active in RP for the Farronite Republic.
When I have the time and there are no new messages in game or the need to write some I would check only the Dwilight thread. Read some of the topics and perhaps post a reply. I found it enjoyable as a supplement when things were slow. Never in my case did the forums rule my experience of the game.
Well I've found that since the locking of the locals forums, I find less and less reason to even visit the forums. Overall my experience of the forums lately is rather boring.
Helpline / Re: Turn Change
September 19, 2013, 09:12:28 PM
I should point out that my advy in Dwilight could move but not my noble.
Helpline / Re: Turn Change
September 19, 2013, 07:13:28 PM
I got the same battle message on atamar. For 3 turns now.
Helpline / Re: Two Questions About Adventurers
September 19, 2013, 01:27:30 AM
Ah investigate...yes I had forgotten about that feature as I rarely use it.
Helpline / Re: Two Questions About Adventurers
September 18, 2013, 11:42:06 PM
In my 4 years of playing adventurers (had two killed by undead, and use two of my character slots for adventurers) the only way I have seen items acquired is from alphas, buying, trading, or judges stealing them. If there is an automatic code that lets advys find dropped items when entering/leaving a region this us the first I have heard of it. Granted I never new if I was in a region where that happened until today.

Gathering has never done likewise. It would be nice to know for certain if that is a possibility.
Helpline / Re: Two Questions About Adventurers
September 18, 2013, 09:12:48 PM
Well lets assume i'm not luck which is usually the case. Will Gathering find lost items? What other optics are there? I know alphas can give them to you but if I recall correctly every alpha that gave me an item was a new item fur the game.
Helpline / Re: Two Questions About Adventurers
September 18, 2013, 08:48:21 PM
Can adventures find dropped unique items or can only nobles do that by foraging the battle field? I've done a lot of gathering but never found an item that way.
BM General Discussion / Re: You then, vs You Now
September 13, 2013, 09:26:47 PM
I started, what nearly 4 years ago. Just had my first daughter and working as a journeyman electrician. Found the game on a battletech forum and it looked interesting.

Now i'm 41, have another daughter and have had to severely restrict my gaming time. Used to tabletop game allot mainly shadowrun and GM three games on Now i'm down to 1 and BM.

Oh its better to go to college when you are young and not when you are 40, have a family, work full time, and have to many hobbies. 5 more classes and I'll get a bachelors of science in technology which i'm not even sure I'll ever use as I have a pretty good job now doing electrical maintenance on gas turbine generators for a power company. But maybe done day I'll move into management...
Helpline / Re: Sending Gold Realm to Realm
September 07, 2013, 05:21:08 AM
I acted as a courier once for Tara. I went to the other realm city deposited gold at bank. Not sure who got it, I think it went to the crown but I can't remember.