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Messages - Kainaq

Pages: 1 [2]
Far East Island / Re: Attack on Sasrhas!
« on: January 11, 2015, 08:42:22 AM »
I can't respond to letters that I have not seen.

While it's not impossible that I could of missed your letters I'm usually pretty thorough when checking my mail box....  What with all the political shenanigans that go on in Arcaea.  I swear I spend more time putting out  fires then actually being a general :p

Far East Island / Re: Attack on Sasrhas!
« on: January 10, 2015, 04:24:25 PM »
Ah my mistake, your character is from Sorraine.... Still the same principle applies, I haven't been in contacted by Sorraines General either.  Unless I have horribly misunderstood I thought you had claimed to of been trying to get into contact with Arcaeas General and had received no response.

Far East Island / Re: Attack on Sasrhas!
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:34:59 AM »
I have been following the forum on and off since I got back to bm but this forum thread has spurred me to join the forums here.  In truth it's rather annoyed me.

While I can't speak for my predecessor I have been sitting in the generals seat in Arcaea for the past 8 months.  During that time Coralynth has made 0 attempts to contact me.  The only messages I have not answered are more recent ones which a) were questions directed at the council as a whole that I could not answer as an individual and b) it was over the Christmas/new year period so everyone is super inactive.

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