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Messages - CryptCypher

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 20
Helpline / Re: Buying region, region was poached?
« on: February 16, 2018, 02:50:20 PM »
Just goes to show that players have found a way to manipulate an obvious flaw in the combat mechanics which the coders never planned for.

Happens. A LOT. In game development. Or, honestly, any kind of engineering really.

Someone, somewhere, will find some completely insane or ridiculous way to obsolete an entire system by uncovering an unexpected oversight.

Then, you fix/patch/redesign and become more robust than ever. :)

Helpline / Re: Buying region, region was poached?
« on: February 16, 2018, 02:48:27 PM »
...Because 1,000 archers loosing a massive volley of arrows will *totally* land within a perfect 3-by-3 box and miss everyone else in the army, and no one else will have maybe tried aiming for the huge ocean of warm bodies a few paces behind them, because logic

BM General Discussion / Re: Best Unique Item Names!
« on: February 16, 2018, 12:39:40 PM »
Arthion Eyolf Serpentis has the best item of all ... the majestic... Mediocre Warhammer.

But... my adv just found the Sturdy Chainmail of Perleone. I need to find someone from Perleone... or someone who won against Perleone.

...Or someone who lost against Perleone, LOL. Give it to Kinsey!

Development / Re: Make Battlemaster Great Again - War Overhault
« on: February 16, 2018, 12:34:22 PM »

You're right about a few things, sadly. Magnus (I) didn't want to believe you (Sayuki) because he thought Robb was a friend and actually meant what he had promised. As a player I was cynical but as a character, Magnus' personality dictated his reaction.

Starfall straight up informed me OOC that he'd be pursuing an alliance with Caligus to wreck GX due to us pulling out of the alliance negotiations due to that ill-advised referendum after the no-allies faction got loud, and did roughly the same IC albeit more veiled. Apologies were said both ways, and we parted. To each his own.

Robb never liked Selenia, nor her personality or playstyle, nor did a number of other people. I was warned (for reasons I did not comprehend at the time) not to let a JeVondair take power for what it'd do to Xavax, but Selenia was my 2nd-in-command and the only person I could trust not to completely derail Xavax and erase its history&culture.

Also, for the record, Xavax had a secret faction super-early-on that wanted to conquer Ibladesh, so you're only half-right. They put pressure on certain key figures, including Magnus, in exchange for favors and support. I dunno what went on after Magnus abdicated early, but I doubt they just abandoned their entire plot-arc of reconquering Ibladesh and founding a Xavax-Ibladeshi satellite realm just because Selenia took power. I, at least, had convinced them to do it my way rather than overthrow the government and gun for Ibladesh right off the bat. They were even open to peaceful religious conversion, so long as their religion ended up being in charge of Ibladesh.

That one noblewoman was their leader, I forget who else was part of the faction though. God, we had so many factions... Too many influential, powerful players used to running the show.

Too many leaders, not enough followers. Probably what screwed us in the end.

Helpline / Re: Buying region, region was poached?
« on: February 16, 2018, 12:19:22 PM »
Yeah... Just... We need to work on the archer code.

I can't in any reasonable way see even a dozen archers being stupid and dense enough to fire on the single closest guy while ignoring the giant mass of units behind him, much less a hundred to a thousand archers unloading on the front-guy heroically leading the charge while completely ignoring the entire god damn army a few steps behind him.

Its just... Wow. Even dungeon-crawler/MUD/JRPG AI isn't that stupid, and I've played a lot of those :P

If a unit reaches overkill, the others should aim elsewhere. I mean, how many dozens or hundreds of arrows pierce the same guy before you go "Hmm, maybe I should aim elsewhere."

Though that opens up a whole other bag of worms because apparently our archers have perfect godlike aim and never hit anyone other than their exact target, which is honestly something I'd like to see changed. Maybe asking too much in that case, however.

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: February 16, 2018, 12:14:11 PM »
The Fallengard-Caligan equilibrium was understood by all parties right when we became allies. Caligus made it pretty damn clear, as did Fallengard. The only way around that would have been to ally both and broker an agreement between them.

If we had allied Caligus, do you things may have turned out differently?

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: February 16, 2018, 12:10:30 PM »
Huh, it would be interesting to get to know your side of the story then, as my character was the one that kicked off the whole series of events which eventually ended with your character stepping down. I'm not nearly as annoyed with Alara though, as the realms that were at war with each other starting out would have made for at least a relatively even fight. It was Perdan and friends jumping in that made things absurdly unbalanced.

There's a lot that goes on in ruler channel and personal missives that realms, and even councils, miss out on. If you think I said a lot with RP's and public posts, you have no idea how much discussion was going on with certain rulers and power-brokers I'd become close to. I had been spending at least 4-5 hours a day, every single day, sending missives to keep up with all the strings I was pulling (and being pulled by, eventually). It just got crazy, but if it had worked out we'd have achieved great things.

Not to steal your limelight but Robb Starfall did a pretty effective job of sowing chaos on his own, even without you getting thrown in the mix. Sucks because we had gotten pretty damn close and discussed practically everything on a daily basis, both IC and OOC. At one point I had secured a trade deal for them to feed GX at pennies on the bushel, as well as a soon-to-be-signed treaty allowing our soon-to-be priests direct and exclusive access to spread the Phoenix Cult in Alara, and slowly convincing certain key members to consider a full-on-merger with GX in the future.

My own damn fault for not being more of a King and less of a democrat. Robb did apologize once, saying that this conflict is not what he had wanted, but that he had to do what must be done or lose his crown, and I did and said the same, but I wasn't so sure after-the-fact that it wasn't bs. To be fair, he probably thought I was lying through my teeth too, so I guess I'll never know.

When you jumped in, and Dodger later lit his powderkeg, there wasn't much that could be done to alleviate the already stretched situation. You gave Robb the perfect excuse to distrust me and renege his promises, and Dodger just forced me to abdicate before I had a chance to set certain things into motion to avoid future issues down the road. It went from an Alara-GX future merger a-la-Riombara to threats of war in the drop of a dime.

From my perspective as Xerarch, Caligus started the entire !@#$show. Can't speak for anything that went on afterward, but I should have ignored Dodger's camp and kept moving forward with my negotiations. The second I listened to the GX-against-the-world faction and pulled out of negotiating alliances, it gave everyone the opportunity to gank us.

After all, you're either with us or against us. Not wanting to become allies is an instant, clear signal that you're a target, and anyone with a hint of common sense would take that as a premeditated declaration of war and start making friends to ambush you with.

From what I've been told from a few former rulers from Magnus' time, Selenia was no Magnus. All the favor and mood I'd curried quickly flew out the window due to Selenia's vastly different methods of diplomacy. Not that there's anything wrong with that, its just different is all. Some liked it, some didn't: hence losing Fallengard as allies, Garas going from someone Magnus liked deeply to an enemy of (some) Xavax, and Xavax now being allies to literally everyone who wanted to murder us when Magnus was Xerarch, not to mention us joining Sirion despite Selenia and Magnus having planned to wreck Sirion and usurp them as the top-dogs on the continent. :P

If things had gone as I had been working toward, we'd have united the south and burned the north to the ground. A true Imperium - before (purposely, once we got too strong) collapsing into feuding Greece-like city-states with similar-but-divergent Lurianesque versions of Xavax culture.

Instead, we're a northern satellite realm fighting the south. Funny how that works out.

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: February 14, 2018, 04:55:19 PM »
Well, weeeeeell aware. Alara played friendly with Magnus(me) and had a dagger at our back all along. I caught Alara promising to screw Minas only for them to change their mind and join up to gank GX, after spying on us. It was a massive clusterf-ck and Alara's leader pretty much lit the fuse for the entire southern conflict over the pettiest situation. Quite sad, really. Seems things went from bad to worse later.

Should have wiped Alara off the map at the get-go and avoided the whole problem in the first place.

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: February 14, 2018, 12:17:39 AM »
I know this is skipping over a lot of comments that have come previously to talk about what was said a couple pages ago, but I would like to point out that Selenia's rise to popularity had less to do with cultivating a "personality cult" and more to do with the way the character both fought tooth and nail for the realm, and the situation that led to her rise to power. Namely the betrayal of the previous ruler and a subsequent hugbox of all other nations around them trying to destroy Xavax preemptively.

Aye, a number of folks stated something along the same lines. Simple fact is, we became what we had to be to survive.

Again, can't speak for the other individuals', but my "personality cult" comment was an observation of what it became as a result of those circumstances. The only reason no one calls OI/other plausibly stagnant-insular realms a personality cult is because no one [outside those realms] gives a damn.

 I was absent for a long while so I can't speak about what went on internally during my absence, only what led to it, and what came after.

Feature Requests / Re: Adventurer Stalls
« on: February 12, 2018, 03:12:41 PM »
This would be both a great RP tool, as well as an opportunity to offload some unwanted loot to those who actually need/want it. Hopefully it wouldn't be abusable, however. Sell something pricey, arrest advie, profit.

Development / Re: Make Battlemaster Great Again - War Overhault
« on: February 12, 2018, 02:44:19 PM »
...And 2012. :)

Helpline / Re: Buying region, region was poached?
« on: February 12, 2018, 02:43:31 PM »
If you're referencing the frontline martyr tactic, its... Ridiculous. I mean, where in the hell would an entire army fire at a single noble's unit and ignore a battlefield full of warriors? It just doesn't make the slightest sense.

This tactic has done a great job revealing a tactical/technical fallacy in the combat code that must be rectified as soon as possible.

East Island / Re: Redhaven
« on: February 09, 2018, 10:48:46 PM »
There's a Highmarch advie guild that supposedly pays advies gold to work. There's also the Sirion-based Adventurer's Guild that seems pretty universal (across the north, at least)

Quote from: Yxevarii Auru'in: Doom of the Enlightened - Battle of Ardmore
"We never saw them coming.

The bane of generations - an ancient scourge borne upon the howling wind.

Harbingers of a plague given form; their bleak silhouettes carved unto memory.

Souls of black without conscious spark.

...Or so we believed.

    A fell wind blew that night - that blasphemous wail of dark lament.

Profane mutterings born of an eldritch macrocosm far beyond Man's perception.

Shambling hordes scattered beyond leagues; devoid of cause nor destination...

By the naive nature of callous Men, we mistook them for naught but mindless wanderers.

How could we be so wrong?

    Putrid maws called out unto the darkness in a tongue Man cannot fathom - and something answered the call.

Like a plague of locusts they coalesced. A leviathan horde descended from the pits of oblivion to cleave our ranks asunder.

Despite the best training and preparation money can buy, our defensive positions were overwhelmed without warning.

How does one defeat an enemy who feels no pain; which never tires; that knows no fear?

We never stood a chance.

    First they ambushed our scouts. Then they probed our response - unveiling vulnerabilities we were too blind to notice.

The flood broke upon our flanks like a tsunami - consuming the front-lines like loose grains of sand.

They were too swift, too vast a force to reform our lines. There was no second charge.

What few men survived will forever relive that night in their darkest nightmares.

We've doomed us all."

Beluaterra / Re: Sacred Obia'Syela
« on: February 09, 2018, 07:32:41 AM »
Looks like a bunch of us got captured in Ardmore after that crazy freak horde came at us from every direction simultaneously. Wrote an RP but finished it a few minutes after the turn :( Was going to call the retreat after the RP. !@#$.

Ruler's in rogue prison, marshal's in prison, vice-marshal's in prison... Who else?

May as well post the RP here.

Quote from: Yxevarii Auru'in
    We never saw them coming.

The bane of generations - an ancient scourge borne upon the howling wind.

Harbingers of a plague given form; their bleak silhouettes carved unto memory.

Souls of black without conscious spark.

...Or so we believed.

    A fell wind blew that night - that blasphemous wail of dark lament.

Profane mutterings born of an eldritch macrocosm far beyond Man's perception.

Shambling hordes scattered beyond leagues; devoid of cause nor destination...

By the naive nature of callous Men, we mistook them for naught but mindless wanderers.

How could we be so wrong?

    Putrid maws called out unto the darkness in a tongue Man cannot fathom - and something answered the call.

Like a plague of locusts they coalesced. A leviathan horde descended from the pits of oblivion to cleave our ranks asunder.

Despite the best training and preparation money can buy, our defensive positions were overwhelmed without warning.

How does one defeat an enemy who feels no pain; which never tires; that knows no fear?

We never stood a chance.

    First they ambushed our scouts. Then they probed our response - unveiling vulnerabilities we were too blind to notice.

The flood broke upon our flanks like a tsunami - consuming the front-lines like loose grains of sand.

They were too swift, too vast a force to reform our lines. There was no second charge.

What few men survived will forever relive that night in their darkest nightmares.

We've doomed us all.

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