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Messages - Zakky

Pages: 1 ... 26 27 [28] 29 30 ... 42
Work in Progress / Re: The City States - Chapter 3
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:55:37 PM »
Added more. May fix small bits here and there. Let me know if you think some stuff should be changed.

Legends / Re: Feedback and Discussion
« on: January 20, 2018, 08:25:05 PM »
Would be nice to have a list of councils/pantheons later. For now there is only one so we don't need it.

Work in Progress / The City States - Chapter 3
« on: January 20, 2018, 06:28:21 AM »
The harbor of Lerikion was flooded with ships from Tascrig. Refugees from Tascrig flooded the streets as there was no place to accommodate so many people. But the biggest problem was the shortage of food. Lerikion was not prepared to take several thousand people all at once.

Lerikion itself was still recovering from the damage caused by fallen debris from the flying mountain. Lerikans could not welcome anyone when their hands were full with their own problems.

Lerikhir, the ruler of Lerikion, ordered soldiers to patrol the streets to maintain order but he knew it was not going to last long. Luckily for him, however, Lerikion's closest neighbours answered his request and decided to send enough food for Lerikion to feed itself for few months. 'Harajin'[Create Settlement, 1 Prime] used to be on the other side of the mountain that flew over the town. But with the mountain gone between the two, there was no need to go around the mountain. All the years Lerikans spent aiding Harajans against barbarians finally paid off.

"Lerikhir. What are you going to do about the refugees?"

Lerikhir's oldest adviser asked.

"How about making some tents for them outside of the town? As long as they are outside of the town, we can deal with them even if they start a riot.", said a younger adviser.

"Our soldiers need some rest too. They have been working non-stop for the past week. They are at their limits. If we don't do something our soldiers will revolt before the refugees."

"Why don't we ask Irkhen to help us?"

"I'd rather conscript some people temporarily."

"Or we can call retired soldiers back to service until we get things in order."

Lerikhir quietly watched his advisers argue and discuss. Advisers could not agree on solutions but that was expected. Nobody ever thought of accepting few thousand people all at once. The biggest problem was the refugees were most likely going to stay in Lerikion. Soldiers who were sent to check Tascrig returned with strange yet grim news. Most of Tascrig no longer existed. Instead, it was replaced by a giant pyramid which appeared from thin air. Everything was happening all at once too quickly. From the flying mountain to the destruction of Tascrig, and now the giant pyramid. Lerikhir pressed his tired eyes with his fingers then began ordering his advisers.

"We will accept Tascrigians as our citizens. Put them to work. Start with collecting resources to build more houses. Call the master builder. We need buildings that can house multiple families."

"Would that even work? Tascrigians won't simply accept orders from us."

"Make it work. Tell them what happened to Tascrig. They will come to their senses when they learn about the fate of their town."

Work in Progress / Wanted: Chapter 4 for Shapers of the First Continent
« on: January 20, 2018, 05:46:31 AM »
Is there anyone who wants to write the next chapter? Think the continent could use more features.

Work in Progress / Re: Fear the Gods - Chapter 2
« on: January 20, 2018, 05:43:28 AM »
Actually I will just make this a separate story.

Work in Progress / Re: Fear the Gods - Chapter 2
« on: January 20, 2018, 05:24:37 AM »
The whole game is a collection of short stories. Chapters within a story should be somehow related, I just didn't think of a rule about that.

Let me know when you decide. If this story doesn't fit, I will make this a separate story.

Legends of the World / Re: The Seeker Council - Chapter 1~7
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:54:30 PM »
<Chapter 7>
As the ruby-eyed mountain joined it's power with the avatar of Air and Quaranis, hope surged.  Yes, yes, yes, yes...!  And she felt it.  The glory was part of her again!  And the last scraps she had been hoarding, the last remnants of her strength, now she could spare a little.  Enough for...


Lava surged over the crevasse, forming a great pyramid.  It slowly flows into sheer obsidian sides, save for grand steps of basalt.  And at the top, Quaranis pulled forth from herself a great diamond.  With a whisper, it swirled into an arch, the facets catching the light and blazing like a second sun.  [Create monument, 1 Prime]

She turned.

"Thank you.  Let this stand as a monument to my gratitude.  Let this arch crown our endeavour, and announce to this world that the Seekers claim this ground!"

Legends of the World / Re: The Seeker Council - Chapter 1~7
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:54:03 PM »
<Chapter 6>
Astalos took its eyes off from the ground to see the cloud. Then slowly moved its eyes back to the ground to look at the being of lava. It nodded to the both as it could feel that none of them could even get near the crevasse alone. Even two did not seem enough. But perhaps three could.

The being of lava, Quanaris, and the being of cloud, Reis, sought the leaking prime and so did Astalos. Its new peers had already poured their power to reach for the prime and it added its strength to aid their effort.

When its power met with its new peers, it felt strangely connected to the other two. It was a strange yet familiar feeling. It was what Astalos had yearned for since its birth. Its wish to become whole again. Although it was not as perfect as it had wished for, it could feel that it became a part of something bigger.

At that moment, Astalos knew the crevasse, the very source of prime, could no longer stop them from claiming it.

Legends of the World / Re: The Seeker Council - Chapter 1~7
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:53:44 PM »
<Chapter 5>
Reis considered what the first being said. A request for cooperation? It had included that third being, the one that had landed on the opposite side of the rift, in the request as well. Could beings such as they work together to accomplish this?

Reis tentatively reached out toward the power in the rift. The power emanating from it was unmistakable. From this close, it was impossible to mistake it for anything other than the very power that was used to manipulate the world. Perhaps not the reality-warping power that could raise mountains and create life. But this was still power. And it contained an echo of that other power within it. Perhaps you couldn't use this to raise mountains. But if you could concentrate it enough... Or perhaps concentrate wasn't quite the right word. Multiply? Synergize?

It would take some experimentation to determine how it could work. And Reis was certain that it *could* work. But first they had to control it. Reis was certain that this first being was correct. No one being could hope to control this on their own. It would take cooperation. Three? It had suggested three. It might work.

"Yes. I will ... help. The three of us may be able to control it enough to release the power trapped within. To control it, so it may be used."

Reis reached out with the power contained within itself toward the first being that was on the same side of the rift. It was not a reaching out in a physical sense. It was an extension of power intended to allow the two of them to establish a joint control over the source in the rift.

Reis looked over to address the third being that had arrive, the one on the other side of the rift.

"Will you join with us? Perhaps with three, we may be able to gain control and learn to harvest the energy contained within."

Legends of the World / Re: The Seeker Council - Chapter 1~7
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:53:25 PM »
<Chapter 4>
Quaranis stood in her despair.  How?  How was she to survive in this awful world?  Nothing was as it should be, and-



Yes...Another like herself...And this one had Air!  Perhaps she could learn the trick of that from this other.

A question?  Speaking?  Yes, speaking.  And polite, at that.  Maybe, maybe between them they would have the strength to grasp the Prime...But no.  She could sense there was not enough.

A mouth was formed to speak in turn.

"No, it is not mine, though I wish it were otherwise.  I cannot even touch it, I spent too much strength, if only I had waited, but it hurt too much-"

Quaranis' form began shaking, quivering in remembered pain.  And shook more, and more, until she look around and saw a third, wreathed in Earth, a strong spine of the world come to rest nearby.

A third!

Three, three might be enough!

"Please...I am not strong enough alone, none of us are strong enough alone, but if we joined, if we reached together, perhaps we might drink our fill!"

Two molten hands, pulsing deep white with urgency, reach out to the others.

Legends of the World / Re: The Seeker Council - Chapter 1~7
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:53:03 PM »
<Chapter 3>
When an earthquake split the town in half, many Tascrigians fell into the newly formed crevasse. Some fled in horror while others looked down into the crevasse hoping to find those who fell.

Not long after the incident, the ground shook again. It was enough to make those who stayed behind leave their homes. As they fled Tascrig, they missed the sight of clouds gathering above the town.

Tascrigians ran toward east where they could find boats or ships to take refuge in Lerikion. They sailed for half a day when they saw something that should not be above the sea, a flying mountain. The sea under exploded from the debris which fell from the flying mountain. Waves from fallen debris pushed ships away from the approaching shadow of the mountain.

Astalos, whose eyes were fixated toward Tascrig, flew over the ships without noticing them. It was only interested in the familiar presence it knew when it was a part of the whole. Astalos remembered the feelings of being complete and perfect which were lost when the whole was divided. Although the magnitude of the presence was not the same, the purity of the presence was the same. It was the same energy which Astalos still carried from the time immemorial, prime.

While Astalos was buried in thoughts, it finally reached its destination. It could see the source of prime with its own eyes. It was not what it remembered but the energy the crevasse emitted was still the same. Unfortunately for Astalos, it was not alone. There were two other beings who resonated with prime just like Astalos. Both were shrouded in elements like Astalos and through the manipulation of elements, they created voices. They both stayed near the crevasse and conversed with one another.

While watching them talk, Astalos landed on the eastern side, destroying the eastern half of Tascrig with its massive body. It closely inspected the crevasse and realized prime leaking from the crevasse was too violent for Astalos to reach for it. Astalos was no longer the whole but a fragment of it. Although the energy coming from the crevasse was small, it still radiated more energy than any of the beings shrouded in elements. Astalos waited patiently while watching other two.

Legends of the World / Re: The Seeker Council - Chapter 1~7
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:52:41 PM »
<Chapter 2>
Reis felt a sudden awareness of power. The power had not suddenly appeared, the "awareness" of it had appeared. It felt familiar, like the power that Reis had sometimes used. The creation of Shuran had been accomplished with this power, and the use of it had somehow lessened Reis. It seemed to return of its own accord, but slowly. That had inspired caution, as Reis did not know where the power came from, or how to get more of it.

But here was more. Much more. And Reis wanted it.

Quickly, Reis journeyed toward that power.

A giant crevasse had opened in one of the human towns. Tascrig, the town was called. The crevasse had split the town neatly down the center. At the bottom of the crevasse, those glowing stones, that is where the power lay. But something else had made it there first.

At the side of the crevasse stood a massive, rocky form. It looked vaguely like a human, if one imagined a human made of molten, glowing rock. It had a head, and arms, but no legs. Where the legs should have been was a solid trunk.

To be polite, Reis took a form as well. A shimmering, amorphous cloud formed in the air near, but not threateningly near, the rocky figure. Two cold, blue eyes glowed from within the cloud. The eyes looked down into the crevasse, then toward the rocky being.

"The power down there. It feels familiar. I have used it before, but I do not know what it is. Is it ... yours?"

Legends of the World / The Seeker Council - Chapter 1~7
« on: January 19, 2018, 10:52:18 PM »
<Chapter 1>
Gravity was an interesting phenomenon.  Quaranis could see possibilities in it, depending on exactly how it worked.  Were there natural elevations?  Something to do with the air?  She would have to experiment.  Maybe if she incorporated the air into her lava it could fly properly.

Her idle musings as her body re-knit itself were interrupted by a familiar sensation.  One she had not felt since awakening in this broken world.


Prime flowing freely.

There was Prime in this world.

She flung her half-healed form through the newly-widened arteries of the archipelago, and into the still-expanding network deep within the world.  Pushing faster, faster, desperation surging through the capillaries...


It is here!

She started to rise, then remembered.  Gravity would cast her down, just as it had before.  But perhaps, if she changed the balance of her lava, a little more of earthen solidity, a little less liquid flowing...

A new form rose, half-molten magma taking awkward shape.  A head, to hold the eyes.  Arms, to reach and grasp.  A trunk to pull more and more of her self up, and out...


Deep within a great gaping hole lay Prime!  It had a strange shape in this world, but what of it?  It could be all.  If it chose to look like the void, studded with stars in grand patterns, then so be it.

She reached...But could not grasp.

No, no, no no no no nononononononono...

This...Body she had built was constraining her.  Her essence was spread across too much of the world, she could not gather enough of it to meld with the Prime!

So near the eternal Prime, and yet unable, incapable of reaching it.

Black obsidian tears streamed from her woe, and her sorrow caused the very air to blacken and rise from her in grief.

Work in Progress / Re: The Seeker Council: Chapter 7
« on: January 19, 2018, 07:47:01 AM »
Let's keep it simple and go with that. Once Indirik agrees, one of us should gather all the chapters and post it in LotW. It would be nice if we can see how many purity and prime we get from this prime source.

Dwilight / Re: Lurian Resurgence
« on: January 18, 2018, 02:43:58 AM »
Friction and war with Fissoa and Madina? That is way too hopeful.

Unless you strike them first, Fissoa and Madina won't.

They are busy with monsters and dwindling player base. They don't have time to attack LN.

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