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Messages - Zakky

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32 ... 42
Work in Progress / Re: Wanted: Fear the Gods, Chapter 2
« on: January 13, 2018, 09:14:55 PM »
The destruction inflicted on Tascrig might make for a good second chapter of this
That is actually a really good point.

Work in Progress / Re: Wanted: Fear the Gods, Chapter 2
« on: January 13, 2018, 06:13:39 PM »
So this 'story' is a anthology of short story chapters of various gods/immortals frightening humans while creating the world. I like the first one and look forward to what's next.

OMG! Didn't know you were reading stuff here XD. Why don't you write one? :D

Legends / Re: Feedback and Discussion
« on: January 13, 2018, 05:52:13 PM »
What do you think?

I've been enjoying the game overall. It is pretty interesting to see a story develop overtime by different people. There are obviously smaller details I do not agree sometimes but those small details do provide interesting challenges. So far stories have been developing the way I did not imagine so it feels pretty refreshing.

What do you like?

The fact I don't have to log in every day like BM XD. A(nd no politics. Was fun for a few years but it does wear you out.)

I actually really like slowly building up the map from the start. I enjoyed most of the stuff so far but will need to see more to really talk about what I like since we still haven't closed any chapters. I want to see a full completed legend first.

What needs to be improved?

Hopefully we will have some details about where each character live (or died) so we can see a region history with the frontend client when we get one so we can keep track of all the stories. Like hovering my mouse cursor over a region (yes eventually I think we need to name each portion of the land with a name) will show what stories are still WIP.

Also, there should be a way for people who are not a part of a council to gain prime so they can continue to write stories. Also, 10 prime feels kinda too small.

Work in Progress / Re: Wanted: Fear the Gods, Chapter 2
« on: January 13, 2018, 05:25:08 PM »
I only have 4 prime at the moment. So I need to choose a story carefully :/ I am unsure where to continue from Chapter 1 for this story to be honest. It was a nice short story but felt pretty complete on its own.

Q&A / Re: Heroes and Artifacts
« on: January 13, 2018, 05:24:23 PM »
Ah that makes sense. So what happens when you use purity on heroes or artifacts? Or is purity for something grander in scale and not meant to be used for something as small and local as heroes and artifacts?

Also, to do something with artifacts I am guessing we also need to spend a prime to make it do something magical?

Work in Progress / Re: The City States - Chapter 2
« on: January 13, 2018, 01:09:09 AM »
Time to vote.

Work in Progress / Re: The Shapers of the First Continent - Chapter 3
« on: January 13, 2018, 01:06:26 AM »
This needs a poll.

Q&A / Destruction with Purity
« on: January 13, 2018, 12:58:30 AM »
It costs 5 purity to create a continent or life.

Can spending 5 purity destroy a continent of all life? Or will it cost more? Any restrictions?

Q&A / Heroes and Artifacts
« on: January 13, 2018, 12:57:29 AM »
So what kind of abilities can heroes and artifacts have?

Do they gain more extreme abilities when we spend more prime?

Is there any restriction on their abilities? I am guessing they can't live forever like immortals but maybe we can grant them longevity?

Work in Progress / The Seeker Council: Chapter 3
« on: January 12, 2018, 10:34:45 PM »
When an earthquake split the town in half, many Tascrigians fell into the newly formed crevasse. Some fled in horror while others looked down into the crevasse hoping to find those who fell.

Not long after the incident, the ground shook again. It was enough to make those who stayed behind leave their homes. As they fled Tascrig, they missed the sight of clouds gathering above the town.

Tascrigians ran toward east where they could find boats or ships to take refuge in Lerikion. They sailed for half a day when they saw something that should not be above the sea, a flying mountain. The sea under exploded from the debris which fell from the flying mountain. Waves from fallen debris pushed ships away from the approaching shadow of the mountain.

Astalos, whose eyes were fixated toward Tascrig, flew over the ships without noticing them. It was only interested in the familiar presence it knew when it was a part of the whole. Astalos remembered the feelings of being complete and perfect which were lost when the whole was divided. Although the magnitude of the presence was not the same, the purity of the presence was the same. It was the same energy which Astalos still carried from the time immemorial, prime.

While Astalos was buried in thoughts, it finally reached its destination. It could see the source of prime with its own eyes. It was not what it remembered but the energy the crevasse emitted was still the same. Unfortunately for Astalos, it was not alone. There were two other beings who resonated with prime just like Astalos. Both were shrouded in elements like Astalos and through the manipulation of elements, they created voices. They both stayed near the crevasse and conversed with one another.

While watching them talk, Astalos landed on the eastern side, destroying the eastern half of Tascrig with its massive body. It closely inspected the crevasse and realized prime leaking from the crevasse was too violent for Astalos to reach for it. Astalos was no longer the whole but a fragment of it. Although the energy coming from the crevasse was small, it still radiated more energy than any of the beings shrouded in elements. Astalos waited patiently while watching other two.

Added this chapter to LotW.

Work in Progress / Re: The City States - Chapter 2
« on: January 12, 2018, 01:26:29 AM »
I think maybe you should add some parts from the first chapter to this. It doesn't really feel like the first chapter and this chapter is connected.

Legends of the World / The City States - Chapter 1, 2, 3
« on: January 12, 2018, 01:21:39 AM »
It was another busy day in Lerikion. Its harbour was full of people from other places. Some sailed from as far north as 'Irkhen'[Create Settlement, 1 Prime] while some came from 'Tascrig'[Create Settlement, 1 Prime] which was just across 'the Lerikh Sea'[Name Sea, 1 Prime]. They all gathered in the central square where the statue of Lerikhir looked over them to trade goods they brought from different parts of the world.

Among the ships docked in the harbour, Irkhenic ships stood out the most. They were larger and coloured from top to bottom with strong yet bright colors. Each ship had different markings which looked pretty but made little sense for others but Irkhenic people. Irkhenic people always brought largest furs you could find in Lerikion. Furs of large and terrifying beasts were popular among men while furs of smaller yet silky creatures were popular among women.

People who owned most unique looking ships were Tascrigians. They were closer so they could afford to travel back and forth often. Their ships were simple but unique looking. The bottom of the ships were flat which slowed the ships but provided unmatched stability for navigating seas that were not too deep. Their ships could carry more cargoes than anyone in the vacinity of Lerikion so they made excellent traders. Which also made them rather unpleasant to bargain with as not many could get them to lower their prices. But you could find almost anything you want from them except furs. Tascrigians often tried to make Irkhenic people to sell their furs to them instead but Irkhenic people only traded with Lerikans as they did not trust Tascrigians.

Lerikans were master smiths and sculptors. From the mines around Lerikion, they could get the best ores to forge the best weapons and armours. Irkenic people traded large quantity of finest furs for sharpest and hardest weapons and armours while Tascrigians traded for their spices and silks for finest marble sculptures.

Everyone thought the day was going to end with usual rants from grumpy Tascrigians being upset over Irkenic people's refusal to trade with them. But before the sun was down, a group of heavily armed soldiers with the Tascrigican insignia led by a Lerikan soldier rushed to the largest building in Lerikion, the Obsidian Hall. The Obsidian Hall was built based on the local legend regarding the birth of Lerikhir who was said to have emerged from the pitch black darkness to mold men out of nothing to build Lerikion. All the precious black stones Lerikans could find were used to build it and now served as the administrative heart of Lerikion.

When the soldiers reached the Grand Halls, the only room in the building to be built with white marbles, they were greeted by a man whose name became the name of the very land they stood.

"Lerikhir, these men have brought strange news from Tascrig."

The Lerikan soldier who led Tascrigian soldiers stepped aside. One of the Tascrigians stepped forward and took his helmet off.

"Tascrig got split in half just a day ago."

Lerikhir leaned forward.

"Split in half? How did that happen?"

"The ground shook all day. It started weak then by night it shook so violently the ground cracked open and the city got split in half. And then..."

The soldier looked back at his comrades then turned back to meet Lerikhir's eyes.

"We saw a crevasse of endless depth filled with glowing black stones."[Prime Source Found, Tascrig]

"Glowing black stones? I have never heard of such things. How can black stones even glow?"

"The stones glowed like as if they held stars inside them."

"Can something like that really exist? It sounds too unbelievable."

"You know something similar, Lerikhir. The sacred mountain has two glowing red rocks at the top."

"That is true. I had forgotten about the sacred mountain. I wonder if they are related. Let's send some men to check both pla-"

Before Lerikhir could finish his sentence, the ground started to shake. Within half a mintue it became violent enough to terrify everyone in the city. Lerikhir and others quickly rushed outside as soon as they felt the shake. By the time they reached outside the shaking had stopped.

But their hearts which pounded against their chests almost jumped out when they witnessed something that defied everything they knew about the world. The sacred mountain with two red rocks one of his advisers mentioned was flying over Lerikion except it did not look anything like he remembered. Its two red rocks were glowing but it had wings large enough to cover the sky from Lerikhir's sight. People screamed in terror and tried to find a place to dock from debris that fell from the sky as the mountain flew over them. It quickly flew over Lerikion and headed toward the direction of Tascrig.

"What on earth is going on today. First glowing black rocks and now a flying mountain? I must be dreaming..."

Lerikhir mumbled as others panicked around him.

<The Shapers of the First Continent - Chapter 2> By Indirik

That which was Reis wandered the newly created continent of Ardein. It was vast and wide. Reis would need help to explore such a place.

An exercise of will caused that help to exist. It had wings to carry it fast and far. Bright eyes to see all that could be seen. Keen ears, to hear all that could be heard. Piercing claws with which to defend itself, and a sharp beak with which it could capture prey for sustenance. Unto it, Reis bequeathed the name "Shuran". [Create Hero: 1 Prime] Shuran flew far and wide, collecting the knowledge of the lands of Ardein.

Reis and Shuran explored all the lands of Ardein. To the most memorable, Reis bestowed names. In the far southeast was a lofty mountain of sheer cliffs upon which Shuran rested and surveyed the surrounding land. Upon this mighty peak, Reis bestowed the name Shuran's Perch. (Create Mountain: 1 Purity)

From a glacier-fed lake, high in the central mountain range flowed a fast, wild river that cut a chasm deep into the flanks of the mountain. The river Reis name the White Rush for its headlong flight over a riverbed strewn with jagged rocks. (Create River: 1 Purity) The chasm, with walls so high and narrow that light rarely, if ever, touched the bottom, disturbed Reis greatly. It was named the Dark Rift, and shunned by all. (Create Valley/Canyon: 1 Purity; Feature Feared/Shunned: 1 Prime)

When the continued influx of new experiences and new knowledge became too great, Reis retreated into a vast evergreen forest in the north. Reis caused the forest to be covered in a blanket of unending snow so that none would disturb its rest. (Create Forest: 1 Purity) Over time, the unmelting snow would bring the forest the well-earned, if unimaginative, name of the Frozen Pines.

Work in Progress / Re: The Seeker Council: Chapter 1
« on: January 11, 2018, 05:31:29 PM »
If we are just voting between three of us, I am voting yes for this story as well. Don't even need to create a poll I think.

Do you wanna write next Rob? I will write Astalos' arrival from Lerikion after.

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