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Dwilight / Re: Tol Goldora vs Westgard War Name
November 27, 2018, 04:44:00 PM
Quote from: De-Legro on November 26, 2018, 11:00:07 AM
Gold Coast is a major Australian city (in so far as we have cities) so please no.

Alright, so Gold Coast is out.

Other won the vote so a new, and final, poll with the options of:

  • Gold Sea Conflict
  • Gold Sea War
  • War of No Name

Any other suggestions?
Wiki / WRP - Stage 1: The Manual
November 27, 2018, 04:17:58 PM
The Manual will be updated to a simple format: main pages and sub-pages. There will be nine main pages that will act as a general guide to the game. Reading through the main pages should give a more in-depth understanding of the game than a basic guide but generally will not cover every single detail. A main page will focus on one specific area of the game (e.g. Economy or Warfare.) The sub-pages will contain full details on a specific topic of the game (e.g. Units or Classes.) The sub-pages will be linked to from the appropriate main page (e.g. Warfare will contain a link to Units.) This will create a simple hierarchy of information that can be relatively easy to navigate. To further aid navigation a navigation box will be created and added to the main pages and sub-pages. The Manual page will be updated to provide access to the Main Pages and the Sub-Pages along with a set of guides on various topics. All links will be to the location of the most complete information.

After the main changes to the manual are completed, the Help pages will be updated where needed. The final part will be clean-up, which will handle any page that is currently associated with the manual and wasn't touched during the previous stages. It will also handle tasks not done in previous sections (i.e. moving pages, marking for deletion, redirects.)

Note 1: When I say "sub-page" I am not referring to the wiki version of a sub-page. All pages will be main pages in the wiki sense. For instance, the page name will not be Warfare/Unit but just Unit. The decision of what should or shouldn't be a sub-page was based on what would have enough information for a unique page. The question is where to draw the line. My current conception of this is: if a summary, around the size of a paragraph, completely covers a topic then the entire topic should be moved to the main page. Otherwise there should be enough information for the reader to get a good idea of the topic then a link to where the full details are.
Note 2: This outline does not cover single thing to be done but I believe it is a good enough guideline to get started.

Before jumping into the details it is only right for me to list (and thank) those who have helped or help in the future. I will update the list below as people help with this project in various ways.

Those who helped:

  • Vita - provided feedback and information on how things work.
  • Wimpie - provided feedback and information on how things work.
  • Tali - provided feedback and information on how things work.

And others who gave feedback through the discord (I don't remember everyone, sorry.)

Part 1: Update Manual Page and Main Pages

Update Manual to include an introduction and a table of contents. Move the old contents to Manual/Old and provide a link on the Manual page. (Manual/Old will probably be temporary.)
Create and fill the pages: Environment, Character, Menu, Government, Judiciary, Warfare, Economy, Social, and Fantasy.

At the time of posting this, I have updated the Manual Page and created the Main Pages. The table of contents will have links to all topics currently covered in the main pages and their sub-pages. All links on the manual page will be directed to the most complete explanation of the topic. For example, when clicking on the "Roleplay" link in social it will take the user to the Roleplay page and not the Roleplay section on the Social Page.

The main pages currently contain an outline of what each page will cover. During part 1 the main pages will be filled with content where needed. However, the main pages will probably not be complete after part 1. Throughout the rest of the parts, notably part 2, the main pages will be updated where needed. The primary purpose of the current outlines on the main pages are to provide a starting point that can later be updated and improved.

There was some discussion of adding in an Adventurer section ("main page"). I personally think it is redundant and all information should be covered in the other sections. If more people think it should have a "main page" then it can be added. An alternative is linking to adventurer on the manual page under character and under the classes section of both the character and class pages. The adventurer page would give access to all pages needed just like the current main page formats. Only difference is it wouldn't be a "main page" listed on the manual page.

Part 2: Update Sub-pages

Below is a list of the current planned sub-pages and some information on what is to be done on each. All of the pages should be checked for accuracy. The "to-do" list for each page is based off of a quick scan of the pages and is subject to change.

  • Buildings -  Move to here: Demolition Workshop ; Update RC information ; Create Buildings/Old Information with contents of how things worked previously ; add upkeep costs ; remove cost to build for each building [too variable] ; rename buildings header to workshops ; link to the relevant paraphernalia for each building
  • Realm -  Overview of government structure/positions, diplomacy, capital, economy, density
  • Region - cover region types, stats, lordship, estates ; move economy & independence information to stats ;

  • Attributes - Check information in sections: honour & prestige ; reformat skills covering skill name, ways to improve, what it effects, who uses the skill.
  • Class - include information for each class on their skills, requirements, effect on recruitment; remove recruitment limits section.
  • Family - add information on heraldry and fame.
  • Rank -  TBD
  • Creating a Character - Describe the process of creating a character, add screenshots
  • Heraldry - What it is, the editor, add screenshots, possible addition of a link to historical background information.

  • Diplomacy - Move information from Enhanced Diplomacy to here ; cover all information on treaties ; move changing relationships section into relationships section.
  • Government Position - Make summary of page at top ; add requirements to the position ; add information on how to obtain position (what systems have election, appointment) ; information on losing position (inactivity & wounds/prison) ; add in Duke & Lordship
  • Government System - Improve descriptions ; Add special features ; add default position names
  • Election - (Move to Election: Manual/Elections) - add summary
  • Estate - Move hierarchy section to Hierarchy ; add information on statues & monuments
  • Hierarchy - Cover both realm hierarchy and military hierarchy.

Menu Panel:

(Move: Actions to Reputation ; Character Actions to Actions ; Unit Orders to Orders ; Message to Messages.)

Each sub-page, listed below, is should include a screenshot of the menu, break down the page, list all possible options found in the pages, say what they do, note requirements (class, location, hours, etc.)
Command, Information, Messages, Orders, Travel, Religion (menu),  Actions, Politics, Questing, Items

  • Army -  add info on banners, standing orders, formations, military hierarchy ;
  • Battle - merge diplomacy effects into when does battle take place ; screenshot of battle ; break down the layout of battle ;
  • Paraphernalia - Improve summary ; move caravan to a new section for paraphernalia that is no longer in the game.
  • Unit  - Full details on: unit captain, types, stats, recruitment ; summary of unit settings ; add screenshot of unit details
  • Unit Settings - add screenshot of unit settings page
  • Formation - Improve the summary ; 

  • Food - Add the Weather/Season information from Environment ;
  • Taxes - add screenshots of regional and realm wide ; add wealth/property tax information
  • Trade - Cover: market, black market, automatic sale, traders, add screenshots ; short summary of food

  • Ban - expand with OoC info
  • Prison - ways to get into prison, things to do, ways of leaving, things the judge can do

  • Roleplaying - Add in any guides on RP at bottom or appropriate section ; improve page summary
  • Allegiance - tied into Roleplaying
  • Religion - Remove redirect, move Priest Game to Religion ; improve page summary ; put religious order before priests ; add a link to a couple example religion pages ; improve temple table
  • Guild - TBD

  • Zuma Coalition - check for accuracy

  • Wound - cover both wounded characters and wounded troops.
  • Rogue - Full details on rogue units, nobles, regions
  • Emigrate - TBD (likely added to character page)
  • Training - Full details on both character and unit training

Uncovered topics:
A listing of topics that need to be fit in and haven't yet. These will either be added to a main page, a sub-page, or if I have missed something major, become a sub-page.
  • Bulletins

Part 3: Create Navigation Box

This will be a table that will allow access to the main pages and the sub pages of the manual. The table will be placed at the bottom of every main page and sub page. Due to the frequency of use, a template will be created under a yet to be determined name. After it is created then it will be placed onto each of the main pages and sub pages.

(The Navbox is created in a separate part because it is easier to create after all the main/sub-pages are "set" in stone.)

Part 4: Guide Table

There are multiple guides on the wiki and in order to give people easier access to them a table will be added to the manual page. This table will be identical to the table of contents presented in Part 1 but it will not have "main pages". Instead it will have a topic, for instance "military guides" and then a list of any military guides that exist. In order to create this table a catalogue of guides must be collected. The first step will therefor be to collect a list of guides and put them into certain topics. Then a table will be created with this list and added to the manual page. The category of "Guide" will be placed onto these pages.

Current guide list:

Gregor Relak's Collected Essays and Lectures on Leadership and Governance | Unit Roles(?) | New Players Guide | BattleMaster Basics | Mossy Family/Abraham/Mentor Lessons | Petterson Family/Rangonio/Mentorship | Igelfeld Family/Von Igelfeld family Memoirs | Rogala BM Guide |

Part 5: Help Pages

All current help pages will be updated with the new links, checked for accuracy, and improved where needed. The list of help pages can be found through the Category: Help.

Part 6: Clean-up

There will be many pages that have not been touched in parts 1 through 5. These will be listed below. It is possible that there are some "manual" pages not listed below or in the previous parts. Please reply to this post with a page name and it will be added to this list.

To Environment: Time, Hours, Turns, Seasons, Island Descriptions
To Region: City, (all region types), Fortification
To Realm: Capital
To Character: Age, Death
To Attributes: Skill, Honor
To Government: Protest, Secession,  Rebellion
To Diplomacy: Enhanced Diplomacy, Treaty
To Travel: Sea Travel
To Warfare: Takeover, Loot, Looting
To Unit: Unit Captain, Combat Strength,
To Battle: Overkill
To Hierarchy: Command Hierarchy
To Wound: Wound (troop)
To Army: Marshal
To Trade: Black Market,
To Economy: Bank, Silver, Gold, Bonds, Invest
To Judiciary: Torture, Fines, Exile, Deportation, Execution, Execute, Laws, Law
To Social: Bounty, Duel
To Fantasy: Undead, Monster, Wizard, Sage, Magic, Portal, Portal Stone, Diamon

To be redirected to the correct manual page:
Civil work | Court | Entertainment | Hang rebels | Paid work |

Move (tentative move locations):
Trade old to Trade/First System
Old Taxes 2 to Taxes/Second System
Old Tax System to Taxes/First System

Behaviour summary | Estates/Old | FAQ | Government rules | New Economy | Priest Game | Priest Game/Tom's Own Words | Region Command | Serious Medieval Atmosphere| Titans and Magistrates | Unit Naming Guide | New Random Features | Rules and Policies | Name Rules | Hold Court Command | Security | Adventurer Theories | Class/Old Class System | Changing Classes | Rebellion | Reasons for Rebellion | Fortification/Examples | Fortification/Fortification Examples | Rogue | I was just banned | Imperial Region | Scribe Note | New Taxes | The Menu Panel/es | Travel(nl) | Manual(spa) | Creation Screens | Useful Tools

Manual sub-pages:
Manual/Behaviour | Manual/Characters | Manual/Economy | Manual/Elections | Manual/Miscellaneous | Manual/Realms and Regions | Manual/TOC | Manual/War | Manual:Getting Started  | Manual/Old

Introduction sub-pages:
(Checked for accuracy, no plans to add to it.)
Introduction | Introduction/Choosing a realm |  Introduction/Giant Wooden Badger | Introduction/Recruiting | Introduction/Roleplay | Introduction/Scouts | Introduction/Travel | Introduction/Winning

Spanish pages
List to be gathered again, accidentally erased them from this.
Dwilight / Re: Tol Goldora vs Westgard War Name
November 25, 2018, 12:18:31 AM
Quote from: pcw27 on November 24, 2018, 02:32:14 AM
The Gold Sea War

The Gold Sea War or a variant of this could work. "Coast" instead of "Sea" and/or "Conflict" instead of "War".
Dwilight / Tol Goldora vs Westgard War Name
November 23, 2018, 09:08:08 PM
Looking to name the war that has started between Tol Goldora and Westgard. I have made the poll with the two suggestions so far that will last 3 days. Assuming there are going to be new names this is just a preliminary poll to gather potential names. After 3 days if there doesn't seem to be a majority consensus then a new poll, with a longer time, will be made to cover the suggestions.

The Goldoran-Westardian War (or conflict?) is just a name based off the two primary participants. The War of the Proclamation of Tol Goldora is named after the Proclamation of Golden Farrow by Umerith Stromhar of Tol Goldora.

The basic situation, as I understand, is this: Westgard says they have a claim on Golden Farrow, Tol Goldora says no way Jose, Westgard declares war while they have an army in Golden Farrow, Luria Ferrata joins the war on the side of Tol Goldora.

Although the timeline of Dwilight hasn't been updated it is currently Spring of Year 46 and about to be Summer of Year 47.

As for the why of naming the war here is my long term plan. The island pages on the wiki will have a section for wars added. This will contain a list of more neutral pages on the wars. The neutral pages will have a general timeline of events for the war along with a summary of the claims of both sides. The claims of both sides will be accompanied with a link to the more propaganda page that the realms can make. For instance, if Westgard wanted to name this war and present their telling of the war the page would be "Westgard/End of Barbarism" as Chenier is currently calling it. The "/End of Barbarism" page would be anything Westgard wants to say about the war. On the flip-side, Tol Goldora could name the war anything they wanted on a page called Tol Goldora/War_Name.

The purpose of this is to try to add some more flavor to the game. The poll is for the general use name for the war, not the war page of a single realm.
Dwilight / Re: the rise of the cult of Bloodmoon...
November 01, 2018, 03:20:37 AM
Interesting. I've been working on building a character, well more like family, out of a variant of the Bloodmoon Fruit and the cult. Without "spoiling" the entire backstory I have planned: it involves a character of my previous family, Perotin, planting this variant of the fruit in different places. One of those places is Mt. Black Nastrond which is close to your character from my understanding. Which brings me to the point of my reply, if you want a place to find the Bloodmoon fruit and haven't already created a story/location, then feel free to loosely connect our two story-lines in this way. It would not be illogical for Perotin to have brought the normal Bloodmoon fruit with him and possibly planted it.
A reworking of the realmbox template could fix this issue. (Conditional based upon the external value return or through the property "part of..." that is used for regions.)
Wiki / Re: The Wiki Reformation Project
October 22, 2018, 06:34:27 PM
I certainly did forget about family pages, thanks for the reminder. Something with family pages will have to be done in the community portal which is a long way off at the moment. Can do something like "recently updated family pages" which will have say, the ten most recently updated family pages. It is an imperfect solution but that will for the most part keep active players on there. Throw that along with some type of category of "good" family pages voted on here on the forum maybe.
Wiki / Re: The Wiki Reformation Project
October 19, 2018, 09:10:09 PM
Small Update (added as a reply instead of edit to make it more noticeable):

The outline of the manual is still being made. I'm going to go in more detail than originally planned so it may take another week. When finished with the outline many of the changes will be ready to implement right away. Right now it looks like Stage 1 will have about 3 parts. Part 1 will be creation and organization of a "Guide" which will help newer players navigate through the manual. Part 2 will be an organization of all "manual" pages in a table or different format. Part 3 will be clean up of all other pages. Part 1 will be ready to implement as soon as the outline is done. It is possible that part 2 will be ready as well. The only thing that is guaranteed to not be ready is Part 3.
Wiki / The Wiki Reformation Project
October 13, 2018, 02:11:15 AM
The Wiki Reformation Project (WRP) is what I am calling my attempt at improving the wiki. I've previously made some changes to the wiki in order to improve it but I think they were ill-conceived. The results aren't bad but the methodology could be better. In order to avoid this I want to work on an outline of the changes first. This will help prevent mistakes that will then need to be undone. The best way, in my opinion, to do this is to have an outline of the entire picture and then get into the finer details. I've divided the wiki into three main sections: the manual, the individual island pages, and the community portal. The manual functions as a hub for raw information about the game mechanics. The island pages function as a hub for all  information relating to just that island, and the community portal which is a hub for only recent information of the islands (with "see also" access to older info) or the more universal aspects (game updates, records, family pages, etc.)

At the moment, I've been going solo on this project and the previous changes. While I do not mind going alone I figure it is best to be transparent. Transparency helps prevent confusion and enables support (directly, through joining in and helping edit the pages; and indirectly, by giving feedback/discussion.)

With the wiki divided into three main sections it only makes sense for the WRP to then be divided into three main stages.

Stage 1: The Manual. The manual is the first thing you see on the main page of the wiki and needs to be updated. So it only makes sense to start here. The Manual Page will simply be a table of contents that links to various articles with the technical information. Above the table of contents will be a link to the "Basics" page for the impatient. Once the table is made the pages added to it will be checked for accuracy or created. It is possible that some, or all, of the pages will be checked/created as the table is being made. Below the table will be a section of unused pages that already exist in the manual. After the table and all of the pages in it have been checked then the unused pages will be sorted into parts of the used pages or into an archive/other section on the Manual Page.

Stage 2: The Islands - The island pages will remain mostly the same and feature several main sections: realms, newspapers, religions, guilds, items(?), history, and roleplays(?). Region pages will be adjusted when needed as well and perhaps have a section on the main island page. Appropriate categories, concepts, and properties will be laid out before creating what is needed and applying the changes to the wiki.

Stage 3: Community Portal - Will utilize the categories, concepts, and properties from Stage 2 in order to organize current content into a single place.

These are vague outlines and a more specific outline will be made when that stage is reached. More stages may be made but these three should cover almost everything. Stage 2 is going to be the largest of the bunch and will need to be separated into different parts. For instance, Stage 2 Part 1 - Realms. An outline would be made for what to do with realm pages and then it would be implemented.

That's all I have for the general outline of the WRP. I have made a decent portion of the Stage 1 outline and will post it when I am done. Hopefully I will finish it tonight but it might be a couple days.