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Messages - Andrew

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Helpline / Re: Faulty Battle Allegiances
« on: July 13, 2018, 04:06:34 PM »
Step #3 doesn't explain two battles in Nascot where in one, Perdan and Perleone (allies) fought alongside monsters against Highmarch, and another where Perdan just watched as monsters fought against Highmarch.

Highmarch was peasants. Perdan and Perleone are allies, Perleone is at Neutral with Highmarch, and I think Perdan is at Neutral too. Perleone was looting the region and probably had attack orders.

For your situations here, I'd need to know who was already present, who was showing up that turn, and what the battle report said for who took control of the battlefield, to exactly why it happened and/or fix my list of steps.

If I had to guess though, in your Perdan, Perleone, and Monsters vs Highmarch, Highmarch was the defender.

Step ??: Highmarch is assigned Defender A.
Step 12: No Change.
Step 13: Monsters attack because they're at war with EVERYONE.
Step 14: No change.
Step 15: Perleone with attack orders violates their neutrality and joins the assault.
Step 16: No change.
Step 17: No change.
Step 18: Perdan, allied with Perleone, joins their allies assault against Highmarch.

Neutral is not Peace. If Perdan and Highmarch had peace, Perleone would've assaulted alone. 

You can only end up fighting with monsters as your ally if they are NOT the defender, as every realm would see them as the enemy in step 13. Since Highmarch was defending, this made the monsters attackers. Perleone joined due to unit settings, and Perdan followed their ally.

As for Perdan watching monsters and Highmarch fight, it's Perdan's neutrality. In this case I'd have to assume that Monsters were attacking, and Highmarch was defending. Perdan didn't join the defense, because they were neutral with the defenders--in other words, as far as the game could tell, it wasn't Perdan's fight, just Highmarch's.

Helpline / Re: Faulty Battle Allegiances
« on: July 13, 2018, 03:36:30 PM »
Sorry, Vita pointed out something I missed. Step 3 only factors in when only rogues are present. For the rest of it, rogues themselves count as a realm.

I've updated Step 3 and will update it again to explain how rogues work in regards to this.

Helpline / Re: Faulty Battle Allegiances
« on: July 13, 2018, 02:54:12 PM »
Alright, since I was kind of working on modernizing the combat code anyways, I sat down and took a look. This is exactly how the game figures out who is on what side of a battle, and any later step includes all factoring from earlier steps (1 comes before 2, 9 comes after 1-8, etc.), taking into account ~260 lines of code. For the purposes of rogue forces, those without realms, they are treated as their own realm, rather than being realm-less. The process for regular battles (not rebellion related):
  • Determines Region ownership.
  • Ignores any Units that have no combat capable men and declares those units 'Neutral'
  • Figures out whether any Units set to 'Evade' do so or not. If they do, they are declared 'Neutral'. If not, they're left in the calculation.
  • Figures out what Realms still have forces left.
  • If only a single realm is present (rogue forces, in this case), it looks for any non-human (Monsters, Undead, or Daimons), and assigns all human forces to attack them. The already present larger force controls the battlefield. If no force was already present, non-humans control the battlefield.
  • If no non-humans, looks for any ongoing TakeOver. TakeOver forces controls defenses.
  • If no TakeOver running, looks for any Realm allied or federated with the region owner that are already present or dug-in and are not peasants. These realms control the battlefield.
  • If no allied or federated realms of region owner, looks to see if only peasants of the owning realm or allies are already present. If only peasants of owning or allied realms are present, they take control of the battlefield.
  • If no allied or federated realms are present whatsoever, looks to see who else was already present in the region. If someone was already present (that is, someone who didn't arrive to the region this turn), the realm with the largest strength controls the battlefield.
  • If no realm was already here, the realm arriving with the strongest army controls the battlefield.
  • By this point, the battlefield controller (henceforth: Defender A) should be determined. If not, no battle happens.
  • All remaining realms (those not assigned a role in battle yet) in a federation with Defender A are Defenders.
  • All remaining realms at War or Hatred with ALL Defenders (A and Confederates) are determined to be Attackers.
  • All remaining realms at War/Hatred with some Defenders (A and Confederates) and Allied with other Defenders (A and Confederates) remain neutral, and the game questions what their ruler was thinking.
  • Units not assigned a role with Murderous settings not Allied to any Defenders (A and Confederates) ignore Peace and are determined to be Attackers.
  • If for some reason no attackers have been determined (that is, no non-Defenders/non-Neutral realms present), no battle happens.
  • All remaining realms in a federation with Attackers are determined to be Attackers.
  • All remaining realms allied to an Attacker and NOT allied or peace with any Defender are determined to be Attackers.
  • All remaining realms allied to a Defender and NOT allied or Peace with an Attacker are determined to be Defenders.
  • All remaining realms that are both allied/peace with any Defender AND allied/peace with any Attacker are determined to be Neutral.
  • All remaining realms "don't know what to do" and are determined to be Neutral.
Shorter version:
  • Units not combat capable are ignored.
  • Units that are Evading attempt to do so, and are ignored if they do.
  • Monsters, Undead, and Daimons will always be the opponent for humans when only rogues are present. If more than a single realm is present, this is skipped. Larger present force controls battlefield. If all forces just arrived, larger force controls battlefield.
  • No non-humans? Any Realm running a takeover controls battlefield.
  • No TakeOver? Owern, Allies, and Federation partners of region owner control battlefield if present, even if just with Peasants.
  • Still no defender? Whoever was already present with the largest force controls the battlefield.
  • Still no one? Realm arriving with the strongest force controls battle.
  • If we have a defender, figure out attackers. If not, no battle.
So, what does this mean:
  • Step 1: Highmarch owns region.
  • Steps 2-6: Not noteworthy, as Highmarch, the owner, has no already present forces.
  • Step 7: Redhaven takes up defense of region as the only already present force. Forces arriving this turn do not count, only those previously present.
  • Steps 8-12: We already have a defender.
  • Step 13: Vix Tiramora is determined to be an attacker.
  • Steps 14-18: No change.
  • Step 19: No change. As Highmarch is not allied to Redhaven, they do not join the Defense.
  • Step 20: No change.
  • Step 21: Highmarch, having not yet found a role, is assigned Neutral.
I suspect this was setup the way it was, so if you and an enemy are traveling through a third, neutral country, you don't just start murdering each other in their capital, as said third country would safely be assumed to have some token militia force in their regions that'd grant them battlefield control and stop the other two from being fighting as they'd not be assigned as attackers.

Feature Requests / Re: Declare Support
« on: June 26, 2018, 03:38:21 PM »

Does support matter when there is no opposition though? Or are you looking to make it more rewarding to hold government positions by allowing support to give honor/prestige?

It'd not be hard to make it so that protests and supports are tracked by position on a table, then after a public protest is declared, only make it have penalties if not enough people declare support in a day or two or three or something.

I'm kind of leery of anything that can become "set and forget", even if you have to reset it every few months--then you just have people complaining about the timeline and when they set it and how it didn't count when they thought it should of.

If it's going to be directly countering protests, you may want to consider also how many people are in a realm that can support or protest. If 3 people protest and 3 people support, the situation is different in realms of 6, 15, 25, and so on.

Feature Requests / Re: Declare Support
« on: June 25, 2018, 04:04:15 PM »
I like this idea, too.

As far as I am aware, this is in VBA script.

While yes, I could just host the script, I was thinking of something like a text box you put a battle report in, press submit, and get it reformatted for forum or wiki or whatever. All I'd really need is code that can parse a text input and generate a text output. I can build the form and everything else myself.

Gabanus, any chance of you doing this in something I can host on a website, in PHP perhaps?

Legends / Re: Feedback and Discussion
« on: June 01, 2018, 05:15:28 AM »
I've discovered that they basically !@#$ed my preferred framework (symfony). I'm toying around with Laravel now, but right now I'm not really sure if I'll do any web development in the future.

May I asked how they destroyed it so badly?

Other Games / Re: Older Game, Text Based
« on: April 20, 2018, 08:40:07 AM »
Something like this I think would be relatively simple and easy to make into a small browser game. If you have any other details, let me know.

I've been looking for a small project to poke at before I start making my own, much bigger and more complex game.

Development / Re: Treat really old accounts with care
« on: April 06, 2018, 05:13:29 PM »
Still don't see why there's a timelimit on it. You're talking about like, a few megabytes of space, ever.

Development / Re: A Legacy of Descriptions?
« on: April 06, 2018, 05:12:18 PM »
If anyone was curious, this got a go ahead from Anaris on how he'd like it implemented and I've already completed the harder parts of the code in what needs to be done. As for what ends up with such descriptions, that'll be up to Anaris, but it's pretty easy to expand on, given the examples I've provided in the code for how it works.

Right now, Region Descriptions, Character Descriptions, and User Texts will use this for storing their input, once implemented.

BM General Discussion / Re: A Publicity Idea
« on: March 03, 2018, 09:53:14 AM »
Legally, Tom is the owner of BM. I doubt he'd mind, but you should still get a go-ahead from him.

I've shot him a message on facebook, with a link to this topic.

Development / Re: HTTPS security standard
« on: February 16, 2018, 09:54:02 AM »
You're talking about this: right?

It's not like they're warning people against it, just making it more obvious that it's a non-secure connection.

Legends / Re: Feedback and Discussion
« on: January 28, 2018, 03:11:26 PM »
For those that live on Discord, I've got a webhook setup to stalk this forum (and it's children, though if we add more it'll need updating).

Legends / Re: Feedback and Discussion
« on: January 26, 2018, 04:56:32 PM »
Some more food for your thoughts:

I'm going to write the initial client as a webclient, because I have all the technology and experience required for it. And with recent advances, it can do all that is needed. Most importantly, it can correctly display an entire globe, check here: (might have to zoom out to see it...)

Maybe in the future, if the game is successful, there will be a 3D standalone client, which would give me so many more opportunities for bringing the world alive.

If it's in PHP and you want some help or sanity checks, let me know. I get tired of staring at M&F code sometimes (which is why I've been quiet here of late--I've been focused on M&F's next update), and sometimes just getting a second set of eyes on something is handy.

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