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Messages - Ehndras

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Helpline / Re: RESOLVED: Emigrated an adv. to bring another into EC
« on: January 01, 2016, 09:26:00 AM »

The irony! I landed in Eponllyn and, due to game mechanics, am a "citizen" of Epon. I was just put in jail as soon as I crossed into Vix Tiramora, heading south to Xavax.

Just my god damn luck that my best and oldest character would get thrown in jail for no reason.

Well done! *claps!*

You are now on board a ship to East Continent. It will take you a few turns to reach it. Once you arrive there, you will have an opportunity to choose the realm you want to join.

I don't know enough to do so, or I would. I only dabble here and there - most of my knowledge comes from being close friends with numerous professional programmers, plus my father was a software engineer back in the 90s. Once I'm back on my feet financially after losing my job, I plan to dedicate time to re-learning what I've forgotten over the years, and learning some new tricks. :) At that point, I'd be happy to help.

WOOOO- wait.


"You already have the maximum allowed number of characters in East Continent"

So East Continent shows up now. But it says I'm not allowed to have another character there now. Bah! I sold my Ducal Ring of Atamara for nothing. :(

Heh, nice! So, if you don't mind me asking, what was the issue? Technical coding speech doesn't bother me so don't be afraid to confound. :)

Yeah, just kill the recomendations if you can. :) I don't intend him to be a noble, not yet anyway, I just like him and he's the more interesting and experienced of my advices. Hell, he has more honor and prestige than all my nobles. :P

East Island / Re: Kingdom of Alara
« on: December 30, 2015, 09:47:48 AM »
Soon? Said December... :)

Nope :(

East Continent - You already have the maximum allowed nobles there.

I have a single noble, and my advie Arhlix is now killing undead in the Colonies. :)

Still not letting me emigrate. :|

Never got an error, actually. It just lagged on the immigration, and now it says

"East Continent - You already have the maximum allowed nobles there."

...Which is quite obviously no longer true, as my advie is already in a new realm in the Colonies.

Perhaps its remnant code not catching up? Something making the game believe a relic of Arhlix stayed behind, thus "Occupying" the adventurer slot until it is somehow wiped?

Or am I just an idiot and some new rule or mechanic means I just screwed myself out of having an adventurer in EC?

Beluaterra / Re: Riombara: Schoolyard bullies and tyrants beware!
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:47:40 AM »
My following message, when a certain noble, a candidate for rulership, asked what can be done to put salve upon the ills of the spirit of Riombara...

Indeed - there may be a few rotten fruit in the batch, but the realm must be made to listen and respect - in one manner or another. Any and every tactic must be employed to bring ORDER to this chaos.

I cannot possibly specify the particular path you each must walk - I am but one woman, and flawed in her own regard.

That is something each of you must look for within thyselves.

Start by asking, "What have I done wrong recently that I could have executed better? How can I prevent the same or similar mistake from occurring again?"

Question your own reasoning. Your own motives. Your own passions. Your own perspective.

Break yourself down to your base essence and detach from it, attempt to see it through the eyes of an outsider, and you will see the ill in what has been done.

Not a single one of us are perfect, not by a longshot, but there is always room for improvement...

So long as one is willing to accept their imperfection, to accept "defeat." and view it not as a loss but a veritable conquest of wisdom and experience.

Every loss is a lesson, every enemy a teacher. Yet in the end, we are our greatest enemies. It is we who get in the way of our own progress.

It is so easy to continue along the beaten path, echoing the cycles we know to be true, that we know work - slightly, in their own broken way, but they're comfortable. Useful. Easy.

To break free from the comfort of old behavioral patterns is the most difficult conquest of self, but it is one that shall reward you for the rest of your life.

I think we should challenge our realm's citizens to each speak out: not of others, but themselves.

Tell us where you feel you have failed. Upon which paths you have faltered. Where it all went wrong.

It is a liberating experience, though one we do begrudgingly. The simple, humble action of collectively revealing our flaws, which are quite obviously already apparent to everyone else but ourselves, is a very important step to the healing of a broken home. A broken family. A broken marriage. A broken workplace. A broken kingdom. A broken people.

If we can stop hating others for being imperfect for a single moment, we'll realize we in fact hate ourselves for our own mistakes. Anger is an emotional relic, born of suffering, which manifests when one feels anxious or afraid - helpless to modify the circumstances that curb one's ability to survive and succeed, whether material or merely perceived.

Forgiveness is what Riombara requires to heal. Forgiveness is what she asks of us.

Beluaterra / Re: Riombara: Schoolyard bullies and tyrants beware!
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:30:11 AM »
I love Khets'aein like my own sister - as she is literally the RP embodiment of my adoptive sister - a massive bitch who gained the respect of a General of the US Army by bitching out her superiors in so expert and wise a manner that they had no choice but to fall in line. When she was in service, and was deployed to Kandahar, she was a nobody - but everyone respected her and what she had to say, because when she actually spoke up and shared her thoughts, you'd better damn-well know that she has some knowledge and wisdom to bitch-slap you with. She's a hard-working, diligent, stubborn soul who ran the entire army circuit (whatever you guys call those big obstacle courses with the mud and the climbing and carrying guys on your back and the rope-climbing and the walls all while running in the rain in a forest in the ass end of nowhere and all that good stuff) with a leg shattered in three places, overweight, and being a short woman, yet still finished faster than a number of others in far, far superior physical condition. Proving its not body that controls the mind, but the mind that commands the body.

My cousin-in-fact, adoptive sister and briefly my adoptive mother (big age difference, its a long story, my family is messed up), sister-in-spirit, has a heart of gold. She can be the coldest, most ruthless bitch on planet earth, but if you earn her respect and love, she will elevate you to the very heavens. A kind-hearted dragon you'd best not bother on the wrong day, lest she burn you to cinders.

Thanks for the inspiration, guys. :) I think I just found the main character for my next novel, or at least short story.

Helpline / RESOLVED: Emigrated an adv. to bring another into EC
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:15:23 AM »
So I moved Arhlix to Colonies so I can bring my oldest advie, Johaan Thorbrandr, to EC, as he found the "Ducal Band of Atamara," a relic that made him want to join the Atamaran refugees in EC and aid them in their reconquest of destiny.

I was perfectly fine with an advie and noble there, and now the game says I can't emigrate my advie to EC.

What the hell? I even waited as the damn ticker said "You will arrive next turn" for far more than ONE turn, only to be denied?

What gives?

Beluaterra / Riombara: Schoolyard bullies and tyrants beware!
« on: December 30, 2015, 07:08:13 AM »
...In the wake of mind-numbing arguments and a near-infinite cascade of some of the !@#$tiest behavior I have EVER witnessed in the political scene, echoing the utterly disgraceful ignorance and loathing displayed in the American Republican pre-elections, and you all know exactly what I'm talking about, Mr. Trump - and his douchebag opponents too - I channeled the personality of my lvoely Khets'aein and spoke exactly what she would wish to say upon witnessing the absolutely horrendous atmosphere currently at play in Riombara.

I LOVED Riombara on my old character, years ago before I quit. I brought Khets'aein there expecting the amazing realm I left when I was hospitalized for months, only to find a completely ridiculous and utterly disgraceful mass-hysteria at play, wreaking havoc as the hordes murder by the hundreds.

Sorry if I offended, but it HAD to be said. If you all want to COMPLETELY destroy Riombara, the bravo - job well done. If your ambition is ANYTHING else, sorry to say, but you're DOING IT AAAAAAAAAAAALL WRONG.

I have led HUNDREDS of realms, alliances, clans, empires, guilds, coalitions, federations, what have you, in thousands of games over the last two decades. What I'm seeing in Riombara today is not the worst, but on the path to it. If you folks don't get your !@#$ straight both IC and OOC, Riombara will be naught but a baked carcass, pecked upon by carrion as the sun cooks the maggots stirring in her once-supple flesh. A feast for the dead and dying.

I had to split it into multiple messages. I've posted it here as a single message for the sake of sanity and cohesion.

Enjoy it, hate it, complain, report me, do what you wish: but all that I said was done in-character, from precisely the perspective of my character, and quite honestly, they're her words - not mine. I was planning to have her be a rebellious assassin but, like with all my characters, she simply took on a life of her own.

Behold: Khets'aein Abheroth Aurea, the out-spoken bitch who you can always trust to speak her honest mind.

Request from Khets'aeïn Äbheroth Aurea   (just sent)
message to all nobles of Riombara

Each and every one of you, this bickering must end or it will destroy Riombara.

Hear me and listen to the perspective of a neutral party.

Of the 27 noble dynasties in Riombara, only a select few - perhaps a dozen to a dozen-and-half - are capable of running for Ruler. Of those 10-15, many are content with the responsibilities entrusted to them and have no desire to rule. Of those who would like to rule for the good of the realm, a number dislike the increased responsibility and constant threat of outright hostility they've seen the prior ruler face on a regular basis. Of those unafraid, some may feel they lack the time, experience, or wisdom to lead. Those that feel they can handle it, are then cut down even further by myriad ambitions, desires, internal issues, faithful conviction, or their preference for a different title they'd much rather hold.

This leaves a very small, very particular niche of individuals as our likely pool for ruler election.

Each and every one of these individuals has seen the hounding of our former ruler and internalized it - mulling it over as one savors fine wine, or spits up the piss-poor moonshine of peasant stock. They have seen how necessary it is to defend one's self, and how the lowly tactic of slandering ones rivals is commonplace in modern-day Riombara. They see how the weak are hounded, the strong are attacked, and a stalwart defense is necessary to survive.

Frankly, what the hell do you expect when you create a hostile environment? For our future rulers to be silent in the face of conflict? To not speak out and voice their views in precisely the manner their own countrymen have seen fit to do?  If you sit idly in silence, a louder opponent will steal your votes. If you show force, chances are SOMEONE will respect you. If you fail to defend yourself, your rivals decry your lack of self-defense as a sign of weakness and inability to rule. Faction after faction jumps up for their thirty seconds of fame, for their chance to he the voice of reason or antagonize and put to light the perceived weakness of an adversary.

In the current political atmosphere, it is impossible to choose a ruler in truth. We are all jaded individuals with our own flaws, dreams, ambitions, fears, worries, and issues - but when we stop working toward progress, we open the floodgates of internal strife and decadence.

I'm pretty damn sure that if a judge put their foot down and declared insults and slander would result in disqualification from referendum, this childish death-cycle would come screeching to a halt. Then, of course, the more forceful arbiters of such aggression, already rooted in their ways by the very defensive nature of Man, would throw a fit... They'd then face a choice - shut their bloody mouths and act like civilized, adult, human NOBLES, or continue acting like a bunch of bickering peasant children beating each other with sticks over who gets to lead the next imaginary adventure.

Look at yourselves. Are you proud of what you see? Are the perceived differences in your political rivals worth lowering yourselves to such a level of indecency and disgrace? Have you no gods-damned SHAME!?

With every attack and smart-ass comment, bout of sarcasm, and self-righteous declaration, you belittle yourselves as nobility and RIOMBARA as a respectable nation.

Oh, how our enemies would LAUGH if they knew how the Riombaran creed has come crashing down!

As a child, I was told grand stories of the greatness of Riombara. Of its strength and virtue in the face of adversity. Its conviction, its determination, its ability to reshape itself and secure survival and stability for its people. I was tucked into bed to the sound of Riombaran war stories and heroic bellowings, of the tact and grace of a realm most honorable. As an adult, I studied its history and legacy, met the expatriate sons and daughters of its glorious dynasties, and saw - time after time - the beauty and splendor of Riombara would one day stand before me and I as its humble daughter.

What the HELL happened?

Its not about Duke versus Duke, its not about our former ruler, its not about gold, its not about power: its this cutthroat insanity, a burden of incessant anxiety you lot have placed upon yourselves. It is a CANCER that eats away the very foundation of Riombaran society, that threatens to topple something FAR greater men built with dignity, respect, diligence, virtue, blood, sweat, tears, and their very SOULS! In your self-righteous strife, in the self-serving decrepitude of your unwavering onslaught of insults resplendent, and the inordinate, wholesale inability for two people to sit down like grown adults and work out their differences without death threats and belittlement, you have SPAT upon the memory of Riombara. PISSED upon the sacred soils of its sovereignty. BURNED the glorious tapestry of beautiful history it once beheld. BURIED its sense of dignity and virtuousness in a grave of bile and hate.

Rulership be DAMNED! Unless you lot can pick up your britches and act like grown men, it doesn't matter who "gets the fancy title" and earns bragging rights. In your ignorant lack of civility, honor, and humility, you will continue to doom the nation by perpetuating the stagnant death-cycle of incessant argument and finger-pointing all the same. Shove your inflated egos back down your  bloated throats and GROW UP!


Not a SINGLE one of you, both the dukes AND those speaking out against them, are worthy of being honored citizens of Riombara.

Secession? Tyranny! Death threats! What are we, a bunch of god-damned BARBARIANS!?

You're like a bunch of school children who pull down each others pants for the glory of a quick laugh, not realizing - in the end- every single one of you look like idiots with your bare-asses exposed for all the world to see. You've made a mockery of everything that makes Riombara a place worth caring for.

If you refuse to hear it from your own countrymen due to whatever inane reasoning you summon up to glorify and justify your lack of decency, respect, and common courtesy, at least have the good grace to hear it from a complete stranger - more so, one who loves what Riombara ONCE WAS.

You have made a mockery of this beautiful nation, and were it not for the path I chose to walk, I'd run for election my damn self!

I see two choices here: either we disqualify all the dukes and let the remnants run, which really cuts the potential ruler pool down to a pitiful puddle, or you lot back down, swallow your tongues, deflate your egos, get off your high horses, stop trying to show off your fancy titles and tell us all about all the awesome things you claim you have or will do, stop trying to belittle your fellow COUNTRYMEN to a degree far worse than you'd do to actual ENEMIES of Riombara, put away your weapons, open your eyes, recall those virtuous faiths some of you supposedly take part in, pull up your big-boy pants and ACT LIKE GROWN MEN!

You're NOBLES, born of generations of diligent service, honorable fealty, heroic duty, faithful conviction, and reverence to national identity and the cultures that birthed you.

Stop disgracing your noble roots and spitting upon the graves of the cascade of better men who died to make YOUR LIFE POSSIBLE!

You think THIS is bad? You're welcome to pack your things and travel to a country of your choosing. I'd love to see how much your cry for the glory of Riombara then.

HOW am I to trust you to stand beside me in combat when I know the infantry line is split between 5 factions that would sooner kill EACH OTHER than the enemy who marches upon your shores and lays waste to everything we hold dear? How am I serve honorably if I fear an arrow or dagger in my back? How am I to trust YOU to rule and show grace and decency and good sense when you can't even keep your god damn mouth shut with dignity and a little self-respect?

You are the CANCER that weakens Riombara... But the path to redemption lies in forgiveness. In brotherhood. In agreeing to disagree.

Each and every one of us holds an opinion - born of our differing lives, divergent dynasties, conflicting passions, long-held dreams, fleeting ambitions, zealous conviction, a sense of righteous duty, a belief in undying loyalty. I understand that. I respect that.

What I, and quite obviously your fellow countrymen cannot respect is this absolutely horrendous cycle of he-said-she-said, of finger-pointing and blame-spouting and belittlement that DISGRACES every single citizen of Riombara with every spittle-flecked word forged in anger, fear, and misplaced aggression.

I speak to you now as a stranger. A neutral party. A newly-migrated Riombara expatriate. A lover of thy culture.

Lay down your arms. Put aside your anger. Recall what made you once love Riombara - the things that brought you happiness and tranquility, before this chaos did erupt and drag every single one of us kicking and screaming down to the most base level of inhuman barbarism born of strife.

You are the blood of Riombara. A million men lived and died to give you thy homes. Thy banners. Thy shields. Thy fiields. Thy dynasties. Thy very names.

Look upon yourselves. Do you see what you've become? Mere shadows of the men you were before. Enveloped by anger and greed, fear and ego, each of you desperately hoping the shape the future of Riombara yet seemingly helpless to shape your own reality first.

If you cannot get a grip on your own affairs, what right have you to lead a realm? Who are YOU to tell us how best to live our lives? How can you dare CONSIDER guiding a nation when you can't even begin to bridge the gap between its peoples? To mend aching old wounds? To stand up for what is right, no matter what the personal cost?

Remember what Riombara once stood for? That memory should be of a time less organized, less glorious, less mighty, less wondrous, less important than the present day. If you look back and thirst for what was, then quite obviously things took a turn for the worst at some point and, in your blindness, each and every one of you failed to see the truth of the matter.

These wounds must be healed. The bickering must be put to an end. This chaos shall end, or the thrice-damned sea-risen undead hordes will rightfully drag us back unto their deathly tombs, laughing as we sowed the seeds of our mutual annihilation.

Please. I will ask you this but once...

Just stop and listen. Riombara cries out in agony - she weeps as her children claw at each others' throats.

This madness must end if Riombara is to survive.

Just stop.

Khets'aeïn Äbheroth Aurea
Viscountess of Nemeno

Newbie Board / Re: Nationless Mercenary group?
« on: December 30, 2015, 04:50:27 AM »
You know, the center of western Dwilight would be great for that as well.

Just reclaim it from monsters and do it. :) Hell, players from different realms can leave their lands and head west as one, doesn't just have to be migrants alone.

"Rumor has spread of a colossal endeavor: the birthing pangs of a mercenary realm, yearning for something new with which to change the scope of continental politics, dreaming of a western realm. Peasants, adventurers, and even nobles - of various realms across the world - have begun preparations for a grand exodus of incredible proportions. All of them thirsting for the exciting life of a blade-for-hire!"

General Talk / Re: How old are you?
« on: December 30, 2015, 04:42:33 AM »
Late to the party?

Edit: Woops! Went off on a tangent. Damn you, wonderful ADHD/OCD/Crazy, I love you! I'm Dutch(slightly-German)-Brazilian, born and raised American. I've spent half my life in Brazil, I've been wealthy and I've lived in the ghetto or been homeless at the worst points, I've traveled quite a bit and come to see some truly amazing things, places, and people. The world is a beautiful, incredible, special place - if you only know where and when to look. :)

I've been gaming since I was 8 years old. Used to have to lie and pretend I'm anywhere between 20 to 33. I made the mistake of informing a guild of hundreds that swore by me like Jesus on the cross, so to speak, and it all came crashing down the day I stupidly admitted I was a 10 year old. I did that a few times, always hoping people would grow the hell up and just accept that a kid can somehow effectively run a large group of adult players - but no. Didn't happen. Thankfully I had a few folks, typically young-20's, teens, and ironically late 40's-60s players that accepted me. Its the late 20s to late 30s crowd, and some early 40s, who were usually the torchlight of ignorance en masse.

Thankfully I'm now 23, turning 24 on Feb. 13th of 2016, and a grown-ass man with beard, car, (ex-)wife and all. Joy.

Ah, the good ol' days. I secretly loved having people try to guess my age. Funny enough, it meant so much to me and I was so "worldly" that people often thought I was in my 30s or late 20's. Nowadays I give such little a !@#$ about people's opinions that I can act like a teenage dickbag while discussing complex scientific concepts, absolutely confusing the bloody hell out of anyone watching. Its funny how some people are kids to the end then finally man up, while others are old-souled and become veritable children as they "mature." Fun, fun, fun!

To the 13 year old Malaysian - I respect you, who you are, and what you do. Forget what the ignorant may claim - you are a special breed and its people like you who grow up and accomplish great things in the world.

If it weren't for my social experiences in gaming and leading, I'd likely never have become a poet, musician, freelance writer, award-winning debater, editor of a literary magazine, narrator, public speaker, businessman, business manager with a special gift for human resources, a volunteer counselor for victims of childhood and sexual abuse, and more. I don't say this to brag - because I kind of suck at all of the above, but I give it the best I can. If it weren't for games like these, I'd NEVER have the experience, wisdom, and sheer BALLS to try it all, if any.

Running guilds as a kid taught me to lead, follow, and care about the group, rather than myself. I learned that a well-oiled social structure functions like a perfect machine - and that its a leader's job to take care of the most ignored yet vital aspect: the emotional well-being and enjoyment of its members. If you don't keep the players happy, they walk away... Or worse, they defect. Rebel. Spy. Disorganize. Lash out in some shape or form, all due to the fact that they come to the game to be entertained and release stress, yet the damn game is giving more stress than it relieves. If you seem to be running on a stress deficit, the whole ship will go down 'a flaming.

Such is the way of life. Funny, to this day I have massive arguments with people who say videogames are garbage and a waste of time. I talk them into considering certain perspectives, then show them my scifi novel work, communities like Bay12, and especially my writing I've done as a roleplayer over the years, and people go "Wow I thought it was all grand theft auto and call of duty. I had no idea there were games like this!"

The Alpha and Omega lesson: judge not, lest ye experience by the virtue and blood of thy very hands.

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